Highbot 2002-2012

Dear Crossfire,

I watched 2 mins ago the old highbot wolfenstein movie, its not the best quality but its reminds me of the really good times, when friends are playing together.
We started 2002 and played untill 2005 mostly with the same guys (my rl friends),
the idea came from AlaD!n the brother of FiREBALL to play some online games.
Well i was 15 year's old and got no clue what he means with "ego shooters" then he show me that game, first i was like "I never touch this" end then it was quite funny to play with 5 guys from the same city. Well at the beginn we cant play with Fatih and Kerim because they got only 1 Computer but then latly they bought a 2nd one.

And it was a great time at all, souX (Jens) was one of the Best Panzer players in the game and FiREBALL and AlaD!n was 2 brothers unstoppable with his aiming skillz.
D4v1d/Kry (Steffen) also a good friend untill we split up played later in call of duty4 under the name "somR" and reached there alot with Speedlink and EnRo Griffins.

We had not the chance to play vs great teams like infensus/gmpo etc, but in 2004 we reach to be on the Premier league in wolfenstein and then we played some different teams like Emaho (infensus mostly), KiH, natalie , scelesto , pmcg , one.soldiers etc

And still we won the last "Big Competition" in that dead game,
well there we beaten one.soldiers 3-0 after that i didnt touch the game anymore but i heard crmbs/Merlinator (nice guys meet them on lan) won everything in the following 2 years 2005-2007
( i am suprise that someone play the game after 2005).


HB Wolfenstein was just the best time in my online career:

FiREBALL, humM3L (C) , AlaD!n , azRa, miMas , Kry/David, souX

2006 i try to get FiREBALL to ET but this was kinda impossible he said he didnt like the game with all these landmines and mortar shit, his comment was Müller that game has nothing to do with Skill :D. But then in 2006 after some couple of 3on3 i get him finally to the game, after his brother quit online competition it was hard to give fatih the right motivation. But then it went well, we started with a completly mix under the name of Agony Realm.
I was the only one who played a EuroCup (Remedium) at this time, and it was hard to get some good aimers because we was unknown in the szene.
Well we pickup 3 different guys a low+ rifle haZer, a med aimer criatura, django (jiggy) and vrael.
So finally we had a lineup, and it goes more well and well i showed haZer how to spam nades and how to play and in the End it he was one of the best Rifles in the game ever he got a brilliant timing, later he won EuroCup with mpg etc.. criatura is still a good friend of me and fatih and we know each other from real life etc since years, he made a also a big step after we picked him up. Later he played for team germany!
After wEAK decide to play ET aswell, and we know him from the german wolfenstein team rTg i was in the mode to pick him up but since wolfenstein he and FiREBALL didnt like each others both german best aimers are allways arrogant against each others.

I made it that both played together some couple of games and they was really motivated and friendly to each other, we played several EuroCups and the final moment was when we formed a lan team Called "GMPO" with the following lineup.

humM3L (C), FiREBALL, haZer , fLiXX , zerender , wEAK

In my oppinion it was the best lan lineup ive ever played with,
we played the seeding tournament (organize from ET-CUP admin SPU) and we made it into the final and we won it vs the clearly favorite SRP with 4-2.


We had also a great lan event 24 teams and we reach the 6th rank,
we lost vs Kreaturen 2-4 after we totally dominate them on radar by set a record time from 2:56 vs them on lan. And we placed 2nd in the group, but we had a bad End after that we heard we had to play vs aMenti and we was the only team which sets a time on radar vs them 7:50 but we cant handle it to beat it. In the End after 6 hours of gaming we had to play at 2 o clock vs tag.et and we lost 2-4 on a decider, and everyone was like frustrated because on this lan we was rated as top 3 team.

Well later i meet the first time criatura in 2009, when i played with him a lan event we won the 3on3 cup and earn 60$ :D and placed top 8 with a light version of HB.

In these 2 teams i had basiclly the best times in my Career of Gaming,
well i had more such great moments in call of duty when i was voted to the best infighter in europe or with the EuroCup win with TBH.MSi. But this both teams was just the most fun to play with. Call of Duty4 i played only for the money!

Spezial thanks to HB.ET:

humM3L (C) , FiREBALL, haZer, wEAK , fLiXX, zerender, fAuX , criatura, Lavod , kuraigu , vrael , kReSti , flopjehz, Bl4de, stownage and many more.

Well i am /off going out to the city and chillin a bit, if noone knows HIGHBOT.rtcw just watch our low quality vid its fun to spec FiREBALL and the other actions.


image: footerhighbotlady2tg7

Best shoutouts to the uk guys, dk guys, be guys which meet us at lan or the others who played with us on different lans, everyone knows we arent such that arrogant on rl. Its a online basic platform where noone respect each others so noone cares,
that is also the point why i changed my mentality to all this shit.

And thanks to the Art of Wolfenstein players which we meet on different lans for all the great loughes and for the great time in OC 2009 together.

Shoutout to survive, AoW, uk.et and many others!

Forgive me some mistakes in that article i wrote it in 30 mins, and i cant check it because i had to go now.

im /off cheers Daniel "humM3L" M.

4-0 ger i am disapointed if uk take a map son.

image: happyandmad
too long did not read!!!!! :D
What was the UK vs DE score in NC last night?
UK won 4-0
10 years of wolf/et and still so shit. Anyway, nice run you got there, respect from here
hahhahahahhaha +1111111
He prolly achieved more than you did.
or prolly not
Fast look at ur profile and im pretty sure that he has, after all u have never won anything, no offence
what exactly did he win? And even winning does not mean he is any good.
Battle for Europe!
Matter of opinion tbh. After quick peak to his profile, I think I achieved more, but that was not what I was saying. I just said that after all those years, he isnt really good player (at least not in et).
Well since your comments are allways retarded,

I played 11 EuroCups in online competitions, placed 5-6th 3x times and Won 1x EuroCup in Call of Duty4, where the community is like 10 times bigger and more skilled then ET.
Played 7 lans and also there i reach the playoffs 4x times. I give a shit about these days ET i was inactive over like 2-3 years and played cod4, a long time ago i was better in that game.
Well i got some stuff which players like otherwise they wont play with me, when i played my first EuroCup in 2005/06 with remedium i bet you still played OC 5th div or smth like that.

Best Call of Duty 4 AKU player 2008-2009.


From all these top teams fnatic, MYM , SK etc.. if you make smth like that you can comeback to me and discuss with me over awards, you are totally pathetic with your stupid awards comments.

I only wrote that stuff because i remember the great times and how fun it was to play with all these guys, i am not suprised about your stupid comment.
Your mess with someone in the internet, you must be top.

And you are right i didnt won that much in the last 2 years , only EC 4th last Saison with dQ.
But i had fun to play with friends and doesnt matter what skills they are.

Well after i checked your awards , you are totally great a genius player.
You got 3x random awards EC 7th/8th, and a 3rd place in 2012.

You was on 1 euro lan and you ranked 9th!
I was also there and i was on 6th , top or?

Retarded 3rd World peace of shit.
check my profile. golden
Hummi 6 - Retarded 3rd World peace of shit 0
does mean you are good player...
I dont play cod4, so dont care about your cod4 awards either, I am judging you here as an ET player, not gonna discuss here you cod4 adventures. I didnt play RTCW either, but I account awards from it anyway since its predecessor of ET. But comparing me to yourself in 05/06 when I had no idea what ET is, thats sad. I played every EC in last 3 years (playing this game for 5), I played every single EMS ET was included in, which is pretty much same level as EC (same teams, similar format, even some money involved, I actually preferred it over EC for some reason). I placed 3 times in row in top3 in EMS and top8 in almost every EC (mostly 6th-8th place, once 3rd), placed in top3 in other prestigious tournaments. On top of that, I am part of eastern allstars lineup since 2009 (not so much of an achievement, but quite mentionable, its more how other good players are perceiving me not how I see myself). You are right about lans, I was only at one lan, and we failed but you have no idea how much we got screwed over there. Neither of us actually achieved anything at ET lans tbh, so we are even there. But thats enough of cock measuring. Nevertheless, that does not make me a good player, but I dont need to be to consider you a "bad" player.

btw, calling me a "3rd world piece of shit", nice job there, you are really classy.
Ok, there has to be an achievement for being the only person in crossfire history to be completely owned by humM3L in an argument, especially when he wrote it in almost perfect English!

Sit the fuck down FiluS!
well, one thing I know for sure, my english is better than his :P
you, leave him alone :'(
(and don't think he got owned. and yes i too think hummel is a BAD player, after all he's even won the "worst movement" and "most full spawns" award 8 years straight in a row^^)
wut? (like i can help it that my job requires me to be at a pc most of the time.. and that i sometimes get bored^^)
how're you doing?
and that's not an official award^^
It should be an award tho! :]

I b gud bruv, miss fragging with you :( how u doin?
'busy' with work, not having much time in the evening (job starts early, so does the day end) yea miss you and the fraggin too at times:(
maybe get d3/gw2 when its out. thats what i'll go for :)
(not enough time for active comp. playing anymore :/ )
bed time now, cu around (maybe tomorrow ^^)
You got owned, now stfu low skill faggot when the king hummi roams
no maza : fake award
but you are still lowskilled cunt, just deal with it
you'll never play in EC with other guys than u played whole ur fuckin pathetic life
haha u were bad in all games people carried ur ass
exactly. :-)
ownd by KING Hummel
LOL I think noone give a fuck who achieved more in online games

this is so retarded
obviously I am not gonna build buy CV on game achievements
well, you seems to, hummel aswell :D
whats the hell is these shit discussion with "achievement, pocal"

inb4 kamz shining his nc pocals :D
I just think that was a shit comment he posted.
yes but you dont need achievement to be a good player, thats just a "plus"
if your good, you get achievements.
i would say : if you're good and playing with good players.

look at stray, he is bad and got award(i guess atleast)

in this case : if you play with good players
if stray would be bad they would not play with him, there is more than aiming zZzzZzz
well, he hasn't got brain also.
i was good enough but all of my previous team folded, gone to inactive

explains now

t'as jamais été bon avant maintenant, c'est pour ça
dégage avec ton tsu toi

d ailleurs je l attends toujours le 3v3 de l autre fois :O)
you got a.toon so nothing to complain.
i didnt say "explains now" to ask about a reason for these days

but about previous teams & years
too many frenchtards ;)
never played with tards :O)
please improve your english
no special thanks/shoutouts to the danes? :(
we will missed you
btw hummel , i saw a bot on rtcw with ur name :DDDDDDDDD
"( i am suprise that someone play the game after 2005)."

lol :)
are you serious?
It's long, but will read after my appointment.

Comment reserved.
no way im gonna read this
image: collins-easy-learning-english-conversation-book-1-book-1

QuoteForgive me some mistakes

image: 3127910+_fc058ecefbaa2f0a9f5a458347c03a72
was a nice read and nice flashback to remember in the old times
Cool story!
I did read this and it was interesting..

didn't know that you teached haZer how to play :o
gz! used to be fun to play against years ago

image: February-21-2012-23-20-48-hatersgonnahate
10 years is a longtime to be so bad
Nice read :)
not gonna read it but graz!

humm3l the god of ET and the greatest fieldops
nice read !
z3R0 > *
wEAK was always much better than fireball
I'd say hazer was one of the toughest rifles to play against, shame he doesn't play anymore. very underrated player.
Your fucking shit.
Only game i played vs you guys in 2005. It was nice. The time people still made match reports on Clanbase!


Respect for leading highbot for that long.
TBH this would make a very good column, if there was somebody willing to clean up the English.
1. Play for 10 years
2. Win 60 euros
3. Still fat and ugly

wow, i'm so jealous
microsoft word with english dictionary is your friend

anyways, u missed money part which you have spent in mcdonalds
Highbot since 2002? you signed up to clanbase @ 2005 though? think your dates are off a bit Dannyboy :) also your cb account is 2004 as well.
2004 we started to play competitions under HB , before HB we played under another CB account living legends and k-plan. But we started in the End of 2002.
It was a nice read humM3L ! :)
nice read hummel!
haters gonna hate, and playas gon play
+your english improved alot..just sayin :)
rtcw times were better than et's i think :D

shame i was 2 young back in the days when rtcw was popular
Was always fun playing against humM3L but only when fireball wasn't on steroids....

Et wasn't your best game, personally I don't blame you.... compared to RtCW ET doesn't have shit. However, you're the only field op to this day that's managed to airstrike his entire team, then do it again the very next spawn. Good memories!
und ich war live dabei gegen kreaturen ;))

get a good lineup and rock this bitches again!
gmpo was really good, idd.
Nice to.read this humM3L :)
well done ;)
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