Logitech, da best support

Hoi guys

2 days ago i felt like asking for new glides from logitech because my current one @ my mx518 are fucked up & used.

So i did like in the past, and contacted support.

Unfortunately they have no more glides or materials for mx518 :(

They said if your mouse is still guaranteed, send us the invoice ( so i will get new one he )

if warranty is over, I can get 50% promotion code to buy at their website :D

seriously, how great they are??

Switzerland swiss quality
They reduced the quality of there mouses tho. My last mx518 I had for 5 years without any problems, got a new one and after 6 months it randomly dc'ed
my 1st mx518 = 1 year
others = still working

i had like 4/5, i gave one to a friend, using 1, 1 is broken, 1 is still in the package

simoon has old g15 blue version, he contacted support and he received the last g15 ( orange ) for free :O)
I got mine for free as well, I just said it randomly stopped moving (lied but the scroll didn't work anymore) and they gave me a new one.

There support is great though
lol my deathadder is 4years old and it looks almost like a brand new
well i only had 1 broken mouse (old version) for unexplainable reason (maybe cable? bad manufacture?)

others are STILL fine ( except for this current glide that i fucked up due to going out of pad)
ah alright;p
Agree with reduced quality.
I've seen many people say that their Logitech mouses lasted for 5/6 years or so. About four years ago I bought my first MX518 and since then I have got 3 different MX518s and all of them broke down in a year because of broken cable. Fortunately Logitech have good warranties.
Its a known product failure on mx518, that is why they ship basicly always new one if u have mx518
I know, g400 has it too:(
Just bought 4 sets from Finland mr.mouse, good for another 3-4 years now, gotta love that Singapore quality :)

If anyone from Finland Oulu needs those, I can sell, old model, 5 small skates.
spent 30e from my pockets for 4/5 mouses i have/had :d
I have had this for 3-4 years, just had to replace the skates few times.
Logitech stopped producing MX518s in the summer so no surprise they don't have any glides anymore.

Anyways I don't see why they should even give you new glides.
because the mouse have warranty
glides = part of the mouse

i told them the mouse isnt sliding well :xD
Your glides have worn out because of use so afaik they aren't forced to send you anything.

already asked them for glides once and they gave me one so, why not asking again :O)

you are also not forced to give me 500e, would you?
That's like asking for new tires because the used ones are worn down or asking for a new saw blade because the old one ain't sharp anymore.

They surely don't send you new ones because of warranty but rather to keep their customers satisfied and loyal so they keep buying Logitech mice or other Logitech products. That's pretty basic CRM :-P

Doesn't really matter in the end though, as long as you get new feet ;-)
Had to google CRM! :(
customer retail management? Im guessing without google
doh :( good but its the one
Well, i also asked for a G500 glides, they were out of stock so they sent me a _new mouse -> G500_ :DDDDD
and still no 1000hz for ya :d
No retard, i play with my old mouse G5, bought a G500 and they gave me another G500, but i hate G500, very shit mouse!
send it to me then :p

(or invoice + mouse's serial number 8D )
Sold the mouse already lol, i mean the new one... i still own the 1st but i don't have the glides because they were bad, had to remove them!
No need to. I prefer my 6yo G5 (which btw have new gliders because logitech sent me for free)
IIRC, G5 are < than hyperglides and are shitty plastic not teflon.

I would recommend hyperglides lots and lots and lots!
i send them my mate's invoice like 1 year ago and received a new mouse 8D
last time i send them some pics of my old mx518 and said l"my mouse is broken shit, i have no invoice etc" and they gave me 50% promotion code.
they amazing
with others 50% you saved you bought cheats? eheh
neheheh no, i got it for free :D
do u get 50% promotion code for other products from them as well? i.e g400 since there is no more mx518 in production.
ye, 50% for every product on their website
so what exactly u have to do, to get that promotion code?
i send them pics old my old mx518, wrote some shit story about my broken mouse, gave them product numbers and they gave me 50% code instead of new mouse
thats pretty cool, cus well honestly me mx518 is pretty much wore off, using it for quite some years and i thought of getting g400, or buying some new keyboard, still didnt decided tho.
ye he told me "new product from our web shop", he didnt mention anything related to mouse only.

may buy a new headset
sale mong.
Tu pouvais l'avoir gratuite une fois de plus.
les batards y veulent pas m en donné une autre

la seul facture que jai date de 2008 et je lai plus :D
jai tenté le coup avec la facture des souris de remplacement, y a pas moyen :xd

j attends le coupon 50% et jverrais quoi prendre, peut etre un casque g35
je pense que même si ta pas la facture, tu leur donnes le serial et c'est bon, tu dit que tu ne gardes pas tes factures (tu pensais que logitech ça tenait longtemps!) et tu dit que tu l'as depuis 1ans mais que tu sais plus où tu l'as achetée. (maintenant je suppose que c'est trop tard, si tu as donné ton prénom nom et adresse)
bah les premieres fois ils m avaient pas demandé de facture

là osef jen ai deja eu 3 alors jsuis quand meme gagnant, y en a toujours une dans l emballage qui attends
Their support is an absolute joke. I've had 2x 518 free from them. The last one I was given after I gave the product details of one of Clown's Mx510s...
send me clowns mx510's details :D.
No can do captain :(
Doesnt really make it a joke.. Once u give out Clown's mx518 details Clown wont be able to do so nomore... I find it funny how so0meone can say they are "joke" when the company fullfills the warranty and all that matters :-d

I've had myself prolly up to 10 mx518's and i used to just bring my mouseto local shop and they would swap it with me to new one without testing since its been known problem with mx518 always, logitech knows that too and thats why they can do it this openly
The product key was for an MX518. Mx510 Warranty ran out in 2007, 08 at the latest. So yes, it is a joke.

Im not complaining but they don't stick to their own regulations and policies.
Did it also last year , 4 yr old mouse kabel broken , they send me new 1 :)
Just get with the times and buy a g400 its exactly the same, I see alot of people talking about how hard it is to get a mx518, but that's why g400 is out, and mine is lasting nicely so far
agreed! been having now one week and love it
just buy a new one. 25 bucks isnt the world ~~
Corsair has great support aswell.
why buying one if i can receive one for free? and btw it was about glides only.
They replaced like 3 g7s for me back in like 2006? And then replaced one mx518 all good!
that just shows how cheap are these mouses in production

its is not that they are super cool company that gives you free mouses but when you bought this mouse you paid a price for which logitech could produce 4 maybe 5 mouses
you're on a right way (but i don't think they earn like 30/5 euros otherwise it cost them only 6euros or smth to build a mouse) maybe 2 or 3 at max i would say.

but they can do it becauze every logitech users don't use the warranty.

thats only my opignon tho.
Yea, not like asus which hang up on me because I didn't want to send my pc to repair for the 4th time for the same problem.
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