The Grey 2011

Has anyone ever watched this film? (SPOILER ALERT)

Anyway don't really wanna talk about the plot and stuff, but something strange happened I guess:

Exactly at this part of the film, at around 3:20-4:40 in the film, tears came out of my eyes, and I cried a little bit, strange thing is, I see people die everyday and even while they're holding my hands and take their last breath, I never cried, nor when my grandparents or a friend I knew died, yet in this film I honestly couldn't stop the tears coming out, I'm not sure whether it because of the music, along with those words, or just his bravery or Liam Neeson is just a great actor.

I am a sensitive person, but I've never really cried for a death of a person irl, let alone a film, what the hell..
GGG, nothing else
shut up and come back to CB to replace goldo as GS
yea nice movie, love how the director puts the wolf pack in front of the human wolf pack (when the Alpho wolf wants to battle the Alpha human).

The end of the movie is also epic.
did you notice that at the end of the credits, there is a 2 second scene where you can see Liam resting his head on the wolfs stomach as he feels it die? :o
omg, no. are u serious?
yep im dead serious, you can find it on youtube as well
Thanks, would've missed it.
Didn't see, yet!
best 2011 movie
I went through exactly the same as you did, no joke. Something about this movie just "grasped" me even though I thought it would be a "shit generic getting chased by wild animals" movie, but it obviously wasnt.
awesome movie :D
4/10, end is horrible... Didn't even care about who died and who didn't. I was actually happy everyone died, 2 bad it didn't happen in reallife.. When you make a movie like this, you deserve to die!

or maybe it was just me beeing stoned...
not everyone died dawg, he kills the alpha male wolf in the end ":D" (post credit scene)
Heard it's great, haven't seen it yet
its on my download list.
this movie is for men.
Liam Neeson -> Instant spot on my to watch list.
For some reason I really loved the movie, fuck critics
good movie and ending like the beginning leaves it to the viewer
seems legit
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