
tonight (at least at poland because sky isnt clouded) we can see a planets.

At west you can see a venus (a bit brighter than jupiter) and Jupiter which is above venus on the left.

At east you can see a mars:D

Tonight they are very bright, enjoy
cool story bro xD
seen them few minutes ago, just bigger stars
thx for info but in belgium we try to enjoy the rain
I wish I didn't live in a city :(
haha yea if it isn't cloudy tonight I might take a walk onto the hill next to my place
Visit me then!
how to recognize em? :S
Non-shining objects, looks like star but isnt.

e : non-shining doesnt mean it doesnt reflect the sun's light.
caN'T see any stars from window, gna go outside brb
the ones that are too heavy to pick up
venus and jupiter are actually the 3rd and 4th brightest objects of the sky, after the sun and the moon, venus being the brighter and jupiter being more than 2 times as bright as Sirius

venus should appear slightly yellow, and theyre both close to each other, but theyre setting pretty fast, so theyre probably quite low already
I can only see black sky, prolly too cloudy :<
then theyre either too low already or indeed dark clouds.

you should look out for them at around 18-20, should be pretty well-placed
image: dkAUo is where they should be at about 19.00 CET, Paris tomorrow, :). shouldnt differ too much for most europe.
We had a meteor shower last night. Was awesome.
image: tumblr_m051jcgI4w1qae5fv
:XD meant exactly where maybe i can see some pics taken that night
meteors showers mostly span over considerable parts of continents, no major (major = pretty) ones are only limited to a single country afaik (at least in europe :p), let alone only a region of it
the best one is at the beginning of august,

i counted 18 meteors and 5 bats in 30+ minutes last summer with a fair amount of clouds
8th Oct were Draconids, i didn't count it because it was a bright shine on sky every 30-40 sec
Draconids'11 > Perseids'11 awezum!
october skies usually fucked up in estonia :( plus i dont have a good vantage point (roof of a 1-story house) as i have in august :D
This year ZHR of Perseids seems to be around 100 so amazing show is cuming <3
dunno about Draconids and other meteors :(
Here in NL, we've been able to see them for over a week. :) Looks fantastic! BRIGHT DOTS IN THE NIGHT SKY <3
get a big pair of binocs or a small telescope and point it at the orion nebula if you havent before, youll shit bricks!
Almost as deep as Bryzgalov's thoughts on the universe.
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