TZAC no email :<

Tried to register on the TZAC site so I can play this Enemy Territory game everybody is talking about, but I received no confirmation emails.
I tried to register twice with different usernames and emails, didn't work. If I try to again, it tells me the username and email are already registered, if I ask for password recovery it tells me an email has been sent, but I never receive any. Any ideas on what's happening?
multiple account = ban
i have a reallife bro we both play(pub) ET
we both have tzac and play at same time

what is the criteria to define multiple ?
more than one account on the same pc (and maybe OS useraccount, though since he's using hardware identifier it's more likely that he's not taking OS accs into consideration) are considered multiple accounts afaik - since he can hardly tell by your ingame nickt if you're the same person
when i play in his pc i log in with my tzac acc
didn't say it wasn't possible, only saying that he'll most likely get a warning, that there are two accounts on the same pc. you might want to tell "him" instead of me just to be sure :)
everyone knows i have a bro that also plays ET
just meant that you might want to tell chapljia if you wanted to be sure, was only a suggestion. didn't say i didn't believe that you don't have a brother, why would I :)
just so he can take that into consideration in case his automatism actually "falsely" detects "you" on multiple accounts.
normally when u register and u don't get the email that means ur banned or smth
/q FRANCIS at #dMrp.eSports !
stop it dude!!!

/q FRANCIS at #dMrp.eSports ! this is how we do!
Posted by Decade on Wednesday 7th March 2012, 20:18
by Decade on Wednesday
y Decade on Wedn
takes time.
lol hello decade mate
I don't think I'm the Decade you think I am.
you sure? who played in flares then??
Ok yeah that's me, I just don't remember playing/talking with you O_o
Somebody told me there was a northern Decade around ages ago and I thought you confused me with that one
yeah he is a mate also :P
omg decade omg
decade ci sono sir e val che ti cercano perchè gli manchi tanto tanto :(
Usually takes a decade before you get it
elle était facile celle là (je me suis retenu parce que c'était tellement pourris, remarque c'est mon lvl)
T'as failli attendre une décennie, non?

t'es en mode super sayen là, pas moyen autrement :D
Merde, spotted :D
you need to use hotmail or gmail to get fast email

if you use like it will take forever.
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