My morning journal #1 lolz

Jo crossis ,

hope you all had a nice staturday evening and njoy you HANGEROVER MUAHAHAHHA :) j/k ... yesterday i never had such a bored evening since i had no just to going out , so i played with some germans THE GERMAN DRAFT CUP and the victory was MINE!

But really if someone is bored the match was full off tactics , multikills ( wp Germany mKs ) , sneeking and sqZz like docruns , its worth to watch .

Maps : Frostbite , Adler ( map run only 4min wtf happend?! ) and decider was Radar ( again close .... )
Matchlink :

Sooo today im happy to see my fave footbal team ( Germany BFC DYNAMO BERLIN 5th League ) for first time at a homematch since the winterbreak took so long :) So today im going to drink and njoy MY hangover later at prac with my team ( HF guys )

So i hope you have a nice last weekendday , ENJOY!

Greetings Scatti! German draftcup winner (:D)

image: 33f7s4p
image: 25jw6qx
image: 258qec6

Music :


image: 81431637
I just might have broken the world-record of being drunk yesterday. Epic stuff. Not sure if to continue or not.
QuoteI just might have broken the world-record of being drunk yesterday

and at 10:18 in the mornin you are awake :D?
Woked up 12:00, from floor. No hangover yet, I must be still drunk. Will continue & cure it when I am able to do something.
nice you 'd be welcome here in poland
im a winner ! :D
fucking hell, i feel soooo bad. played a "spin-the-shot" last night, me, my gf and her brother.
not a good idea, not even close.
whats "spin the shot"?
image: spin-the-shot-big

you spin the arrow, the one who it points at has to do something the last one said or whatever and has to drink the shot
nice one, never heard for it :) you got drunk as f i assume :D?
well we had 1.2 litres of vodka and 3 litres of ciderr. My gf isn't much of a drinker, started passing the shots to me after the 3rd one and her brother quit after like 8 or so, rest was all me, all i got left is like 0.2 litres of cider now, next to me, waiting...
'waiting' hahaha!

Get some coffee down you bro, youll be fine!
it was waiting for me, down it went with a 2nd beer already, gonna be a fun pracc tonight
QuoteUnfortunately, caffeine is also a diuretic like alcohol and can make a drinker even more dehydrated than before, thereby increasing the severity of the hangover. Overall, coffee isn't a good hangover cure.

Coffee gets you sober, doesnt make your hangover better.
Im doing it wrong

The first thing I usually drink is a huge glass of orange juice when I drink too much!
QuoteThe fructose -- fruit sugar -- in fruit juice helps to naturally increase the body's energy. Studies have proven that it also increases the rate at which the body gets rid of toxins such as those left over from alcohol metabolism. Fruit juice is also a good idea the morning after because it's high in vitamins and nutrients that were depleted the night before because of alcohol's diuretic effect. Vitamin supplements high in vitamins C and B are also effective.

Orange Juice helps. Eggs, bananas and kiwi's are of of the nicest hangover solutions :)

And of course water :D
the victory was ours!!!

it was so IZI!
(have to act proud so mental and phazor are right)
had a nice relaxing evening. was fun.

now drinking coffee, watching skiing (go kostelic) and mentally preparing for studying this afternoon
I see, german nerds enjoying their saturday night.
babadibadumbadillidibadidibum. I'm a ScaTmaN! shibby dibby dibby doom badabab doom badabab.
nice pyro support.
mana on 11/03/12, 13:23:36 PM | Report | Reply

Seriously, can you just gtfo?

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srry scati aber e-fame gibts nur mit den n811en :p
mana on 11/03/12, 13:23:36 PM | Report | Reply

Seriously, can you just gtfo?

» The user has been successfully reported.
been dancing til 8 and got home at 9. Still can't really sleep
fick dich :D
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