Mass Effect 3 *
4 Mar 2012, 18:54
Is this game any good?
I've seen trailer on tv last night for the 1st time, haven't played masseffect 1 or 2 but planning on buying it for my ps3.
gonna be released here on 8th March 2012.
play 1 and 2 or 2 with genesis.
was ist genesis lul
du bekommst also ne kurzfassung von der story und hast die möglichkeit die großen entscheidungen zu ändern. nützlich wenn du 2 verschiedene (zb vorbildlich und abtrünnig) chars in mass effect 3 importieren willst aber nur einen/keinen von me1 hast.
damn i hope the game wont suck as much as i fear it will.
is it worth buying? Which games are semilar to it?
just watched the trailer of dragon age 2
and damn nice
Id suggest Witcher 2.
dont even bother.
DA:O is the way to go.
e: or indeed if you want a more recent RPG game you should try witcher 2. best looking PC game up to this point (crysis2 looks like ET in comparison), very good story, very nice gameplay, very nice setting (based on books, so extensive lore).
The third one is overcommercialised crap, though. Day 0 DLC, a billion different "collector editions" and whatnot.
KOTOR was amazing man, really amazing