fifa 12 pc anyone?

Add potterrrrr


*edit* since its to easy for some... league 1 only pls otherwise its tooo izi :(
Good Game, too easy. Maybe learn to play for next time? :)
Andre (Ramozz) playing it.
Good Game, too easy. Maybe learn to play for next time? :)
xbox :[
Bg...seriously..hope you were "trolling", because this was just terrible.
add me :)

just let me ask a noob question:
can i play the game online if i dload or i have to buy?
you can play it online via GameRanger i believe (atleast it worked with FIFA11) , but you wont be able to play Head-to-Head Seasons and stuff. Just normal matches
always make me smile:P
hvk, danl, diablos :)
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