Zombie Mod - IRC Channel

Hey, had a little bit of downtime - my CoolerMaster RS 700 decided to go POP and exploded - luckily it didn't take anything else with it.

Now I have a new PSU OCZ 750 - FATAL1TY - back onto the coding.

All other workers have done great work in the meantime, and have more models/heads to work with now.


come IDLE & BE ACTIVE @ #zombiemod.et - FREE COOKIES!

Just head model & skin - new shape/look - this is simple zombie model - we have big fat cunts to add yet ;)

image: l_zombie_male
Why work on a mode that noone will ever play?

just askin'
Oh people will play it ;)
why u dont put your head in the ground and stay there for the rest of your life?
why u dont put your head in the ground and stay there for the rest of your life?
A gaming PSU?
Found it at bargain price ;)
OO and female zombie with no clothes (clothes to be added)

Custom anim etc..

Half a face - will be high poly bone with more blood and flesh - leg with rotten flesh - big chunks out of left arm / rotten flesh.
image: l_zombie_woman

Next models are NON-HUMAN - more ZOMBIE BEAST models.
Lara croft :D
;), looks very much like her yes, I think he likes her tbh :D, but it's a new head skin and model ;).
lookin good, now i believe this project will finish.
It will finish ;), BLAcky is working on the Hospital map which is looking awesome BTW ;)...

Speer is working on Sewers & Zombie Cold Fort - REALLY NICE :) - got the map plans and drawups here ;)

Here is old compile of Hospital -

image: l_nf98ebq2vd5h
image: l_qlydju9s2yr

Enjoy ;)
more shit mods pls
gtfo son of a gay , very good mod , respect the work of danje
More negative attitude.
hey cuntface, u suck! like ur whole faggot clan say hi from me to faker silent
more shit ppl pls
i really hate that you changed the ammo,health,fps and all that shit locations'
tu peux le changer par toi meme avec des commandes si je dis pas de la merde
dans son mode pourri il a "forcé" les commandes, on peut meme pas les changer
c'est donc bel et bien un mod de clochard
u negative bastard!
This will change as I go along, much more detailed HUD and such.

Nothing else has changed tbh...
stupid to change HP's location for exemple because people are just used to their own config and putting it somewhere else is just not fun
It's the same with anything tbh, and ET's HP has always been there ;). I have removed the fatigue bar and all that stuff.. DO NOT FORGET this is not from ETPRO, I did this from ETMAIN, 100% BASIC CODE, included all fixes possible, and improved A LOT on the physics, and graphical capabilities. You can only see without models in this server: - outdated without major updates... but you get the idea of the feeling I'm going for.

Quake3 meets RTCW meets ZOMBIES!

Any feedback is helpful ;)
Amateur work at best... will not play. I will enjoy good games like Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3.
lol @ comparing ET to them 2 games :D. And you think a mix of ET players are going to produce a product worth more/better than a project created for a big name company with workers who get paid £100,000+ for work? Plus they have everything created for them by professional modellers, mappers and sound effect guys.

But hey, effort is put in by the community and people like you seem to think it's going to be AMAZING with using no money and a free game released in 2003, using an outdated engine?

Go play them 2 games, traitor :D
Modifying a dead game, thinking someone will install it and play. Haha! :D :p
No need to install bro, just join a server like you would join an ETPRO server.

>lol @ comparing ET to them 2 games :D.

I'm just comparing GOOD games to BAD games.

>And you think a mix of ET players are going to produce a product worth more/better than a project created for a big name company with workers who get paid £100,000+ for work? Plus they have everything created for them by professional modellers, mappers and sound effect guys.


>But hey, effort is put in by the community and people like you seem to think it's going to be AMAZING with using no money and a free game released in 2003, using an outdated engine?

Ain't going to even play it. The whole zombie thing got old after Call of Duty: World at War. Also, zombies are impossible?

Already complete DA2, currently playing ME3 which I pirated haha :)
Granted it's been done before, but it's not like you think. It's a team play game... let me explain for you... please mind the classes - they've changed since first starting:

New classes: Stronghold, Doctor, Technician, Support & Sniper

QuoteName: Zombie Mod
Gametype: Last Man Standing
Maps: Custom zombie maps, rain and darkness
Engine: I've reworked the code from vanilla ET (ETMAIN), I've introduced exploit fixes also.
Game has Quake 3 physics, I haven't seen the Q3 engine code, but I worked on the code from my head and feeling, and it feels about right. This has got so many compliments and is apparently the best part so far.
Game has interest from the Crossfire.nu community and has been tested by 20+ players, and it runs stable. I have been working on the code alone and have not stole ANY code or used anyone elses work unless asked for help on SD forums.

Point of this game:
Axis are now called Zombies and Allied are Humans. The Axis have only 1 weapon and that is melee (their fists). The Humans have 150HP each and consist of 4 clases.

Power - these do the most damage, they have high powered weapons and can rush Zombies with a Healer. These inflict pure damage to the 5000HP zombies!

Healers are the ones who heal others, they can revive players a lot quicker and come with more ammunition and medical packs. They have 2 sidearms and 1 main weapon, but can choose between 2 guns The Thompson or (other name got to make model yet).

There is the Support class - this class can call in planes to drop arty on specific locations, with increased fire power and ability to replenish the group with ammo. This class is a must have for any game, there's very little ammo around the maps.

Then we have the Technician, this guy builds the forts in which are needed to be created, they can also set up defences with their special weapon (mines). The Techy is the base building man, you need him for sure!.

Lastly we have the Distance Fighter - these guys hide in the back and have the ability to blend well into the scenery, they can spot the zombies from a distance and pick them off before having to retreat to team mates.

The game requires team work and skill, no more being a medic = win
Wow, never thought that I will ever say that but you are a fucking idiot... god.
I have a degree in Anti-Zombies, aka ZOMBIES ARE IMPOSSIBLE.

So right, Zombies are DEAD people right?? But when a person dies, their blood coagulates?? And then their lungs do not take in Oxygen?? This means that they can not produce adenosine triphosphate !! What's that?! What's adenosine triphosphate?? It's a vital catalyst for MUSCLE CONTRACTION. Zombies are IMPOSSIBLE.

Who's the IDIOT NOW??
You are... :D
Just because I know the truth about the Illuminati and the 4th Dimension?
No, your majesty. Your infinite wisdom is too much for me to follow.
Why rip-off Left 4 Dead? Are you like poor and can't afford it? :-S
But aren't you registered on a site which is mainly dedicated towards the ET community, so aren't you technically poor also?

Also, it's not a L4D ripoff... it's a LMS standing zombie game, with friendly ET players helping. I am no C coder, so this was a big project for me to take on, but I did nevertheless, and it is working out as I go along.

Without people who put effort into your 'poor mans game', it'd be dead and you wouldn't have this account.

Comparing 2003 game to source engine game isn't exactly good.
I'm here for the CoD 4 and League of Legends community.
Never even played "ET". :-S
Well you've missed a great era, you do know that CoD4 is based on the EXACT same engine ET is right? Exactly the same exploit methods & memory addresses in most cases. Quake 3 was released as FREE in 2005(I think) and CoD4 used it, so it's a FREE engine, you just paid for it's textures ;).
well done bud :D
im gonna reinstall et to try your mod, love the idea
keep up the good work!
Why the hate so suddenly ? o.O
Time of the month, perfect sync.
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