I like ties

Hello gentlemen of Crossfire,

My fashion journals have been scarce recently, I am well aware of that. I am currently awaiting another jacket, after this jacket arrives, I shall make one with my new belongings over the last few months.

Today's topic is TIES. You know those beautiful pieces of material that you wear with shirts?

I've been trying to build a small collection up. These are my favourites so far, with 1 missing as a friend took it last time we went out.

image: IMAG0438
image: IMAG0441

The green one I got from the same friend last night, she bought it for me in Nottingham.

Do you like ties? What are yours like?

Me looking 'dapper':

image: 402406_3097323505715_1042948681_3014460_1303468776_n
image: 297079_277273095630526_100000435120829_1060355_398800660_n

me too, although i hardly use any and if i do i borrow from my daddy :Ddd
Hello fellow INGLISH MUN!

Well here we have charity shops in an abundance, and ties are 50p. If you get lucky you can find some great ones. If you link me designs you'd like and paid postage/for the tie, I'd happily send you some.
Well, they are not THAT expensive over here either, but of course the great ones cost a bit ^^

Thanks for your disposition to help, but nah, i hardly use them since there isn't worthy moments to use them. Over here we don't really go out using a tie unless your work kinda demands it or it's a formal moment. At weekly "out sessions" we dress more "normal". But people start using them more often lately, at pubs/discos sometimes :P
Looking very handsome! :)
mine are about the same as yours, which i prefer alot to the ones he posted :P
true :) i also don't like this "old style" of ties... but then again, thats personal ^^
well, not only about the design, also the colors, like discreet colors overall more. but true, it all comes down to personal taste :)
I've got lot's of tie's(most of them inherited from my father) eventhough I only have one real suit, going to get one more soon when I see one decent prices that fits me.
image: black_and_blue_spot_tie
image: stock-photo-groom-s-torso-with-blue-tie-blue-handkerchief-and-black-suit-2115087
In your next journal include watches. and also that pic from above is so classy as hell.

ohw almost forgot my tie i wear at work image: 4enU8 personally I don't really like the design of this one our last one was better but I'm to lazy to make a pic :')
I had to wear tie in school
I really like to wear my suits but I'm not a big fan of ties.
I only own 3 myself but my dad got like 80 (some dating back to the 80s I think, great for bad tast parties!).

I rather prefer the "you professional" look, suit without tie or suit with scarf

Found a pic of me with a tie:

image: 252920_2030711098309_1560072978_2247065_242509_n
I like both tbh but just in different situations, in most jobs you do fine without a tie on everyday base but on important meetings and such I would prefer to wear a tie.
For all kind of political events I wear a tie.
But when going out for a nice dinner, I dont wear a tie.
When going to a birthday where the whole family is, I don't wear a tie.
Having some business to do, I wear a tie.
image: China_Finest_Handmade_Custom_Tailored_Men_s_Suit_Suits_Shirts_and_Coats20081015927500

looks similar to my suit and tie
I never wear ties :x
its not the 50s anymore
looks nice tho

but I wouldnt wear that not my style I guess
i like ties but what the fuck is this
never wore a tie in my life :(
Had to wear ties for 6th form, built up quite a collection then. Hated having to wear a suit though, fucking bullshiiit
Random red/stripy
dear lord those ties are horrible
Ties are nice with suits, personally dont dig them anywhere else. Also, light coloured tie on a dark shirt is just morally wrong. You run the risk of looking like an American.

You know what really grinds my gears, kids in 50% suits. Suits are something you've got pay good money for or it shows quickly, you need to get them tailored and regularly dry cleaned. You'll either look the bees knees or you'll look real cheap, real quick.
Stuart, I have no need nor the money to venture forth and purchase a suit as of yet, and the jacket cost me £5.
It wasn't a personal attack, it was a generic statement! When you do come to purchase your first suit, make it a suit to be proud of!

If it were a personal attack I'd comment on the mustard jumper :P
This time you get away with it.

Did you happen to follow fashion week at all? You will be disgusted at the dominance of neon yellow. :(
I didn't follow fashion week, I have a very particular taste that it doesn't appeal to!

Reiss somewhat sums up my taste but even they can be a bit too outlandish and the quality of their product sucks, if I wanted something I couldnt use after 1 wash I'd put toilet roll in the washing machine instead.
Hahaha, I have a Reiss cable knit jumper and have a great respect for their designers. However the fact remains that I sadly get kicked in the teeth when I realise that I am a poor student that recently quit his job and hence such products lie out of my price range.

How about denim?
My denim usage is limited to Diesel Jeans exclusively. Denim jackets/shirts look shit unless you are EXTREMELY good looking a category I miss out on by just a few points :P
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