When you know your diet and training are going good.

It's a very good thing to strive for when on a diet, that you become stronger and actually gaining weight but still getting more fit on fat/muscle ratio.

Did a journal yesterday about my crazy training day, it was: Gym with legtraining, 1hour later my mma training and direct after played some football in 2 hours.

And people wanted to know my supplements i use and why.

-Everymorning starts with 10gram of EAA ( Essential Amino Acids ) and 5gram of omega 3.

-Before training i take 10 gram of EAA and a caffeine pill for extra energy.

-During the training i use _VITARGO_ if u never tried it U really should. Fastest carbs you can get and it helps alot during training and after your training. I mix the vitargo with 10gram of EAA aswell.

-Direct after training i take 10gram of BCAA (branched-chain amino acid), than waiting about 15 mins and take 50gram of whey100 with 5gram of omega 3.

-Before sleep i use 50gram of sloow protein ( aka casein ) with 5gram of omega 3 and ZMA.

Supplements and vitamins i use aswell in the mornings is zinc, antioxidants and c-vitamin.

Keeping a good diet aswell, with chicken, salamon and potatoes and little rice.

Time to get in shape again before lan, cya
you should post this where ppl actually care bro
actually alexL journals are by far probably the best ones in this site among with Slarti's gym+food journals
dont believe the hype
Care...lol....have a nice evening
i have quitted drinking alcohol since today =D
Vandaar dat je zo raar praat tegen me op msn :[
That looks so much fun.
real life cheats - hf with it
cheats where?
Keeping a good diet aswell, with chicken, salamon and potatoes and little rice.

potatoes isnt good for diet...or is it
implying rice is good
its really good, why not ?

potatoes have lower calories than rice ;)
You can approximately eat 1 kg potatoes for 200 g rice (uncooked measures). Both add up to around 700 kcal without any fat etc. added.
Too many carbohydrates result in fat, because carbohydrates are reduced to sugar in your body and sugar is reduced to fat. Low carb can help you to lose fat very fast, while keeping your muscles or even gain more more. I did not find any other diet that helps you get a well defined six pack yet.

So too much rice as well as too much potatoes don't do you any good.
That's just half true :-)

In the end it all depends on the calories in and out. So for pure weight loss it doesn't really matter where your calories come from. However a low carb or rather a diet with increased protein intake will surely help to keep or even gain lean mass.

My example was just a comparison of potatoes vs. rice anyway, as he was implying that they are not good for the diet. Just wanted to show that compared to rice or pasta you could eat quite a large amount of potatoes thus helping satiety and even weight loss in the end.
You are right about the calories, but I guess that is a common fact, so I did not mention it. How is your diet going?
Well, as I said earlier in some comment, I couldn't really train for over 3 months now due to some shoulder injury which is still healing up (or rather isn't! ;-<). Apart from that -75 kg (+/- 3). At the moment I'm just maintaining at 100-105 kg over holidays. Trying to reduce it further but it's been a bit tricky without proper training and lots of occasions lately with foods/drinks :-(
Oh, get better soon. But I am happy to hear that you are still determined. I am sure you will reach your goal sooner or later :)
do you have any before/after pictures of yourself? would love to see how fit you've become :)
There's a relatively old comparison picture in my profile. Haven't updated it yet. Might do in some weeks.

Edit: I couldn't really train the last months because of a shoulder injury which is still healing up and I haven't really been on check with my diet. Apart from better running stats, my form is worse than last summer at the moment. :-P
Really impressive to see how much weight you've lost. From what size in shirts/pants you went, its a lot for sure.
Hm, 5XL to XL/L in shirts. And trousers are 36 or something, had 68 or something before? Can't even remember. I still have one super large shirt and jeans. Should do some pic in some days :)
dude, it looks so healthy and awesome. I respect people like you who decide to do something about, not just cry over it :) btw, do you have any problems with skin since you lost so much weight?
Yep, especially at the belly and inner tighs. Guess I'll have to see a surgeon about it some time.
hm maybe there are some cosmetics, you should try visiting cosmetic saloon or how is it said :D my english is rusty as fuck :3 my gf has problems with stretch marks and they eventually fix themselves a bit but they stay there forever. I think that's still not the biggest problem if you are much healthier later on!
It's a bit too much for any cremes or lotions :)

Ofc it's not highly important from a health perspective, however it lowers your self esteem or whatever a little so I will certainly get it removed some day as finishing all this (:
suit yourself bro! :)
congrats on your weight loss! im really happy for you!
i remember you from the enlarged lan, which was back in 08 or 09 and seeing your profile pic now is like looking at a different person (no offense)!
keep up the good work!!
dont need that shit
you should post this where ppl actually care bro
I eat food.
im stronger and more musclar than you.
and i dont use that shit and workout for a shorter time.
:DDDD show urself haha
now why would i do that?
haha already seen you posting about training, and often you talk really wrong :D

but if u are improving keep going big guy ;)
im just trolling tho :D

but on a serious note , i been training for like 6/7 months and its going really well.
3 times a week or more. Just eating lots protein and healthy food.

do you use things as efedra in the cut btw?
never used ephedrine, just makes or CNS to be hyper activated and you wont reduce that more calories everyday anyway, its better things to use if u want to use that kind of stuffs.

But there is no need for this cut things anyway
i dont advocate use of these pre workout things either. i tried efedra, and also came across a pre workout supplement called black cats from a friend. And feels just too strong, like drugs, cant be healthy to use on a regular.
I dont use preworkout stuff, eaa and bcaa is amino acids = proteins and vitargo is carbs :)
QuoteEfedra is een kruid. Zelfs kleine hoeveelheden efedra geven jonge, gezonde mensen een verhoogde kans op een beroerte, hartinfarct en hoge bloeddruk. Efedra is sinds 2004 verboden. Toch zijn preparaten met efedra nog illegaal te koop.

ehhhh ok :p
in de vs maken ze er ook meth van. Efedra is speedachtig en bestwel sterk dus.
lekker nuttig spul
ik ging gister ham in de gym , nu fucking verkouden enz. Denk je dat het daarmee te maken heeft. Want had wel gelezen dat je door hard te trainen moet herstellen en je imuumsysteem ook zwakker is.
kan ;d kben zelf nooit echt verkoude, dus kweet niet :P kneem elke dag mn multivitamine van de kruidvat, WERKT PERFECT xD
had al n vitamine pil van me moeder gepikt dus hopelijk herstel ik sneller ^^ swag swag
idd die van kruidvat zijn wel goed, en goedkoop.
show pic of you :P
how you look now
dont get any new pics, might be some later.
Making some nice diet-progression here. Last week I deadlifted 205kg and this week pulled 180kgfrom a 10+cm platform. Also started doing some front squats and at the moment 105kg is my best for a triple. Bodyweight minus -8kg.
I cannot deadlift to save my life.
Normally I don't care about your journals, but seriously, do you have any other hobby in your life? What the fuck , djeez...

No one cares about your carrots or whatever you eat
He mentioned weightlifting, mma and football. What else there should be?
I only see this 5 gram of this and 10 gram of that, can't be bothered to read the rest...
Why would you care then? Why not just close the journal and go on? :D
Have done that 50 times already, it was stronger than myself ^^
yes i do, i got a own restuarant and a other company aswell, got a very good girlfriend and have many other things i do with friends AND i train everyday aswell

fucking good :)
an own restaurant... I want to believe

you dont have to believe and no i want give out more information here, its enough that my friendly swedish etplayers know =)
Why wouldn't you want to show your restaurant, that's bullshit :-)
there is no really need, but if u wanna go hardcore u can start search in the swedish systems and you will see i got 2 companies haha :)
I'd like to reserve a table for 8 persons for tomorrow pls.
make prank calls everyday, fake reservations ;d
do it yourself, fucker!
You know, even McDonalds is a restaurant.
ye i usually make screenshots with wh on it

kinda fun

This user is tagged until 8 Aug 12 for playing with cheaters


dus volgens mij ben ik degene die niet cheat

but uhm brb gonna make some ss
when you know your die

image: M5YwJ
thought the same xD
when you know your die*
the title of this topic is "when you know your die", not "when you know you die"
I don't see what you're talking about sir :{D
the title of the journal and what you wrote isnt the same, got it now?
Well you better watch closely what I wrote first :DDDD
yea, you wrote "when you know your die", so??
Yea that's why I still don't understand oO

I didn't write you instead of your.

omfg, read your sentence again, you wrote that?!?!
France and literacy don't go hand in hand
true story :(
no I don't see what you're talking about :D

I wrote your and not you.
you still dont get that Im just making fun of your edited comment? :/
nice try ;)
looking at your comments I was quite succesfull with it, lol :p
I don't think so.
trying to convince me 5 times that you actually wrote the right thing makes me think so ;)
If you look, you were clearly the one trying to convince me ;)
I didnt want to convince you at all, I just saw your edited comment and succesfully made a joke on you ;)
I'm missing the joke part ;)
"Making a joke on you" means that I made fun of you by trying to convince you of me being wrong in that discussion ;P
wat, after a proper legtraining u cant even walk
Of course you can walk, but doing all the other stuff he mentioned is next to impossible...
My face when I saw the journal title: "when you know your die.." and I started to write a flame post about grammar.
well i think you forgot dem roids somewhere inbetween man..
..just lettin you know
-During the training i use _VITARGO_ _VIAGRA_
didnt read. bullshit
When you know your die... by alexL !

and it seemed so promising
a "how to get rich on craps" guide?
today did some heavy cleans and even some jerks :)
never found a reason to train that intensely unless i was going to do something at an national standard but fair enough.
it sound like you're addicted to that kind of drugs
do you even know what addiction is? to make a claim like that i assume not :/
i think i know wat addiction is! :)

btw those stuff (i dunno wat are those pills he is taking) are mostly with anabolisant (dunno how to translate in engrish) so yes, you could be addicted to most of stuff like that (cba if you are or not, or i you know or not, thats not my problem!)
my body became so werid lately i dont understand, when i was trying to lose weight and i was eating all the healthy stuff i gained weight while doing cardio only, now for the last 2weeks i been eating shit food only, subway sandwiches, mcdonalds etc... i lost 10kg in the last 2weeks i dont understand my body :D
Were you really skinny? Did you eat salty food?

If you were skinny and you ate a lot of protein you just gained muscles, which are of course heavier than fat or nothing ;). And if you ate too much salt then you just had a lot of water in your body. Do you want to lose weight or build up muscles?
eh im not giving a shit atm, :D dropping weight while eating shit was 96kg 2weeks ago, now im 86, kinda good that i dropped weight i have a jiu jitsu competition coming up and i guess ill be in the lighter weight division than im supposed to :D
saw "When you know your die... by alexL !" and got my hopes up

now im sad
im about to start my summer workout next week, so far it has been eating what i want to and hockey training (3-4 times a week).

im not fat, but i could use some definition (mainly sixpack for the girls and some more arm muscles [bisceps or whatever]), what do you recommend?
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