Good Morning CF -

Good Morning Crossfire,

Today I actually have something interesting for my morning journal. I am off to Boston in a few hours to chair a panel on eSports at event hosted by MIT! Here is the synopsis:

"How the next global superstar will come from 10,000+ hours in front of a computer… this year’s eSports panel will examine the growing world of professional gaming. Our panelists are pioneers and innovators in the industry who each have had a different role in the growth of this sport. Perspectives from the founder of the studio that has made one of the most popular video games of all time, the visionary behind the most established network of professional gaming leagues and competitions, all the way to one of the most recognizable faces in the sport to the owner of one of the most successful teams. These experts will dive into not only where this sport has come from, but where it is going and the incredible popularity it has built from both live and online audiences and the individuals who are now essentially turning pro out of high school and not looking back as they embark down a path of global fame."

Joining me on the panel will be the CEO of Blizzard, MLG, EG and Day9. Should be very interesting and hopefully quite successful for eSports as a whole because of the list of other panelists its obscene, so many major figures from the sporting world!

Wish me luck.
Good luck!
Also, promote ET with some subliminal messages :D

e. Good morning also!
You go girl!

What are you trying to achieve there / going to push / want to say?
signing a deal and collecting money inb4 TosspoT advertising diablo 3 as a promising successor of ET *g*

(just kidding toss, don't get me wrong... again :/)
Good luck
yo stuart little.
Good luck
I salute you best football player on crossfire.
Nice :)
I want your job sir :p
you could promote ET in a subtile way and try to get some info on Starcraft 2 expansion, wow mist of pandaria and diablo 3 xD
Ive about 12k hours played on my xfire, im the next global superstar?
no, you're a pathetic geek :DDDDDDD
no, you're a pathetic geek :DDDDDDD
If you start your posts like that, you already failed in getting audience.
matti aint worth the effort
u were supposed to reply me with the same :x
image: 419783_10151339710360481_855855480_23310810_1930213120_n

Chains are too mainstream
no offense, but why are you next to those names?
because he is a professional esports representer and they need probably someone with experience in the esports/gaming/community/events section
Well... i dont follow Tosspot really but the only way i know him is through ET, whilst arguably Day9 is only known throuh sc:bw/sc2 its a way bigger scene. all the others are quite big names
as far as i know stuart isnt just the representer of ET. He has planned several lans already, was in the TV as an esportsexpert, he flies at least twice the months to different places because of his esports-job, he has shoutcasted already imortant matches and events etc...

dont know how known he is in relation to that "big" names... but tbh i dont think that there are so many known "guys" with such skills as him

e: damn way tooooo many compliments to him :D
I'm gonna print this comment :D
you should correct the grammar mistakes first ;D
It wasnt a personal offense, just i recognize.every pther org. or person, and just because i know ET. Besides i assume every who says 'support ET' is obviously joking.. ive no.clue i. what other games he is 'specialized in'

i see what you did there
he has commented on eurosport2 when they showed gaming matches
all except that tosspot is not as famous as those others is false in that comment
You could just read my bio on the site :P
QuoteStuart’s first love was the competitive video gaming industry
not mentioning us with a single word </3

anyway good luck there, for what ever purpose you're pursuing :)
PS: if you get to stream an interview with that blizz ceo, LIVE, we'd appreciate if you'd promote your site a tiny bit, "we need FRESH MEAT" (you can use that, maybe he'd join the cause :D)
Its Streamed but its PPV :(
i heard he slept with the right people and got to where he is today.

the hussy.
he slept with you? :O
I heard you slept with the wrong people and that's why you haven't gotten anywhere.

got me a TCM jumper. why u hatin?
That's just plain awesome. Best of luck, and have fun!
stuart you are making a moriningjournal ? What the...? :D

Cheers mate, go show them your skills and promote ET ;D
Good morning wsk
Good morning CuttyP

dafuq, morning journals re supposed to be short, not whole wall of text to read!

tl;dr version?
tl;dr:nerds chat about nerds
I didn't know TosspoT had such a big name. For the intersted the bio of Stuart Saw on the site he posted

Director of Channel Partners at Streamworks Interactive

Stuart Saw became Director of Channel Partners at Streamworks Interactive in 2011 having been Director of Operations since company formation. In his role, Stuart has overseen some of the most challenging and successful live video streaming events to date, made possible by Streamworks revolutionary technology. At Streamworks Stuart has become a leading authority on Digital Landscapes and has worked on events such as The Royal Wedding, World Rally Championships, Academy Awards, Major League Gaming and was instrumental in bringing about the ground breaking live news partnership with the Associated Press. Stuart is uniquely positioned within the industry, both technically adept and commercially savvy within one of the fastest growing media sectors.

Stuart’s first love was the competitive video gaming industry, in which he became one of Europe’s most recognizable authorities. In 2005 he won ‘The World’s Best Shoutcaster’ after a poll at the World Cyber Games and Stuart went on to ‘Shoutcast’ and host TV programs about eSports for networks such as DirecTV, Sky, Eurosport and CCTV. Stuart continues to work with the world’s biggest video gaming events and teams.

Stuart is in every sense a child of the digital revolution working on the cusp of the digital media wave with emerging technologies, new consumer trends and profitable monetization strategies.”

good luck and enjoy your stay I guess.
time to get ET some sponsors eh?
ask if some mgc wants to take Finland Finlantic6 under their wings!? :)
I am pretty positive that EG would be more than happy to take you lads under their wing!
yes, sure! :)
gl stupot.
GL :)) enjoy it !!
nice swag m8
wish u luck.
Wow Good luck. I hope you will enjoy it !
break a leg
promote ET
And support for Queens pleaSe <3
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