Goood morning!


As Severus asked me a long time ago, it's time for me to write down the GM journal!

Two questions on the programme today:

-How was your week end? Lot of work, parties, alcohol? Tell me everything!
-What are you up for the upcoming week?

Basically, I did nothing during my week end. I was tired, kinda piqued and my stay at home was hideous. My parents were abhorred and so was my brother. I still don't know why..

But the upcoming week will allow us to forget those two days because I'm gonna live one of the most epic week of my life!
The marathon will begin tomorrow with an epic party: the election of the "Miss sopping t-Shirt" which will end up, if everything goes right, in miss top less! Argh man.. this is gonna be.. WOUH! The show will be followed by the usual debauchery.
The best is yet to come on Wednesday. I'm turning 20 that day and I've promissed myself not to remember any second of the celebration! This will end up in a lot of beer, weed and maybe chicks. Maybe..
I've accepted the challenge to go on class at 10.00 on Thursday and not to sleep until the third and last party of the week, the Saint Patrick's Day party" at Fuse, for the belgian experts.

It's now time for me to wish you the best for today!

Shoutout to Croatia Severus, Wallonia Team Wallonia, Belgium Loliita: it's a pleasure to share your disguting cocktails :), FranceProvok because he loves me so much, [flag=moron] Heaven just to tell you to gtfo cheater

I leave you with a french maxim: "On n'a pas tous les jours 20 ans".
Weekend was too short, I would love to have monday off so I could fully recover... Just work for this week.
After spending the entire weekend at my friend's place to paint, clean and hang wallpaper I now know every freaking song that's on the radio *vomit* ( about 30 times in 2 days... NO!)
Tho seeing two metal-heads dancing to Madonna's new song was definitely worth it :D

Upcoming week will be term paper time, yeah buddy!
bück dich hoch = win!
Quotemaybe chicks.

cant even hit a chick on his bday

my weekend was kind of boring... plan was to relax and do nothing, sleep a lot but somehow that didn't work out.

saturday morning (9am) some idiot rang the doorbell. ofc I didnt even check who it was, but I couldnt sleep anymore after that so I got up being really grumpy and stuff.

then I had to tidy the whole fucking apartment and get groceries done early cause my gf's parents were coming over for _15_ minutes to bring cake cause they were on their way somewhere else. no, the cake wasnt even good xD

evening was sitting around watching DSDS with gf and a friend.

sunday morning I woke up early again without any reason besides maybe me being old, I dunno. even more grumpy all day long x) in the afternoon I brought gf somewhere, she is now gone for a week with work. freedom and party hard \o/
morning ding m8 <3

it's a great sunny day, just a few days till the real spring (finally!!). dunno yet what I'm gonna do today except studying (got some shitty test on wednesday), feeling good ^^

my weekend was fun with no alcohol since thursday, but somehow I managed to spend a lot of money anyway.

on friday was going from pub to pub drinking coffee, with a lot of different friends who I don't see very often. that filled my day till 7 pm. then at 8 went with my gf to the movies.

on saturday woke up late (around 2 o'clock) studied a bit, watched some movies, facebooked, then in the evening gf came.

on sunday again woke up late, made myself a lunch to remember, cleaned the flat, my roommate came from home, studied, watched movies.

for the upcoming week? hmm well studying till wednesday, then partying tilll saturday (one way or another), then studying again. that's pretty much it.

thank u ding for FINALLY making this long awaited journal :P love how u wrote it and all (it shows u got talent, so u could make a journal like this more often). gl with the parties and I hope u bring chicks to ur bday even those paid ones ;)

and thx for the shoutout <3

so wasted i cannot even ting eabout y friend going to class tmorrow: :D
got a chick phon e number+ fb so party not for notnin ;:D
that a boy :P
Man.. the chicks yesterday were dancing naked.. No self esteem? The more you insult them, the less clothes they wear! Omfg.. dat party..
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