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Do you tetris?

Chicks play this tetris game on facebook, and it's a great way to pick em up but here is the catch;
she's REAL good at tetris, I get raped badly. I can't let that happen. Thats why i ask you guys; any tetrisgods on CF? I need tips/tricks/training

I can train you in other shit if you want too, like poker or so.

tetrisfriends - sprint is the game, 45sec or something np
I play the Battle kind... I suck at it tho
Yeah battle is fun ^^ only the 1v1 tho
Awesome, I just got 58secs on 40lines:S
hehe not bad ;)
/q Barney Stinson
played it yeaaars on my awesome calculator at school :)
random tips if you dont know these yet: rebind your keys, i personally really dislike space + arrows since it gives your left hand one button and your right hand three buttons. i use q/w for left/right and o/p for rotate/hard drop. rebinding it where i can, using an autohotkey script elsewhere.

reduce the repeat interval of your keyboard from control panel, its just much faster than fast tapping

ALWAYS think where youll put the next piece while youre still manouvering the current one to its spot. the more blocks you see coming up, the more you can plan forward and the faster and better it will be tbh.

id try not to stack too high unless playing sprint, sometimes you just get fucked big time by bad luck
im pretty decent at battle
im playing tetris on toiled. im super skilled. i always play level 9, high 6 and i own the shit outta tetris.
same but i start on lvl 13 (of 15)
okay maybe u got a newer version. level 9 is max for me. playing hard on classic gameboy :P
if she is too good at tetris, she is too young for u bro!
im lvl 24

im a pretty good tetris player, but i hate the fb version...
a gf of me is lvl 99 on fb... dunno how the fuck she did that
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