radio online

I have been trying to set a simple radio online with shoutcast and winamp and i fail .I dont know what is the problem,if any1 who has or can use teamviewer is able to check my settings i would be very gratefoul.Thanks
Yo mate, im not able to check it right now...but when i will able to come back to pc we can try to set it up and check what the problem is....or trying to using another software instead of sboutcast
ok nocs mate i m on irc /q me pls as soon as possible.cheers
Parent injured so if u found another way meanwhile, feel free to follow it ...later i will send you smth if i found it on the web:/
why do u want to set up a simple radio
cause i wanna broadcast some shit music
never had a problem setting up a shoutcast server ect, I take it you have through this - - and have every thing necessary ?
baz i have winamp and the shoutcast thing i tried after 3 you tube tutorials and some forums i read english/romanian ,smt is not right,u can imagine i write this journal after 2 days of trying.if u can actually help be so nice and i give u teamviewer id ,u enter my pc and see wtf is wrong
serious journal with a question to be answered, no bullshit about other users being bunch of idiots - I approve this journal, keep it up!
Now we need to find someone who cares about this approval.
Im sure many do as I present the opinion of many CF users, might even call myself somekind of opinion leader.
Now we need to find someone who cares about your bodybuilding shit.

u talkin to yourself and at the end to be certain that your mentally insanity is actually pure sanity u say owned.ask yourself who do u own?i have doubts u even own yourself .

i will keep u posted when i manage to set up the radio and i might actually post some music into your health
I see. Do you really think some people would form opinions based on what you think?
Im saying people are atleast interested in stuff I write. that's mostly because Im one of the funnier people here + I dont have any problems flaming retards, many go along with my opinions. forming an opinion based on what someone says at the internet would be quite extreme, I dont think Ive reached such influence on CF users. not yet anyway.
To back up that self-proclaiming, how do you know people think you are funny or interesting?
well, comments on my posts are quite decent indicator
few examples of great posts Ive written

would be happy to hear what you think about me as a CF contributor?
I think you are a good contributor!
have no ideea what u saying or even why da hell u replying on this since u haven t said anything usefoulll....for how many time now?
Im just saying you posted a journal that doesnt automatically draw fire. usually your journals / posts include bad-mouthing other users or just stupid opinions in common but this journal shows that you aint actually a full-time tard like seareal or banga for example.

e: just read your reply on my comment to Slarto
look doc,u still have to grow up and grow up like much much more from now on.u are now the typical teenager,except the nazi propaganda where u look more like a freak.i dont even know but i would like u to show me that journal that i made and draws fire and to tell me for sure why that journal drawed have u ever saw me writing anything but the truth about how i felt regarding certain users on cf,including you?and i m done reading i already talked to much,and i m more concerned to set up my radio station.if u actually got anything helpfull to say do it,otherwise run away
Im in hospital on my phone mate or I would help you more. Double check your ports, nothing is blocked ? You can run shoutcast server and nobody can connect or it wont run at all ? Will check back when I can :) Oh, Tosspot did a good tutorial on this a while ago, maybe worth a search for that, yeah yeah I know what the search function is like on here ... :(
sorry to hear u are in hospital i hope better times to come for you soon
You need to forward your ports :D
god if u have teamviewer pls i give u access i just don t know how to deal with this shit
i will help you with teamviewer, pm me
after i finish this war ,what s your nick on irc?
ok /q Keithh
dat troll u beau gosse
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