HoN@night = griefers only

Wow..don't play HoN @ night, don't play it solo on any weekend.

1st game
0/5 our tremble mid vs a Shillu in like 8-10 minutes..wow
He's frustrated and destroys my wingbow for the lulz :D

Next game..
8-10th minute, I'm 5/0 Ra mid vs midas, not farming, just killing..
our tb feeding bot 0/10~ vs. berzerker.
Our sand wraith leaves..

Our Vindi wins the game due to massive skillgasm with armassist
I'm forced to get shroud on Ra :D
Tb having a huge comeback in the end as we didn't flame him.

image: 2ajtmdtdxhsf

Sometimes you gotta hate this game.
no one gives a fuck dude gtfo with your stupid shit crossfire et community nerd
win a 4v5 game, best feeling in HoN evah
so true. so fuckin true.
Although brown was pretty bad he was still annoying.
ye, and i see your tb was so fucking terrible, must be russian
he just had a very bad start. later on he was able to solo most of the opponents, couldn't have done this without him. He also provided wards from his 10th death on :D
me and Russiar4iz farming elo like bawses. + 150 2 days!
>dat feel when i understand shit
5v5 situation,
I totally outplay one of them.
One of the opponents totally outplays one of us.
One of us leaves the game for good.

4v5 situation,
we still win in the end.

Is that better? :)
arrived back home an hour ago
playing LoL as Xin Zhao (looong time since i've played him), having so much fun defeating the hunns.
xin no real man, y u no handle mantheon!
image: pantheon
xin was the first champion i bought, played him 24/7 back in the days .. dunno, he's special for me :p
u watching IEM?
Xin is pretty fun to play, but in ranked games he's lacking to much theres not really anything special.
Not really, barely have time to play the game itself so..
i'm pretty good with xin ;p
pre 6 he's best ganker (with red)
watching a bit at work now, only talking dudezz
3rd game (that is streamed) starting now!
lol at night = winning streak
I just woke up

and it's time for a smoke
2x shoes? doesnt make sense at all
RA invis x2 boots

so he could land his stun and then port away, duh.
harkons on brown sb puts everything on its places
What the fuck build is this
too many feeders in hon after free accounts
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