HoN / LoL - differencies

Just now i noticed a journal popping up and getting instadeleted.
So I was thinking about giving you some random facts about these games.

Fast-Paced & action-oriented, skill-based, lasthitting & denying valuable, no "intelligent cast system", no creepy stuff like ghostwalking or whatever it's called, only cosmetic upgrades for money except for EA heroes, free LoL mode included for the lulz

Slow-paced, based on how much money you invest in the game and what your setup is, no denying needed + you don't loose gold on death so what's the point in surviving?, intelligent autoaim cast system (:"D)


image: cool-story-blacksmith

Feel free to discuss in a mannered way!
No need for hate :)

As for the discussion regarding MANY PLAYERS = BETTER GAME = MORE PRO TOURNAMENTS you have to think about that LoL went f2p from the start and therefore attracted a LOT more players. Obviously all the big tournaments organize more events for LoL because of the riddiculous amount of money they earn from ads, streams, users etc. And you gotta admit learning LoL is easier than dealing with the hard learning curve HoN / Dota have to offer. Deal with it.
HoN is just a League of Legends rip-off anyway. They just tried to make it original with " lasthitting & denying valuable".


Can't wait to watch HoN at Dreamhack... oh wait!! xDDD

This ain't SC2, you scrub. Watching replays not gonna improve your skillz, baddie.
I rest my case, go back to 9gag or reddit? :S
LoL: first announced on October 7, 2008
HoN: beeing developed from 2007

no, crossfire is fine for me :)
Please explain how I've been playing League of Legends since 2003?
I don't know, are you mental?
u just owned yourself!
Implying dota wasn't the main source of inspiration for both games?
what the fuck are you dog talking about, everything started from DotA, HoN is not LoL's rip off
dota was first.
hon came before LoL.
im pretty sure hon was released after dota, and lol followed.

hon was meant to keep alot of dota features such as denying and stuff.
This is so ignorant as a statement it doesn't deserve a thought out reply.
People who choose to play LoL over HoN are the same people who would rather play with Duplo over Lego.
guys that still putting time in ET are autist the game is overrtade.
ja overrtade je weet wel swa.
People who play HON / LOL play it just because they suck at DOTA

image: 5c4
DoTA = Warcraft 3 ripoff
HoN/DoTA 2 = lower tier LoL rip offs (Hon on the verge of bankruptcy)

pic related HoN and DoTA players

image: monkeys4
Dota2 is nearly the same as Dota1, therefore it's a LoL ripoff? " okay "
DoTA = Warcraft 3 ripoff
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Depends on since when u've been playing these kinds of games.
Taking a leap of faith and switching to Dota could be a nightmare for most HoN players as the engine has developed age and has become outdated.

However, playing HoN at a decent level and actually trying Dota results in high level play aswell. The game is much slower, you are able to react a lot faster etc downside is you gotta get used to the engine, lasthitting etc. doesn't take much time though.

Imo there's nothing that can be compared to the original, Dota 2 isn't a real remake but more like a 1:1 update with up-to-date stuff included that is beeing used in LoL and HoN as there were no limitations at the time those both games were in development.
No idea, have never played any of those.
oooh you should've tried at least ;)
Oldtimers / real Dota players always having a good time raping in HoN.
Well, unless they're up against me!
It actually started in Starcraft with "Aeon of Strife".
Sadly I was to late in online SCBW to actually know the original map and I can't find the map file on the internet. :S
Here you go, mate:


I just downloaded it.
That map states that it is made after wc3's aeon of strife.
Doesn't seem to be the original then... :S
hm..I've been searching aswell. no way to find it >.< But I'll drain all my sources. Maybe u are lucky.
simple as fuck, hon > lol
LoL is better has so much more players/ and its free
Somebody said it before.
Just because a similar game has a larger player pool it doesn't have to be better.
1.5 > 1.6
CoD 4 > MW3
Dota > LoL
dota allstar version on wc3 was the best!

dota allstar > lol/hon/dota2
more like:

Dota > HoN > Dota 2 > LoL

;)) my personal ranking
dont know why you hate lol.
I don't hate it. I'd just love all the communities to accept that LoL is a casual remake of Dota whereas HoN is more like a 1:1 copy which is more skill-dependent
s2 heroes kinda ruined the game balance wise imo...
they are all perfectly balanced currently.
Only annoying heroes are, as usual..farmed Rampage, Ra etc.
though only Rampage is a real threat and has been there since..ever
tbh im playing free hon with all heroes available cause I have tokens bug (tokens let you play nonavailable heroes with free account, i have like 4 millions of them :XD). but anyway i'd buy hon instead of playing this shit slow game which lol is. im not having problems with finding a game or smth, like 60k of players online all the time
So bug abusing is now a reason to favor a game?
You counter the claim that all the heroes are only available paying players by saying that you abused a bug, which, in most cases, is not considered favorable.
i just said i have it for free but even if i hadnt, i would buy it over the free lol
Quote based on how much money you invest in the game

So what i understood from readin thix text, u obviously have not spent too much time thinking about what u were writing? What's the point on staying alive?.. well opponent gets money from killing u? Based on how much money u invest? sup, u mean u can own with different skins or what?
highly agree
dude skin = skill
im unfamiliar with this 'dude skin':D
go and suck HugtheSubs dick....

Slow-paced, based on how much money you invest in the game and what your setup is, no denying needed + you don't loose gold on death so what's the point in surviving?, intelligent autoaim cast system (:"D)

1. based on how much money you invest in the game? It's pretty obvious that u didnt even play LoL, as u dont even have to invest a single euro into the game in contrast to HoN where u need to upgrade your free to play account to be able to play all champions

2.The point in surviving is, the more kills u get, the more gold the enemy gets if they kill u. so u failed again!

3. Dota/HoN gold lose at death system makes the game snowball so hard. if u kill the enemy 1-2 times, they dont have a chance to get back into the game, so its all about the first 10 minutes. this is bigtime shit and makes HoN uncompetive. Thats why HoN isnt played on a single big event. Just simply because its retarded. same to its players. All you hon fags do, is taking 1 of the fucking few op champs, go mid lane and get the kills on top and bot be fed as fuck and carry a game 1on5. And u guys still dont get it
So dieing 1-2 times looses you the game?
Sorry Sir, but that argument is not valid.
I assume many players have experienced a at least a couple of games where they were at a huge disadvantage from the start or midgame and simply made a big comeback in the end. I had a sucky random at my bottom lane a couple of days ago, his final stats were 4/23/25~. We even had one leaver. We won a 4v5 with a great disadvantage because i managed to kill my mid so many times and let our top lane farm farm farm and at some point the sucky botlane became useful (we didn't flame him once). U can die 20 times in Dota or HoN, it doesn't loose you the game, other factors come into play here.
So there's no difference to LoL is what you're saying?
Big difference is, dieing in HoN 20 times in a row results in around 8000 gold gifted to the opposing team (~200 for a death, 200 for the opponent). Coming back from that with teamplay is just MASSIVE skill like..before you die you should consider buying your items very fast so you don't loose any gold. In LoL you just..hm..die? "Buying items later np I got time..."
You clearly have no idea what's going on. Dying 20 times in a row in LoL leaves you 6000G behind + killing streak boni.

Right now you're saying: Dying in HoN isn't that bad, you can always come back, but dying in HoN is much worse than in LoL.

You're shit at arguing. And trolling, for that matter.
If i was shit at trolling you wouldn't get so mad :D
Anyways..both games are retarded! both communities suck!


Anyway you i offer you big pocal in terms of CASUAL
How am I mad? You just don't know how games work. And the English language.
dickster retard auf dem ganzen planete, wie du 0 ahnung von dem game hast gg. LoL ist einfach sooo leicht & schlecht seh es ein :SS
QuoteDota/HoN gold lose at death system makes the game snowball so hard. if u kill the enemy 1-2 times, they dont have a chance to get back into the game, so its all about the first 10 minutes

could not be further from the truth.
what is a rune race?
what are ganks?
what are defensive TPs and wards?
what are ganker heroes?
what is minimizing enemy carry gpm?
what are jungle stacks?
what is creep pulling?
what are gamechanger ults?

and even if it was (partly) true what you say is 'hon/dota is bad because you fail when you suck' and thats exactly why scrubs like you play lol cause you are bad.
i didnt say dota sux, i said hon sux!

you did not distinguish. i only related to that sentence.

and if anything hon is closer to dota than lol is, that is simply a fact.
we know you are adamant that lol is a good game (and it might very well be) but you make yourself look like a complete idiot every single time around for rejecting obvious truths to live in your tiny little scrub world.
LoL is a basic version. you like it because of that so stop hating on people who point it out.
LoL in moba genre is like Halo in FPS genre.

Serious business.
You sir, made my day on this website.
The same can be said about the whole MOBA genre...
Sad how e-sports went downhill during the decade.
LoL = For casual noobs
HoN = For Beginners
DotA = For pros
Quoteyou don't loose gold on death so what's the point in surviving?

So you don't feed the opposite team.

You shouldn't judge games when your clueless.
this! #dMrp.eSports to play with mamouth aka LoL pwner!

The Truth:

LoL = Simply Awesome.

HoN = Yuck.
haha fucking retard
- hon fast paced compared to lol? hon ulti cooldowns are 2-3mins in average... the game itself is not faster. in lol you also level faster than u do in hon. while lol caps at lvl 18, hon at 25
- somewhere i saw a pic where u and ur g5 pro team had like 10max denies per player. so i dont see any major impact on that.
- wth is ghostwalking? if it is what i think it is, i just say hon boots of speed(?) activating and boom moving mucho faster for like 5s(?)
- lol is free, champions and skins can be bought with real money, runes HAVE TO be paid with influence points, which u just gain while playing, and with these u also buy your champions, so actually you have to think on what ur spending your points.
- whats the point on surviving.. to not die? or losing farm and xp? whats the point in losing money when ur already punished when u died? none! just harder snowballing. its the sense of the game to not die as often as your opponent. so staying alive just fullfills this sense, you obviously dont seem to get.
- autoaim? afaik there are just adjustments, that champs are prefered over minions while casting an ability. smartcast is no autoaim at all it just make u cast faster, which doesnt grant you an advantage for every possible spell (hello veigar E)
- the sense of both games is to gain money, to buy items to improve your individual strengths.
- lol has brushes to hide in, which can be warded so they get useless after all. hon enjoy camping in forests np afterall
i'm pretty sure u never played hon with this answers...
i played the beta years ago, never touched it after the beta was over, simply not my game
dont get the 'skill based' argument, its not like you can be actually good at either without playing shitload of games and learning the game -.- and to be fair its easier to get better in lol without retarded community (worse than et, hows that even possible).

'based on how much money you invest in the game' - erm hon took the same business model so whats your point? :p not my problem since i had hon since beta but for normal people its way easier to actually unlock anything in lol than in hon. And everything apart from skins IN BOTH GAMES is free. Stupid argument.

'lasthitting & denying valuable' - in lol they just replaced denying with outharrasing/pushing people out of the lane. Lasthitting valuable in both. Another stupid point you make.

League of Legends 'slow paced' - erm its actually faster in teamfights i think, overall lane phase hon might be a faster but not really something that would matter to u with your psr/elo/whatever. Matter of taste so not a valid argument hence fuck off with it.

'you don't loose gold on death so what's the point in surviving?' - maybe so you wont be out of lane and get outfarmed and give gold to opponent team? Yet another stupid point (not really a suprise).
the funny thing is, none of them ever compares hon to its "mother" dota or nowadays dota2. if they really would be as awesome as they say all the time, why dont they play dota instead of the cheap hon copypasta? argiung with them is evverytime again useless and utter timewaste :)
Best comment in this journal + coming from a HoN player :). HoN players can't even see how clueless the journal maker is, they just say "yes, you're right, because you say HoN>LoL". :'D
i just cant understand how people can play lol :S it is kinda slow and the graphic is even worse than it is in Dota.
Quotegraphic is even worse than it is in Dota.

good joke, u obviously never played LoL
cant say that i've "played it" but i tryed it out and didnt like. and ye graphics r shit.
Lol? Dotas graphic is better than LoL's . 100%.

And yes im talking bout dota1, playing dota2 now this is awesome graphic.. But LoL seriously. The only game i can remember created after 2005 whose graphics are worse is Minecraft..
bad joke is bad
Ive played all games..

From graphics it goes like this: Dota2 > HoN > Dota > LoL

this is no hating against LoL, everyone who preferes its own.. i just like to play vs more skilled players so i prefer dota2 & Hon over LoL but LoL graphics are looking like a comic.. seriously graphics look like games of 2000..
wow all these casual nerds playing casual game called HoN :DD

ps. where HoN at lans? its so shit that its only included @ Dreamhack
ITT : A bunch of random fags who never played DotA and are arguing about two shitty games.
whats the point of surviving? they don't gain gold either ;'D both games can be played @ competitive level so i have no idea what's your point? play the one you like better and have fun ^.^
I dont understand why everyone whines about it, just play whatever u prefer and stfu! :D
For all you people that think LoL is way more competitive and a better game for esports than HoN or Dota are fools. LoL is a SIMPLE game with a SIMPLE play style and LOW skill cap which by default will appeal to a wider audience, oh and don’t forget the big one IT’S FREE!!!! That doesn’t mean it’s a better game. For people posting on a ET website I find this really surprising, because I expect most of you to be competitive gamers; and a true competitive gamer would want the game with a higher skill cap to outshine and out promote the game with a lower skill cap.
I’ll put it another way, CoD has a HUGE following compared to Quake 3 but does that make it the better game?? No it doesn’t. LoL is the CoD of real time strategy games.
And you base your assumptions on what?
I couldn't find the right words but you certainly compensate my lack of english.
Slow-paced, based on how much money you invest in the game and what your setup is, no denying needed + you don't loose gold on death so what's the point in surviving?, intelligent autoaim cast system (:"D)

completly wrong
Yes, dear Flopjehz, Riot games is completely wrong!
I'm glad you agree with me :)
nope u're wrong that lol is based how much money u invest in the game.
you said COMPLETELY wrong !
Dota2 bigger than all.

just my opinion. if you've played DotA for years it's just not possible to switch to LoL :-(

i've played the DotA2 beta enough to tell lol.
Lass mal zocken :(
Wenn ich iwann mal zu Hause bin :(
okeeee add mich dann einfach mal, extream112 :-)
achso na dann :)
334.1 hours of dota2 are not enough to judge it?
lazy gr0ss
Face it, the whole MOBA genre is casual!
dota = golf ; lol = minigolf
dota = tennis ; lol = table tennis

lol is fun and challenging in its own ways but at the end of the day it still is a striped down version

hon is absolutely pathetic cause:
- the community is rotten
- the game is badly made (code wise)
- it lacks functions (only 1 spec per player, ...)
- S2 heroes pretty much always need nerfing after being released
- S2 is all about money grabbing
- MMR doesnt reflect player skill
- It is more casual when compared to dota (courier for free, no minute 0 gank rune, ...)
- ...
somebody told me I should suck your dick so attention! HERE I COME!!
only reason they release OP heroes is because they want users to pay 7 euro in order to be able to stomp for a week until the big nerf comes. It's mostly about statswhoring I guess :)
ah this kid is always quite insanely mad cause i point out truths about either of the games.
i say w/o holding back why hon is bad and i point out the differences in gameplay that makes lol unique.
if you cant deal with the fact that people who can play the 'full version' of the concept might think you are a bit thick for choosing the stripped down version than you are oblivious.
I absolutely agree on all of your points I don't understand why anybody would flame you for that. I hate the game too, just got griefed 3 times in a row in Solo queue, happens often ^^
However HoN ain't a stripped-down version of Dota it IS Dota 1:1, well at least close to. LoL is it's own game with pros and contras and even though there are many additions that may let the game become more "whole", it comes down to stuff like the spell-help thing, whatever it's called, buyable runes, you get some kind of invi-walking or invulnerability, no denying as mentioned before, no gold loss on death etc.
All the games I play should have at least a little amount of competitive complexity in them and LoL just doesn't fit into that category properly because HoN and Dota exist and therefore I have an urge to prefer them. I reckon you understand.
dota is harder i think.
having to buy a courier at the start reuqired team coordination and commitment (lack of 200g, you will feel that).
having a rune at 0 makes ganking mid with double/triple stun more viable than hon.
gamechanger ults like earthshaker and sandking are a lot stronger in dota.
there are heroes that require a lot more stratigic planning than hon will ever get (nightstalker e.g.)
it does not make the game "worse" per se but it does require less skill i would say.
i mean ofc lol has bigger changes (no ports, no stacking/pulling, no gold loss on death, invis bushes on the lane, 2 extra spells, ...) and i cant possibly imgaine how that could NOT vastly influence the gameplay.
for me the biggest things tho is the stuff you can do when not in a game. being able to build setups and "skill" stuff changes the concept of "every single time you play the game, everything and everyone is exactly the same" which is the base requirement for competetive gaming imo. being able to build items that increase the force of your spell is another example of that same problem i have with it.
you can not simply look at your HP and e.g. know "i have 430hp right now, that guy has 2 active spells with a damage sum of 350, so i am safe".it doesnt work anymore, everything feels random.
also lol does seem to lack supportive items.. like hex staff, silence staff, push staff, no pk initiation, all that junk. it is more of an ego game.
I've played one game with Earthshaker in Dota 2, became pretty nasty with those Arcane boots :D I don't understand how you can say that his ulti is weaker in HoN on one hand and on the other hand you are telling me that this makes the game easier, I think I'm missing your point here somehow.

There's many things that have been in HoN from the start like

1) Runes at 0:00
2) NO free courier
3) Chronos beeing 1:1 copy of void
etc. etc.

They've simply nerfed much of the stuff to make it more viable for the HoN metagame which in fact is quite different as in Dota nowadays. One thing I dont like about it is that people tend to back out with like 40-50% HP remaining cause they are scared whereas in Dota well you know ;)
Imo nerfing specific heroes that were just a bit too op for this game isn't hurting. They did nerf Vanguard though :/ God, I hated that change..
Now it has got 20 charges and I still don't know exactly how it works it's just plain stupid, but doesn't feel different at all.. They only did it because of Anti-Mage/Magebane ~_~
from what i hear earthshakers ult is a lot stronger in dota (numbers wise i think). that makes the game "harder". you have to really pay attention to those gamechanging ults or you are gonna throw big time.

yes hon has quite a different metagame and i think its a but easier...

helm is simple. you gain a charge every 0.4sec. each creep attack costs 1 charge each hero attack 5.
aw creep attack takes only 1. Was wondering why i had 13 yesterday :DD
Alright, if you see it from the opponents POV you can mess up a lot easier, okok got that ^^
Well now the question is?

DotA2 > HoN > LoL
DotA2 > LoL > HoN
Dota2 > Hon = LoL

?? :D
would be way too retarded to make such a claim.

LoL is #1 when it comes to community size.
LoL is #1 for people who like customization
LoL is #1 for people new to the moba genre
LoL is #1 for people who like to watch tournament coverage
LoL is #1 for people who dont want to spend that much time learning it

and dota or hon are #1 in different segments.
you just have to accept the games for what they are
okaaay understand most of the points but watch tournament coverage will come in dota2 aswell i guess? :-)
im not sure if valve will throw as much money at marketing as riot did.
user base wise the f2p and already established LoL will stay the largest i think.
most users = most events = most coverage
Who knows, if valve will make dota2 f2p DotA's user base will rise almost as high as LoL's i guess
The only reason hon servers are still running is that i told them to keep it up so i can go on and annoy nerds with codex scout.Hon was a good game in the beginnin with kinda balanced dota heroes. When it got released it was fucked up already.now its just mindless QQQQQQQ.

Lol is a pretty nice fresh start imo. With the idea of bushes , runes , masteries and everything ... its new ... deal with it or leave.It seems pretty unbalanced for dota and hon players because of the enormous spell damage and attack damage,while obviously its not..
Its new and its just easier to say that " LOL ITS SO UNBALANED OP SHGIT" instead of adapting to the game.

Long story short -> Dont even bother with hon ,the community is ful of idiots.new op heroes every weekend.

Lol is 100% fun and cannot be taken serious for some reasons cause most of us got used to the dota meta ( or hon).But cant deny the fact thats its fun . really .

Playing dota is still fun, but pretty much boring by now.Gotta agree on the parts about dota being the most skill oriented game around thou.l
The first tournament in DotA2 had a $1M prize pool. Seems like a decent start in the money direction. The thing is though that DotA2 looks the exact same as HoN and I presume it will suffer from that just like HoN did.
Warcraft 3 > all
/end discussion
I heard they are releasing a new Warcraft!!
Oh wait..~_~
People who play HoN are sad
its just what you like, hon seems more skill based, league more pick/strat based.
hon for the hardcore nerds
league for random ppl trying to have soms fun
Haha, echt het enige degelijke antwoord hier
ja hoe moeilijk is het nou, league gaat veel meer om picks, wardplacement etc map control, team play - waar het bij hon meer draait om individuele skill en hoe goed je mechanics van het spel kan.
So many bitter nerds here. :') Thinking they know "the truth" :'D. I feel sorry for you, hope someday you'll realise there are better things than arguing on internet. :)
HoN? Never heard about
i like hon more because its easier :<, i must be the only one

hard to kill anything because everybody has blink and those motherfucking towers hit like whales in LoL. Also i'd say its waay easier to screw yourself over by missing a single spell, such as a morgana Q (miss that and you will do very little damage without cc from someone else).
about carries, if you build for damage, you will be so very squishy and need to position yourself realllly carefully, in hon you just get armor with agility and lots of damage items have strength on them, making you considerably tanky. most mages can still burst down a carry in lategame in LoL unless theyre horribly underfed.

in hon you just go double stun lane and rape face :D (pyro/witch slayer/fayde/glacius lol, nuke ALL the things). cant see how someone couldnt grasp the idea of couriers or stacking jungle or runes or warding or juking after 3-4 games :d
You clearly have no idea about how LoL works
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