streams green at higher quality

When I watch streams, my screen is green when it's on high quality. why's that?
weed = green
from weed u get high

high = green
What wooooo said
control panel > display > fiddle around
I got that sometimes from youtube, just randomly. Try going from 320 to 480 and then to full reso / screen. Maybe some firefox-issue.
no clue, got that when i maximize on youtube tbh, have to click a buffeded piece again, to actually get a pic what so ever
Update your flash
it's java issue...or but i dont thik so ur codec video..btw when i got it i just resize and make again full screen and everything works ...if not at the first time try twice or more
i've got the same with few porn clips (maybe java script, including virus or smth??? dunno...)
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