ET:Zombies - Sounds

As many of you know what ET:Z is, I'll skip the introduction. For those that don't, click my profile.

I am now working on the sounds within ET and replcing these with ones readily available. I am not looking to copy a game, but change the way that the game feels. Even changing the footstep on wood makes a HUGE difference to the game.

I am planning on changing everything, including the ambience sound, cockholdoohdoodledoo sound on Goldrush.

I will start the sounds as of tomorrow, but looking for opinion on what should be added.

Would you like all new gun sounds (reloads, empty clip, grenade bounce, bullets, Doppler effect etc..) or leave as standard.

Vsays - I've removed the class vsays from the code - this can be restored if I can get hold of someone with an awesome voice to say the classes. Anyone want to put someone forward for these sounds, could get them to do all the sounds in the vsay/quick say list ;)?

Footsteps on surface... snow steps, wood steps, metal steps etc.. all of that changed? Will make it feel completely different to ET.

Menu sounds, music etc...

All of this will be edited unless stated otherwise, and why?

Since most of you hated the official soundtrack, I have a musician working on the soundtrack - it'll be a piano piece, just for ET:Z.

It's getting there, slowly but surely. It will be released also, and on all 3 platforms, Win, Linux & Mac. 3-4 servers will be online before the release of the BETA.

Cheers ;)

Team&thanks: Danje, Speer, BlAcky, Dutchman, Ischbinz, sephos, moPPel, Millan & help from Indloon. Plus help in which I haven't used yet from Perlo.

Current sounds which are obviously not going to be used (but all of these will be different ofc ;))

Makes the game feel different right?:)
some of the sounds from cod1?
looking nice tho
Good hearing, you're correct ;).

Some of them are :P.
yea some of them sounded too familiar to be new like fg42 and some rifles D: most of them are from cods if not all
Once again correct ;), these will not be the sounds btw :P, it was merely an example. Also, I'm no sound expert and getting original sounds for EVERYTHING would be expensive & much more time consuming than I plan to spend on this.

Would you be interested in helping with this?:)
the sounds were awesome dont get me wrong! but if you're changing sounds you could replace the sniper sound too because the default one is just ridicilous :D!

how could i help?
PM me in what you have skills in :), Photoshop, ETSDK editing, server settings, configs etc..:)
none of those im afraid,only a bit of config knowledge D:
Ah :D, nvm then, looking for skilled in a certain area enthusiasts. Cheers any way :P.

Unless you have some services you can offer, BNC etc..?
i doubt i have anything like that :( i might try testing it though when it gets to that phase
Will keep you on the list as tester then ;), cheers.

I've already got an awesome sound for the sniper, the one form RTCW:D, it suits really well tbh.

kk keep up the good work 8]
What sounds are the zombies making?
atm nothing, things like this will be incorperated as the code gets smaller. Right now I have quite a big list to add... but my fixed list is HUUUUUGE ;).
sounds good :)

and here is one of the latest screenshots of the ET:Zombies Map "Hospital" :)
image: dk5q7in2fclz
I keep tying your name wrong :D, fixed.
right name is: BlAcky - my CF name is BIAcky, cause BlAcky is already in use :DD
Looking really nice :), keep it up!

Speer will be showing his Sewers map soon ;), it'll all fit into 1 big piece soon enough ;). Just dreading the configs for the maps :x. Will have to do it to all maps that are played :x.
Are those physics the result of a slightly increased gravity?
Nope, completely new physics engine, designed and created by me from scratch ETMAIN. Still not seen the original Q3 physics but I decided to go for something similar. It's a completely new side of ET (physics wise and graphical). Increased graphical, particles, objects at a further distance are rendered clearly, cvars are unlocked and free to use now. I've cheat protected some, and remove the cheat limitations on others.

Everything you see is coded into ET:Zombies as standard.
Friendly as I am, I surely support new projects. I am familiar with the idtech 3 engine, might be able to offer you some help there and then if needed.
Nice :), thanks for the offer. Add me to Xfire ;) Physicalfire
I don't use xfire. If you have questions, you can always leave me a pm.
good, now I can be faster than owzo!
Be carefull that the pk3 don't get to big :)
:) indeed it might be a problem, I'm on a connection with a speed of around 10kbps up and down. This will not stop me editing it all :), I will aim to get it under 100Mb for final release.

The code compiled is only around 9Mb, then the rest are media ;).

Anything you'd like to see?
looks nice, and a lot smoother than regular et :)
reminds me of your mother
;) glad you noticed, the animations also display more frames, smoother animations and transitions ;).
Just back from the recording studio. JUST FINISHED THE DEMO for YOUR GAME. GENRE: ACID-PROG / PROG / DRONE / DRUMSTEP. I hope you like it Danje friend?
What a track! I definately hope that this will be included in the mod!!
new trent reznor? :D
how long till the mode is done and ready to be played?
nice nice
Mind to give brief info about Zombie mod. What you need to do and so on?
Here you go man, just played around with Garage Band and my Fender Startocaster signature ERICT CLAPTON on my Mac, ok?
Every mod needs intro muisc, right?

No problem Danje, friend :)
haha :D well done !! slurp slurp
wheres that running on the rails sound from?
looking more and more forward to it for each post you make!
take those quake 1 sounds from nin as background music :P
sounds like a mix of ET,RTCW,CoD 1 and MoH
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