
I have not been training for a loooongtime, 2much work and other things around my life.

Was sleeping 2-4 hours only everynight, eated pizza, mcdonalds, kebab and alot of bad food during this time.

I was 90kg kinda ripped :) and now i started training 3 weeks ago and i weighted 105kg fat hahah. ( my record in weight is 116kg :P )

Just got home from a super leg workout in gym, in 1 hour i got my mma training and after the mma training im going to play football...

Time to get ripped and hardcored trained again hähähä

And yeah i am on a easy diet, eating chicken, salamon and potatoes everyday, veeryyyy niiiiiceee

if u want to know what supplements i use and why, just write here N ask =)

i know u care hähä bye
gl with that
gl laza
u forgot to write "dear diary"
what supplements youi use and why
beast :s
riveting tale chap
can you recommend any weight gainer supplements? mcdonalds, burgerking and kebab dont do the job in my case :(
Make your own weight gainer, whey +oats +full fat milk +peanut butter +olive oil
thats the actual problem, I dont think I can gain weight by just eating food, no matter what I eat, so I want to try one of these chemical products.. It's really weird, I have days where I eat around 7000 kcal, but I dont gain any weight :(
It honestly is no difference, don't believe in that broscience. A calorie is a calorie, no matter if you get it from a weight gainer or from food. No "chemical" in a weight gainer is gonna help you. You sure you calculated your calories right? If you ate 7k calories a day for a week you're gonna gain weight even if you're like 200kg :D
Volumass 35
best price/quality ratio
what steroids do/did you use?
Just came back from my daily 6 km run. Did 11 km yesterday, felt good!
Carnival fat is slowly melting away again..

Tomorrow some light dumbell excercises in the morning and another 6+ km in the afternoon :-)

I'm currently at my mother's place and there's so much goodie stuff in the freezer, so hard to resist :-(
and no blonde german with big breast milking the cows :P
wie kann man an karneval zunehmen :O
hab an karneval ungewollt 3 kg abgenommen..
hart trinken yo!
ja, davon nimmste ja nicht zu :D
alkohol = viele kalorien!
noch HoN am daddeln?
ja, abundzu.
what crz said
Sehr viel trinken, sehr viel essen :-)

Start gegen Mittag, natürlich fett Pizza als Grundlage, dann die ersten paar Bierchen. Weiter gehts mit dem Nachmittagssnack Döner Nr. 1, weil Bier bekanntlich hungrig macht. Wenn mans vorher schon irgendwo hinschafft kommt man vllt um den abendlichen Döner herum und bleibt beim Bier. Später jedoch natürlich noch ein Döner auf die Hand als Proviant für den Nachhauseweg.
Dazu kommt natürlich noch ein herrliches Konterfrühstück als erneute Grundlage fürs Trinken am nächsten Tag. Dann noch die Kamelle vom Zoch. Man rennt und tanzt zwar auch durch die Stadt und so, aber das reicht zumindest bei mir nicht um die Kalorien wieder zu verbrennen :-P

Das Ganze geht dann 2-5 Tage so, je nach Kondition und Kontostand ;-)
deshalb trink ich keinen alkohol :]
Ich begrenze es auch meist maximal auf 1-2x pro Monat, wenn überhaupt. Karneval fällt dabei allerdings grundsätzlich komplett aus der Reihe ;-)
bei uns hier im süden is karneval nicht so angesagt, hab aber auch nicht wirklich das bedürfniss es zu feiern :p
Ok das natürlich klar.. hatte nicht genug zeit zum vernünftigen essen daran lags wahrscheinlich :D
Wie du von einem Extremen zum anderen kommst. :p Hört sich total nach täglicher Überwindung an - viel Glück weiterin!

to do list for my life:

[X] correct one of butchji's sentences :D
Jup, schon ein recht gestörtes Verhältnis zu Nahrung und allem drumherum :-(

bra alexL
leg workout > mma training > football

haha goodluck
should be fine for today but tomorrow he wont be able to walk :D
inb4 legtraining -> well fuck the rest of the day
i guess you take bcaa's.. how much do you take and when while being on a diet?
Craze ever heard of this pre suppliment before?


seems decent, on jack3d atm but aparntly this is alot better...suggestions?
jack3d is some awesome shit, currently using it aswell ^^ I'm liking maximizev2 the best at the moment, haven't tried craze yet but it doesn't really matter which one I use really. I'm really sensitive to caffeine it seems :]
how do you train triceps?
Couldn't be that bad leg day if u can still do all that after it
Give me tips on how I can look better before summer, without having to train more than one hour two-three days a week. I've been on low carbs since August, and I've no plan on changing that in the near future -- don't know if that affects training in any way though..

What I want is what to train, how much and how often basically.

e: 85kg on 188cm without any muscles
3 day split ( 3 times a week, eg monday wednesday friday)

workout 1; chest + triceps

2; Back + biceps

3; legs + shoulders

and abs whenever you feel like.

3 to 4 sets 8-12 reps per exercise

you can do each workout within an hour.
chest triceps isnt that good :{D better do chest, back triceps, biceps
what do you mean with back triceps?
also bicep + back is good right?
plz explain
No if you train chest you also train a bit of triceps so it loses his full power
So better do Chest & Back, Triceps & Biceps
i get it, but i thought it was a good thing that you train triceps with chest workouts, and after first doint chest, you isolate your triceps to finish it off. and same for biceps
Ye its not that wrong to train chest & triceps you can train that like you did :)
low carbs wont gain you any muscles. You won't have the strength to do a intensive workout.
All those dieting is bullshit. Eat healty and investigate time at a cardio and you ll be fine.
some serious bodybuilders here
spiderman giving a fuck ?

fuck yeah
i give twice as much fucks as he does
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