Internet rock bottom for Filus

Getting your ass handed to yourself when arguing with humm3l. You dont fuck with the big main man.

humm3l is my hero, used to spec him alot back in the days. That's all. :))

image: Thumbs-up

Not the first time for him though so he is used to it:
not journal worthy

Also noone cares about empirical comments
How do you define what is journal-worthy and what is not? Everyone does a journal of whatever is interesting to them at the moment.
=) filus owned!
I dont think he could match idle's or u96d's in-game leader.
His class-selecting skills left everyone in awe. :D
HUMM3L FUCKING BLOWS, but i gotta admit he face fucked filus there :D
i still think that hummel is a retard
He got rolled hard indeed.
Even if hummel sometimes is not able to form an intelligent sentence he demolished him there.
i would be interested to hear how other top cod4 players from the time viewed humm3ls skills!
"Best Call of Duty 4 AKU player 2008-2009." That post on cadred was made in january 2008 and cod4 was released in november 2007... I have no idea about the competitive scene in cod but i'd take everything this guy says with a bag of salt - aint that somthing new..?!
it's really hard for me to look at comments by hummel without imagining him with angry face & sweaty palms.
rather ironic, your dropping a comment like that
I usually forget what I was arguing about after like 10 seconds of leaving the page so I can promise you I don't care about these arguments :D
ye, I see you dont think too much
bigger shit to think about, don't pretend like it's not the same for everyone else.
I dont quite follow
I'm getting confused too =d

topic: people taking arguments seriously
you: calling it ironic that I say that about someone else
me pointing out: I barely even remember arguments I have
also saying: it's the same for anyone with something going on in their lives
1) slarto trollin
2) you calling someone sweaty geek
3) me laughing at you doing it
4) you sayin something about arguing
5) me being confused
6) me being even more confused if possible

you assume I'm a sweaty geek because I argue on CF :P it's the same reason I assume hummel is.
Quoteand Won 1x EuroCup in Call of Duty4, where the community is like 10 times bigger and more skilled then ET.

No, just no
Fair enough.
What a cunt.
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