Mass Effect 3 journal of disappointment

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one here who was pretty disappointed at the ending of ME3. I wrote something in the couple of journals I made previously, but now after giving the whole thing a couple of days, I can condense everything into two words: That's it?

Well, looks like that wasn't it. There's some pretty interesting info (also something here, and there's way more to be found if you dig around) floating around the web, and judging by the looks of it and piecing the puzzle together a bit, it seems fairly obvious that a lot of stuff has been cut. Especially from the ending.

Since publishers rushing releases is nothing new, especially not in EA's case, I find this a fairly plausible theory. And if it proves to be right, I'll be damn glad of my decision of not ever buying EA games again after they announced Origin (ok, the last one I bought was BF:BC2). Probably the worst publisher in the world right now.

There's of course the other possibility of it being a fucking greedy affair of releasing the "proper" ending as a paid DLC later. Some of the Twitter updates hinted by the developers (Something along the lines of "If you people knew what we were doing right now, you'd hold onto your copy of ME3 for ever") would kind of support this, although they would also support the content cutting theory. Anyway, if this proves to be the case it'll be even more pathetic, and I really hope no one's going to purchase that DLC.

I'm not the first one to compare this bullshit to KotOR2, but that's honestly how this is starting to look like. I'm getting used to newly released games being buggy, but newly released games downright lacking content is just ridicilous. On the other hand I sort of hope they release a patch or something that fills in the obviously missing pieces of the storyline, and on the other hand I'm honestly saddened by video game publishers even thinking of this being a decent marketing strategy.
I dont really care about everything you wrote but

I just played it one hour and I think it's cool game for the moment. I just wonder why are the shadows so dark or is it just me :x?
It is. But if you have played the 2 games before, the end really is little disappointing
set dynamic shadows on, cinematic lights 3 and spherical harmonic lightning on
QuoteI'll be damn glad of my decision of not ever buying EA games again
Quoteand I really hope no one's going to purchase that DLC

Piracy is the way to go :)
The ending was disapointing idd ^^ but beside falling down into the nothing twice I must say I didn't rly notice many bugs at all
It's EA, what do you expect?
not finnished it yet, but I want to freeroam on planets with my car and dig up minerals
No! You want to click in the space menu to scan the cluster, then you want to click again to enter the wreckage menu and the you want to click again to salvage it. And then you want to remember where to bring the fucking artifact to solve the quest.

It's much more fun this way.

Here's what bugs me about that game:

-The possible squad members: No Krogan? Urdnot Wrex was the most hilarious guy in the entire series, together with Mordin. Instead they chose to put Kaidan and Ashley back in, the most boring characters.

-The army screen: I played for longer than I had to only to build the biggest army to somehow gain advantage in the end only to find out it makes no difference at all.

-The random Citadel quests: You run around the Citadel when you hear someone talk in the distance and suddenly there's a quest for you. Even if you got the artifact needed, I never knew where to return to to finish the quest.

-The writing: Not just the end, but throughout the entire game it didn't quite feel like ME1&2. While the first two parts were a bit more consistent as a universe, the third one had too many Ex Machina moments. I mean the Reapers' motivation made sense on itself ('breeding' species to advance their own synthetic being), there was absolutely no need for that faggy little asshole kid that controls the universe.

- Agreed, Wrex and Grunt are badass.

- Agreed! But I think it does make a difference though. It doesn't feel like it, but if you're army isn't big enough alot of people die and earth isn't saved

- The journal could have been done so much better. Like indicating on the star map which quest is where and by actually keeping track of your progress. But still rather easy to do them all compared to ME1 :D

- I felt like the writing was alot better. It didn't have the mystery of ME1 because it's not new, but it had this grim and desperate fighting for survival feel to it which I really loved. ME2 really had nothing going, it had great missions, but storywise it was completly subpar compared to ME1 and ME3.

About the kid, I'm pretty sure it's just taking on a form which means alot to shepard to put him at ease and make it easier to convince him. To me this wasn't a deus ex machina moment. The original highly advanced synthetics made this catalyst as the supposed ultimate weapon against the reapers, so if a species managed to make it, they would have the chance to tell this species the truth and give them all the options. Obviously the reapers aren't workin anymore, but if they get destroyed synthetics and organics WILL destroy all life at one point (according to them), so they had foreseen the possible defeat of the reapers and tried to remedy it this way.
Is there a plot point I'm missing? As far as I know the Citadel as well as the Warp Relays were created by the Reapers to make their genetics farming easier. I didn't know anything about 'original' synthetics :o

I have to admit though, that I was distracted during the kid's final speech.
yeah the reapers were created to keep the balance. The catalyst was the embodiement of the synthetics who created the reapers. It's a very disturbing solution I admit, but I think it was rather beautiful how only together with the organics could they come to the perfect solution (synthesis). The synthetics generally lack empathy, hence the reapers, while organics lack rationality, hence why they can't understand the cycles of war between them completly.
The definition of a spoiler is quite subjective, but how I see it, revealing plot points is spoiling, and describing the plot ("It was disappointing", "It was sad", "It felt rushed", "The plot's great") is not.
haha it's made by Eskisehirspor fans :D 9gag ftw :D
can u play this game co-op offline?
i'm just installing it, almost finished me2 now, hope it won't disappoint me aswell :o
I honestly don't get it. I thought the ending was great. I must admit maybe it was a bit rushed in it's execution, but I thought the general idea behind it was awesome (I took the synthesis route).

Alot of people seem to disagree on the bioware forums (eventhough it's just a vocal minority), but they are all saying that everything else about the game was rather epic. So to me they just sound like an ungrateful bunch who are just sad because the series is over.

To me this was one of the best games I've played in a long time. Very grim at times but this made you even more commited and made it even more real.
I'm not sure if I emphasised it in this journal, but I didn't think the end, or like the idea of it, was bad at all. In fact, I now think it's even better than before after reading up on some speculation and pieces of the old script on the internet. However, the execution was terrible, it's rushed as hell, and thus I think they were in a hurry to mop the game up thanks to EA breathing on their necks.

One of the main reasons I think this way is the cut Joker dialogue that I linked to in the opening post. This combined with the Normandy escaping from the system for whatever reason (which made absolutely no sense, Shepard's pals would never leave him hanging like that for no explained reason), and one can piece together the puzzle that in the original script Joker was supposed to rescue Shepard (and probably the two other squadmembers, too) and then flee.

Also, the entire ending in the third one was way shorter than it was in the first two games, and for whatever reasons it actually explained LESS things about the story than the two endings before it did. I mean, after you choose your ending (which were dissappointingly indifferent, really), there's like, what, a minute of scenes, tops? You decide the fate of the entire galaxy, and you aren't even told what the fuck happens afterwards. That was my only real beef with the plot, and it differed so vastly from the series' original style that I just have to assume there's something fishy going on. Probably EA trying to milk more money out of people, or EA trying to milk money out of people faster, or possibly both.
I agree that it was sort of rushed. Felt like they had so much to say at the end and tried to say it in a few sentences, which in turn got alot of people confused. I think there are quite a few people who don't understand the ending or they expected some epic comeback where shepard blew everything up and they lived happily ever after.

Thing is, I hate how people on the bioware forums are flaming bioware. Imo the writers did a terrific job. Every game of ME has been top notch. I do think EA is responsible for some parts being rushed, as with every game. But I'm sure Bioware would have wanted it to be a more elaborate ending. Besides, it's only 2 min of a 30-40 hour game they are judging.
ive been playing it for a bit, im at 8 hours now or so.

not going to read past the first paragraph, mainly because im afraid of spoilers.
So far, ive gotten used to the controls but to me it still feels a bit too much like a console game.

i dont have to use 80% of my keyboard.

what also bothers me a bit is that you cant adjust the graphic settings which is a bit of a bummer.

i also regret not keeping my me2 savegame :( couldve boned that bitch again :PP (e-sex wery nice)
Why can't you adjust them? You can config them via masseffectconfig in the Binaries folder. I can even adjust them ingame :o

I forced some extra AA through my vid card driver though
really? my game has no ingame options at all :/

maybe because i use windows xp which has an older direct x version?
I'm using windows XP aswell. What the hell :P
Maybe you didn't look far enough? Well the masseffectconfig.exe has way more options anyway, just run it. It's in the binaries folder within your mass effect 3 folder.
you can make it out with happy end if you have like 4000 or something ems
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