Need some tips (WoW)

Is there somebody who is playing enhancement shaman, PVP oriented?
if yes...

I could use some good macros, (I do have some but dont know if they are any good)
Spec corrections?
Reforging corrections?
any good addons I should use? (see screenshot)

My gear

image: nlvds9

thanks in advance
gief armory link

btw enhanc in pvp sucks balls
Could kill nearly any melee class except blood DK are a bit hard, even tho with CD's I can manage to kill them sometimes :)
you can't kill anyone in duel and in arena if you dont play with a feral you are nothing :(

but I didnt play wow for months so might have change
apperently you dont know shit :D
apperently you are playing against baddies

any good pvper would just stomp your searing totem and you dont do shit
just "xD" nothing more to say :D
well yeah xd i forgot you dont arena
Winning a 1on1 in 3 seconds because of burst <> winning arenas.

If you aren't doing arenas, then fair enough.
I actually do arenas
there's a scroll of reserection atm, what's your e-mail, i'll sent you one (pm me)
--> 7 free days
--> free faction, realm change if you want
--> free boost to 80 for already existing characters if you have any that aren't 85 yet

only condition is to have been inactive till 04/03

if you buy gametime at end of 7 free days i get a mount
I dont want to play this game anymore :x

and tbh I got already all my chars 85 and I feel like a complete nerd when watching back
ok, i can only offer ;)
sure thing! thx
long gone are the days of glory in wow too it seems. I still dont believe you thou.
google is ur friend...
I always thought crossfire was my friend... damn it
gtfo with tat WoW ! :P
One of my alts are enhancement pve ^^ its awesome but it really sucks in pvp tbh :p just get the standard focus macroes or something from elitistjerks or something :p
I actually really like it in PVP... got a feral druid, and shadow priest also PVP oriented, and that shaman is the most powerfull... :)
Oh okay cool ^^ I've only played arenas on my shaman as resto actually but I think enhancement is somewhat strong with the right team I guess ;) I'd say ferals are more powerfull than enhancements tho :o but yeah Im not all that into pvp anymore mostly just pve faceroll
PVE has become way to easy since WOTLK tbh :)
but indeed as you mentioned with the right arena setup is pretty good, big burst damage if you have the correct talents & good gear :) but meh.. still experimenting a bit :)
Yeah ^^ I think it takes quite some time to get used to .. not like other combo's which are just lame :p and yeah PvE has become easier but tbh I still think there's somewhat a challenge in some of the heroic modes :) I just enjoy the raiding atmosphere with friends and ofc going for ranks! :p
I have no idea since I dont have a PVE guild but I do know when I use raid finder to randomly get some gear for resto I notice that it has become so easy... to kill the almighty "deathwing" :x
lfr is made for pugs so its a walk in the park

pve was easier in wotlk than cata imo

for having clean both expansions everything included except spine and madness of this tier I can say that ragnaros (before the nerfs) made us cry quite much :)
dont take lfr as pve really... :p its just a joke so you have something to do during the day for all the people like myself who ended up standing afk in org all day raid for real instead ^^
gief armory link fister
whenever I see your nick I read "fister" from fistfucking

... i wont link you all my armories :> but nice gear, too bad you play such an useless tank as prot warrior!
sorry what? useless? :p cool story think its the most loved tank on a fight like spine ^^ also the class who's able to push the most damage while tanking
on spine only

because iirc, you can't block on bosses like hagara etc
Well yeah DK tanks seem to be insanly strong on some fights in DS.. and the 4set from feral druids aswell is just a joke :p
vengeful gladiator reporting in

image: mooooooo
Die vliegende olifant x)
>pvp in wow
Ask confo, Gladiator all seasons.
All seasons in which rogue was overpowered.
I use Azatej WoW cfg.

image: b3e1faf125deae2b5c2a2362cb3eed9d682ed44603fd26fffccecb76031ab10e6g\

Shortly after that screenshot was taken, a hunter with the bow from deathwing doing 35k dps won the bow again and vendored it and I quit WoW.
:D:D thats how looking for raid is gotta love it
Yeah its fucking terrible, hopefully skk have 10 for mists.
People just roll for 'vendor spec' on purpose.. so damn retarded
Ye, the thing is I could understand it if he was topping DPS and was an ego prick. But he did like 30k dps.. when I did like 66k and he had the bow already and I have some shitty gun.

That was what infuriated me the most.

An elemental shaman won vial of shadows and cunning of the cruel with 99, and 100 rolls on one boss. The chances of one of them dropping is pretty small, two on one boss pretty unlikely.. a guy rolling on both and rolling 99/100. Funny thing was he dpsing with the heroic healing mace. Rofl shit game.
Haha I know what you mean.. :p but I dont really blame the game when people are like that its simply people just being fucking mongs in the raids really.. or sadly :/
casualfag playing lfr
Well our guild went inactive and only had me noedel, wiadro, aza and perfo playing.. so there wasn't really a lot to do. We tried 5 manning it but wiadro's paladin could only carry us through first 4.
He should have rolled a dk for the other 4.
Haha idd, yeh casual WoW is shit. It's so boring without a decent raid guild. Although from what noedel and perfo told me DS normal was easy mode anyway.
Yep this whole expansion was bad. Bad raid and boss design (with some exceptions), shit class balance in both pve and pvp and it was even bad for all the lore nerds. I expected for example madness heroic to be some epic fight like 0 light Yogg-saron but meh, all it took was a rogue soaking impales and slowing adds at the end, and all hitting dream sub 6% on last phase.

I have huge respect for people like you who manned up and quit, I know I couldn't do it.
lock destro>all
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