buy a tv

since i dont want to use google and fall for scam or something and imo cf experience > google, id like to ask you guys, if you know any good website (which is shipping ofc!) which is selling very cheap televisions :]

im in need of a new as big as possible tv which is HD compatible. Is there any Tv between 200-300 euro or do i need much more money? i dont care about 3d and extras. just big and hd!

Thanks in advance guys. Here you got a little present:

image: 3sechcq2
Love the picture
Perfect ass, didn't read.
Perfect ass, didn't read.
stop commenting the ass and help me guys. i promise ill post a better ass then
uve could get pretty much good tvs @ local shop . Why would you want shippin?
because they are maybe cheaper
maybe... well , gl thou :)
then hide it maybe? *wink* xD
(fine indeed though :P )
nice chick.
for that money u can get smth like 81 cms (average tvs)
> ?!?!?
>*NOB* Branko
buy a projector
:Đ dat ass
ni lepa rit, ker se samo špana :P
dat ocean
i c what u did thar
what do you expect from that TV? You most likely wont get any 40''+ TV under 300e (and 40'' is being considered optimal for watching from 1.5m distance). Other than that, if you are interested in HD only, you should be safe, most of TVs out there are at least HD ready. If you meant FullHD (1920x1080) you should invest around 500e+ to get what you want.
need tv only to play fifa or watch bundesliga
then you might be badly disappointed, for fast actions you need plasma TV, LCDs are not good in motions and with cheaper ones you will see ball only when its not moving. But if you want to just see the scores, its ok I guess.
Habe mir letzten Sommer den LG 32LK450 gekauft, quasi der gleiche den gambit weiter oben gepostet hat (LK430) mit irgendwas anderm an Extras noch, kp. War damals für 300 zu kriegen und ich bin mehr als zufrieden.

Falls du jedoch eh eine externe Anlage anschließen willst oder Lautsprecher könntest du dir mal Hannspree Geräte anschauen. Da bekommst du für den gleichen Preis entweder LED Geräte oder noch größere LCDs. Das Bild ist frontal recht gut. Die Lautsprecher sind jedoch im Vergleich zum LG (oder sicher auch anderen) schlecht und der Betrachtungswinkel relativ klein.

Auch Buli und Zocken sind auf dem 32er LG kein Problem (also Playstation und Co.). Keine Ahnung was der Herr über mir hier meint :->
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