ccdt drama v2


- i couldnt singup as captain
- singed up as community player
- sadly, i havent been chosen
- singed up as backup
- i just heard from admins when i wanted to play as backup - "you are too high as community player, soz"

:D, fc basel - bayern will be better choice i think
That made me laugh irl :D

-signed up as captain

"you are too high as captain, soz"
stop smoking weed then...
Quote by chewzAdmins seem to be retarded,

When i needed a backup, i wasnt allowed to pick a skilled or player i knew. So they picked for me. 5mins later they decide you can pick your own backup. Wasnt really bothered about that since johnny is decent anyway, but then when it comes to playing vs kiwi's team, they allow them to take hummel, who obviously has alot of experience and plays with kiwi and kevji. Whole point of the cup was to allow lower skilled players to play, including backups (Skilled people being rejected). They say hummel wont be allowed to play next game, but is allowed to play in our game?

Dont really care about it since its for fun, but theres no fun in playing if rules are changing to different people, and lower skilled players arnt getting the chance to play, being replaced for skilled friends.

Skilled players are either allowed or not, make up your fucking minds.

poklic ko bos rabu XD
fail cup is fail
Quote- i couldnt singup as captain
- singed up as community player


Quotesinged up

yeah similarity is noticeable.
you have to understand I have had over 500 queries probably 600 by now I can't give everyone attention, my bad. No problem that no one can see in how much work this is.
what it has to disallowing me from playing, lol :D
you don't understand that I have priorties with the cup continueing?
and how is that related to him being too highskilled? I mean, you just could've said "sorry man, too many players already"?
still i dont know why i wasnt allowed to play since i havent been removed from singups etc, reason 'too high' its just fucking stupid
I personally didn't exclude you from playing I think. Still let it be, I agree with you that it was a mistake but so was/is hosting this cup at all.
[20:46:29] (ext3`Aniky) simon said that u were to good as community player

yeah probably on ts, didnt disallow you as captain.
You were porbably disallowed as captain when we planned on doing 16 teams, at the last moment we changed to 32 since massive player sign ups(not that massive after drop outs though!!)

but yeah when we change to 32 teams we got 'lower' skilled captains.
i said u that answer due to picking up lower skilled players as first and as it was original idea of letting skilled players take captain and co captain spots and letting lower skilled players take rest of the spots, didn't intend to refuse u, but well its just how it was planned to be.
go play LoL
dobra grzesia nie przejmuj sie, i tak masz slota w tmoe na ec chuj z jakims tam cupem XD
fuck we would have won with grzesiek..
stfu man! you just played
Admins seem to be retarded,

When i needed a backup, i wasnt allowed to pick a skilled or player i knew. So they picked for me. 5mins later they decide you can pick your own backup. Wasnt really bothered about that since johnny is decent anyway, but then when it comes to playing vs kiwi's team, they allow them to take hummel, who obviously has alot of experience and plays with kiwi and kevji. Whole point of the cup was to allow lower skilled players to play, including backups (Skilled people being rejected). They say hummel wont be allowed to play next game, but is allowed to play in our game?

Dont really care about it since its for fun, but theres no fun in playing if rules are changing to different people, and lower skilled players arnt getting the chance to play, being replaced for skilled friends.

Skilled players are either allowed or not, make up your fucking minds.
I think it's because they hate you man, it's okay bruv :*
thats pretty fucked up indeed lol. same goes for this :
Wow the admins really dropped the ball...
haha fuck u :P
i hate u :P
HAHA is that the link I think it is?
Too much to handle with this user-base (will play, wont play, no time to play, wont play with him, he cheats, bla bla).

But I would go in to community and their behaviour before starting to blame admins.
There was alot of players avi at the present time when hummel was picked, and i could have easily sorted my own backup out who was avi.
If kiwi gets hummel, joshua should get nohead.
And i should get whoever i was going to pick...
or.the problem lays with 'highskilled' people so desperate of.joining these cups whilst they KNOW its meant for lower legue join.....
Quotei just heard from admins when i wanted to play as backup - "you are too high as community player, soz"

So why was denton playing with milhAus than? :D Not that high? :D Need to smoke some weed?
he was co-captain
Ah, dunno that cocaptains can be replaced.
than then what's the difference
yes you had to signup not sing up, i guess this was the problem :P
i would like to see a scoreboard (except from gtv) of the matches
linked up to every GTV match thats going on at thursday, so that shouldn't be problem :)
I had the exact same problem but I was allowed to be a co-captain for team yEnch later. :)
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