Come BiO public now


Library on now!
its so dead with that map on Scatman.

Current Players: 6 / 20

Current Bots: 0

Nobody likes that map.
whine about map,play supply and goldrush all the time is better
plus the server gets more people, missile_b3, library are shit on public look how empty it is now ;D

Current Players: 6 / 20
because they are to idiots to know how to enable their they download with default which is 4 5 kb/s so they give up
They dont care they play 2 hours in a week and they dont want to download new maps etc. Thats why NBS public so populair :-) Just nice standard maps with a good map cycle.
they dont care...they why they play?

i play around 2 3 hours on week as well,but why do i have to play supply/gold 90 % of the time?

nbs popular true which is a paradox for me because in other games like cs there are so many nice maps being popular and servers full on it,while in et this is not happening,at least not on et pro.

best excuses i found so far:we don t know the map,we dont have the map

well:map can be learned,map can be downloaded.
posted @ 12:09:34

people have to work
true but normally was it 24/7 full
Can someone put up a server with 30/30 slots, pop ups for each achivement earned, With no delayed prone, with all classes available, with 18 mines per team, with max 6 panzers per team. And ofc obj.

Cause im sick of BiO server with all the serious donkeys whining and being serious as fuck having sound on and switching like its a cc final.

oh god , ET was better before

ET is dead BiO is fucking empty on this moment normally it was full and you needed seriously a private pass to come in.
Not talking about that, ive always been playing in BiO but i cba anymore, sometimes i wanna have that "Pub" feeling back when playing in a et server like BiO , but now it just feels like a normal war, and it pisses me off,

need something like jaymod , NQ XDDD

(But could ofc be that ive stopped playing for a while, and i suck so much cock that im getting fragged as fu :D )
You need Sjappie server or uk public that was great.
Cybergames herpderp

and then for like 5 years ago or something umn... something like ETwars Public for noobs :D:D:D:

oh that server , so much win
99 landmines spawn back mine the whole map gg
that is what made this game fun tbh :DD,
now you just plant the fucking mines at the back (Goldrush i expect)
and you wait for it your like, OH OH OH 5 KILLS!! OH OH
but you see these serious fags jump over them :((:(::(

(only in pub it would be fun)

else in wars , i would get pissed if i got "mined"
NBS: 3 in my profile
Tzac id too new , need to wait 30 days
played library yesterday, looks cool... But i doubt it can be good pub map :I
What are the maps you guys want instead of library and missile then?
oasis_te delivery, tcbase, braundorf, et_ice,
DELIVERY... joke of the day.
ice would be the shittiest pub map ever
Delivery, Warbell, Marrakech Streets
deli, oasis, marrakech street
so you need to make a journal on cf concerning an empty BiO server? seems as this game is coming to its end ...
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