bb Boss

My dear Belgian friend Pieter will leave to South AfricaSouth-Africa tomorrow. He'll be doing his internship there.

I'm sure we will all miss him and i want to wish him good luck and alot of fun with all them niggers over there!


Inbefore playin with 600 ping
hf pieter :)
watch out for kony
nice! GL :)
ive also done my internship in south-africa 4 years ago
doktor boss?
Have fun Pieter, and good luck aswell!
i m sure he wont say nigger anymore
Boss: nigger
hb boss!
hf Pieter
My version of that song is way better.
Cu there xo
gl pieter:)
need some lol coverage about the IEM FINAL GONNA BE GREAT GUYS
party hard like a boss!
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