Why isn't ET working

Loading TZAC..
Loading ET..
Can't connect to masterserver..
Using Splatterladder..all etpro servers are empty

Come on I just wanted to play a map or two.


edit: oh for fucks sake, this is a ET journal, don't post random shit about shitty games like HoN.
Yes, masterserver has been down for a month or so.

There you go, http://tz-ac.com/servers.php Learn to do stuff yourself.
Really? God i miss those times when u could simply start the game and play..


edit: Thank you :)
miss those times where u could download ET and start playing straight away... oh wait.
go improve ur skill in HON with gg5[Bruceh] instead of playing ET
go improve your cool attitude with [dMrp]mamouth at #dMrp.eSports instead of trying to be nice
Is that your second account, LeFrench?
I'm his twin brother !!! Thats why sometimes bruceh have to go.. i just wanna play on my own computer :)
Sounds reasonable.
Let your twinbrother play more often, we pwnt dat game!

image: ittyci5mtohq

i was watching ur game, it was yesterday :). "LeJuice": Bruceh again dead???
yes whenever he is in his french mood he tends to either ulti only one guy with temp ulti or simply feed a lot :D
"french mood :D" I saw him playing really great with temp there is 2-3 days ago. was a great game. There was waki, u and other noobs GG5
Sorry got a bit distracted by those LoL fags in the other journals :(
youre any good in HoN?
yes im fine. However NOW I AM MAD.
Soloqueue is a big mistake.
Hate this game :(
soloquque is always :-) But heeeeeeeeey keep calm, had 1750 MMR and now 1630. ^^ But not playing anymoaaaaar
Ya though everytime you think you've seen it all,
the griefers surprise you yet again!
Not even always griefers, just bad players.. not their fault they are super braindamaged :D
I just played a very last game for tonight with 2 mates from g5.
We went Allpick for the lulz.
I was a Predator with 20th minute Lvl3. Shieldbreaker, dominated lane with my support.

Our mid was Fayde.
Now what do you think, which item did Fayde finish at 23rd minute?
Exactly, Lvl 1 Shieldbreaker recipe on courier.
Holy fuckin god. Incredible plays.

I called him names and he kept asking why he is supposed to be a noob.
He soon realized what I meant with "You have just lost us the game".
play hon with me
LoL is so much better more players :-)
It's absolutely neccessary to have a million people online in order to play a 5v5,
100.000 just doesn't do the job!
Oh yes, I know!
Because Et is dead.
Due to the large 'HoN' activity, I assume you will be pushed into HoN sooner or later. Thus I will focus on your future rather than the past. You can find the answer to your future problems here: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/wiki/index.php/Elementary_FAQ#How_do_I_zip_and_upload_my_console.log.3F

Thank you for your patience and positive feedback. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me by reply or a private message. I will be more than willing to help you with any problems you have.

I suggest you play HoN with x3NJa.

Best regards,
I'm using that shit,my shit it better.
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