3o3 cup tonight

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Win a warserver for a week! Every wednesday the new winner gets to own the server till the next week's winner is announced! So, participate every week and try to keep the server for yourself, forever!!

Basic information
Cup date: Wednesday 29th February 2012, 20:00
Team format: 3v3

Miscellaneous information: Date & Time:
Wednesday 29th February
Check-ins: 19:45 CET
Brackets + start: 20:00 CET

Round 1: sw_goldrush_te
Round 2: frostbite
Round 3: supply
Round 4: erdenberg_b2 & adlernest

If you have any questions/suggestions, feel free to idle on#Nbs and query me.

more info: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=cups&mode=item&id=259
signup: http://nbs-gaming.tourney.cc/sign-ups/


Also register to our website: http://nbs-gaming.com .
Team Credibilis has had the cupserver for 2 weeks now, for winning 2 cups in a row, participate and make sure you are the next owner of the cupserver!

Hoping to see some good matches again, good luck to all participants!

avi for the cup
avi for the cup i guess :)
remove erden :<
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