Breakfast/morning journal

Good morning everyone.

How is your monday morning?
I've been up since 1am or something. Missed my prac cause felt asleep front of my computer like supernerd after i was awake for bout 3minutes and in time for the prac. :(

I made some "breakfast" for myself, even took a picture!
image: 5fze7

Some potato wedges. Had to look up the word from dictionary
Mayonnaise to go with dem potato wedges
Sol beer
Cup of coffee
And a cigaret

What are you eating for breakfast?

How was your weekend?

Myself I slept whole friday. Woke up around 11pm Friday, went to my friend later to drink some beer and sauna all night long and slept again whole sunday :(

and atm im listening:

No random chick cause im too lazy to find one.
looks like cut sausage lol
I woke up 06.00cet made some darkbread(tummaaleipää:D) and metukkaa. Then i opened wow Looted my AH money and made one quest. now im sitting in school doing some mysql stuff
edit my 10 day freetime ends today :(
Tell me your money amount
mysql is cool!
woke up at 6:30 because I had to, after having slept what felt like 4 minutes.. so now im sitting here at work too tired to even eat breakfast
you must be fat if you eat that for

good morning
Or maybe he is skinny and wants some fat?
If you read the journal i said i woke up 1am, not really a breakfast for me.
The in-take of calories per day counts.Breakfast, lunch, dinner - doesnt really matter that much when you eat something.
Sol, approved
Eating the left overs from my little boys breakfast.
Oats, strawberries, rasberries and nana's!
motherfucker thx! justwatched your profile and had a look @ your cfg pic111
thx rly man
Fanboy! Stop looking at my config :DDDDDD
motherfucker thx! justwatched your profile and had a look @ your cfg pic111
thx rly man

how fuckin dumb to make people feel terrified on purpose !

lucky me i was one step ahead you and i let it in the taskbar cos i predicted the stupidness !

btw, didnt know u have kids,nice
Yea, he is now 14 months old. It's probably not a good idea to look at my config btw :DDDD
already did , but as i said, i predicted the obviousness

oh and again, congratulations for ur boys :')
Thanks bro :)
DAFAQ u are so quick
Thats what she said!
beer as breakfast? really?
beer at monday morning

like a boss

true man
beer at monday morning sounds great!
Just woke up, still a bit ill. Gonna eat a slice of bread with some random cheese/sausage whatever. Then I decide which game to play, will prolly be WoW and level my lock. Then making some math crap.
Wtf it's snowing here.. I've got to take the train, those shits will be stuck as usual..
No breakfast yet, just woke up. Going to make coffee and catch up with the series, then some cleaning at the flat.

No work today because me and workbuddy felt lazy.
Woke up at 8:30, drinking some water and getting ready to go to the doctors then to buy some US dollars and some clothes/shoes and get mcdonalds for lunch :PP
it is said that mcdonalds fries keep their goldy colour for years :D and that they put lots of other shit ingredients like some dust of dogfood ingredients(dunno if true,but heard of it)

2bad mcdonald food is 2tasty
didnt eat there for few months,enjoy kfc more :D
Well I never eat mcdonalds since it's not close to me, this will be the 2nd time in like 6 months ":D" but idd kfc is better.
i have the same forks :)
Very good forks =)
yes the best =))

off to pub
woke up, searching for someone to go drinking with me...
Not me! Gonna make alcohol free month !
like u would have anyone to drink with fat nerd :D
Probably with more people than you, fat nerd :)
:D:D i have seen ur picture, oily hair, and u wear glasses, true nerd :) and u cant even spell "R" properly
I guess u are real chick magnet haha
I dont have oily hair :D Never have had it.

And having glasses makes me as much as of a nerd as you are. So please, go troll somewhere else now.
You are intellectually too much below me :)
your answers are always shit, miserabe geek :(
No breakfast just woke up. Going to make coffee
made some fishsticks :D 2lazy to make anything serious
tea and two broodjes grilled cheese with a little oregano, salt and pepper
QuoteNo random chick cause im too lazy to find one.

image: 09379919did_not_read
As of now I'm studying for my COR100 class because I have a test today, which shouldn't be too hard. Gonna hit the gym hard today and benchpress <33333333!
As for my weekend, I loved it. Actually recently, I've been loving all my weekends since I play football each Sunday with my friends :').
by football u mean the american one or soccer ? :D
American football, I really don't like soccer :P
toughest ball sport i know
nice :')
Without gear it's hard as fuck. Got sandwiched yesterday (no homo). Got a 20 yard catch and boom, both sides.
sounds like lot of fun and competition :D
Do you play? Should try it, so much fun
haha, im a slim boy got only 60 killos at 180 cms , dunno the american size :D

and ofc i would give it a try if only we got pitches where to play it and some interest from the "community" of other guys.

in romania everybody plays soccer :S
I hate soccer bro, can't wait to play this Sunday! :)
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