Hardware experts

I've noticed that there are quite some hardware experts active on CF. There are plenty of guides out there for general gaming PC but as you probably know ET doesn't need the most highend GFX card and has other (generaly lower) needs.

My plan is to write an article about a ET gaming pc, trying to keep it as cheap as possible with as main goal running ET smoothly on 125 FPS/120 Hz with high detailed graphics.

Apart from that I want to put in information about headphones/mics as well. Also mice and keyboards are going to be part of this acrticle.

If you could advice me on any of those products and/or want to help me write the article would be lovely if you could leave a comment here or a pm or join the #et.hardware on irc(temporary channel for the article)
jij hebt ook veel tijd over, ik ga trainen doei
[nl] In september weer hard aan de studie, dan is het over met de pret ;)
If you want Crossfire to receive further advertising money from Gaming companies you should leave out the mice, headset etc. reviews :-P
I doubt it would seriously affect sponsorship. It's also rather my opinion/view on the hardware than crossfire advice guide. but will ask tosspot or something if this would really affect anything.
and perhaps it motivates the hardware producers to get in the guide! :P?
I don't even know if CF gets any money from that or if such reviews affect it. Just wanted to point out that special gaming hardware is mostly shit compared to standard non gaming labeled stuff :-))
That's why I plan to write a decent guide about it, since I had my faults with gaming branded stuff I want to help not getting there.
You should try and get h8m3 on your side for the mouse part (especially technical) and I think there were some Fins and Meez with quite some knowledge on sound and audio stuff.
filus, is an audiophile aswell thanks for your help will try to get in contact with them.
Used to play ET on my pentium2 with 125mb memory an onboard grafix card the cheapest logitech mouse and keyboard you can imagine and a old crt screen coast those days about
€ 50 .
article done
make sure you include http://us.store.creative.com/Creative-Fatal1ty-Gaming-Headset/M/B002DS4HTM.htm even if you are one of them headset haters, most people here will probably agree that it is one of the most cost-effective headsets out there (30-something € for an overall pretty good product)
This is actually the headset I advice to people who really can't be arsed spending a little bit more, will certianly review it.
tweakers.net all you need.
Good luck :)
bad english is very bad
5€ 15 year old cherry keyboard, any mice u prefer, nice processor, ati radeon 9600
My AMD Athlon XP-M 2000+ ( overclocked to around 2,2GHz) with 512MB DDR PC3200 on Asus A7N8X Deluxe rev 2.0 + Club3D ATI radeon 9600 pro 128MB. Enough for 125fps stable on all maps on high.
thats what i said :)
good old times.
appreciate for ur article, but no point really doing some specific build for et, due to et being really strange as some ppl with quite new and good hardware still fail to get 120fps while some random pc with old stuffs will easily get it, also on maps like grush or some other, new pc will fail as well and wont give u stable 120 fps.
That's as far as I know mainly because ET uses more power of the CPU than GPU and doesn't support core's that good, but this is exactly one of the points I want to get this article going.
Well been a mystery about that for long time already, to know how to get that locked 120 fps at any map and having it always stable no matter what map it is, as i saw many ppl here have brand new pcs and still having prob to gain 120 stable fps sometimes.
probably problem with more than 1 cores and I think there is a programm for that et azure or something, will look into it if I get this guide from the ground.
good luck with it then :)
I've said it before ;)...

Older cards with older drivers will outperform newer cards in older games. It's also dependent on the operating system, you can't beat XP.

Reason being graphics card updates push older textures and rendering methods to the back. Companies focus on new games and older games seem to get slower and slower (FPS wise). Choose a decent driver version (if you mainly play ET) and you'll see an FPS increase.

I had in 2005 AMD 4400+ X2, 2Gb RAM, 500Gb HDD, Nvidia 7800GT - cost my parents £££££ back then, I was playing 6-7 ET's and still got a stable 125FPS on all maps. I could reach 1000-2000FPS (which is unplayable BTW, the mouse freezes :D).

I now have a 2500K @ 4.8GHz and I fail to get 125FPS on bigger maps. My graphics card exploded (well burnt lol) and I'm now with a temporary 210GT which is like £20 - so I get low FPS. A half decent card and CPU is more than enough for ET.

All you'd need is this setup.

Dual Core - above 2 GHz - set ET 1 core
Graphics card, above the 2xx series for NVIDIA and even a 9800GT would do fine. I know the 7800GT which was released in 2004 would handle ET @ 500FPS. You remember that grass on Radar where you'd lose FPS to low 20-30's, doesn't happen on older cards, believe me.
Memory 2GB - standard £15
Any HDD, faster RPM the better 7200 = fine.
400w PSU - cheap enough £20

Could build that for £120, 125fps, with old drivers... NP.
Read my reply ;)
If you're wanting an honest review writing I wouldn't mind helping you with headphones, mice, pads, and keyboards
Deathadder as best mouse + puretrak talent
keyboards.... i dunno
headset... some SS
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