mass effect 3, first thoughts

the game looks awesome, i palyed little bit ME2 but got bored (lol), now currently playing this

only thing i dont fucking like, maybe its somehow possible?

- bodies dissapear when you kill enemy, blood on walls aswell, since i'm a gore fan i'd like that it would all stay, maybe it's possible in options somewhere, anyone knows? so that shit would stay atleast for sometime, not dissapear instantly...

with money u gain after missions u can buy only weapon updates?

is it worthy to do sidequests?

image: Mass-Effect-3

big shepherd is watching you
You need to go on hunts and scan around so you can build up your army to fight back, check the thing in the war room, it tells you how ready you are, the side missions will help you out a lot with this.

Credits can be used for weapon upgrades, armour, ship models, fish, upgrades for your engineers and so on.
ofc not.
welcome to the polygon limit world of the console era.
lol you skipped ME2, NOOB
i remember it lagged like shit for me, this doesnt Dx::D
Yeah, it lagged, but ME3 just is awesome in that department.
I heard you can suck nigger-dick in this game, can someone verify this please. I would like to try this awesome game-series out finally.
You can in ME2
I like the game so far. Although I loaded wrong save game and my Garrus in ME2 died and thus he isnt in my ME3 :D
You just lost your best member!

I used him all the way through the previous 2 games, I intend on doing the same with this one.
I did as well :D

But he died during suicide mission when I picked the wrong biotic for the shield :D

And when I loaded from ME3 I didnt know which save was which and I didnt have ME2 to check it. :D
So I just went with it :P
That's harsh, will take some of the fun away from you not having him there, had some epic conversations with him already.
Dont worry , I will download a suitable ME2 savegame with my original decisions and play ME3 again :P
2012, playing games made for homosexuals
>Being Croatian
>Being Homophobic
>Being a general NEWFAG
>Implying I haven't IGNORED YOU
>Implying you're not CANCER

image: 1984b282b465d0941260923

Trying to greentext on crossfire, and calling people newfags, flaming homosexual
Implying you can even afford a game with your 3rd world country wage??
haha buying games hahahaha
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