fps lag.

few weeks ago I started having massive fps lags on ET

what might be causing it?
need help!

clean your etmain folder maybe
Fucking PB these days...
tzac does that for me
Video card overheating causing FPS drops, try cleaning your CPU fans.
And how would that help?
Cause air will have free pass again, thats poly the fastest recommendation also changing thermal paste would help cause it gets crystallized after a while due to heat.
Oh I understand but how would your video card stop overheating if you clean the cpu?!
same here :(
Why did someone violate that longboard video with such horrible music? The original is so much better.
horrible music? are you serious?
Perhaps not horrible, but still worse than the original.
fps drops u mean ?
and that makes me lag, if you know what I mean

125 to 20
pc config ?
same here
nice track
- spyware popup's while browser's opened
- msn
- 2 et's opened
- d/l porn
. and/or some1 using your router
- overheat
- antivirus scanning
- gayness

....can be one of those reasons, who knows :]
nice video
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