

I can watch people getting burned alive (african potato thieves) and not really care but this is too much even for me

what say you crossies ?
what the fuck is this shit
Every sensible human being has a soft spot for the wrongful actions on defenseless, caged & injured animals. But a video like that won't change anything, maybe get the farm owner fined or put under investigation.
but do you think its hard to watch? and how does it compare to like a beheading of a human?
I felt disgusted when I saw the first farm animal cruelty video but this time I felt less disturbed. And I don't really watch beheading videos that often (who does?) but I suppose it's the same with beheadings..
I agree, PETA is relentless.
Dude, have you seen their naked protests? They are awesome! It is something about not wearing clothes, forgot the rest.
i love peta! just never got what they trying to say..
Ironically, PETA probably puts down more animals per year than the owner of that farm.
yeah i know that, but im not using this video to promote peta (i hear they suck ass tbh)

but what do you think about the video? and have you seen other nasty shit like traffic accidents where people lose their legs and shit and how does it compare to this?
I used to work in a hospital. This shit is nothing.
so you just dont care about suffering anymore?
I said it's nothing compared to the stuff you see every day at the hospital. Of course I care about it, it just doesn't physically disgust me that much anymore.
Thanks for missing the whole point of the video, well done.
anal electrocution, pretty cool

Also, peta earning money by playing with people's feelings, also people being stupid to buy that.
lol i dont care about peta...fuck them

wot u think about the video tho? give me honest opinion
nothing new for me, watched some documentary a few days ago about exotic animals in usa, there was this farm with 20+ bears in small cages, and about 10 tigers in small cages, and the situation was pretty similar to this one
is it fucked up? yes/no/maybe ?!?!?!
well sure it is, i don't see how it wouldn't be fucked up
that's horrible :(
you are way too sensible for xfire :D
i didnt struggle watching this video.

no im not insensible
do you think you are desensitized?
Quoteno im not insensible
thats a general statement, im asking about you watching violence..they are two different things
i dont like violence, but it seems that violence towards animal doesnt bother me that much.
yes and what do you think about the video?
I cant see those "Check that poor chicken on that farm" or "Look at those cows on that farm" videos anymore.
Humans consume meat/eggs/whatever.
And due to the fact that we have 7 Billion people on this planet, we have to fasten production while having to deal with increasing productionspace. Therefore, some animals might have to suffer so I can eat my god damn burger once a week.
so you dont watch the video so you wont feel guilty or what?
btw this is not a "food" farm its just for clothes
I watch them, I'm just sick of the people making them.
If they want to change something, they should think of ways to produce goods which can satisfy the demand of the 7 Billion people without it raising the prices to much. There simply is no other way of dealing with the demand than those farms where animals might have to suffer. (Hell, most species survived this for ages)
Until they can do that, all those animal rights and what ever activists should gtfo.
well its way cheaper to produce plants than meat (per calorie)
so technically its not needed to produce chickens n shit to feed the world
Now you'll just have to teach me (and the rest of the 1st world) that plants taste better than meat.
you would rather eat meat than stop global hunger huh ? :P
Actually, yes.
I dont give a damn about the 3rd world.
We didnt get their help´and somehow managed to become a strong nation (okay, maybe we exploited them a bit but who give a fuck?)

If they wouldnt waste their time killing each other but stand together and use their human capital, they sure as hell would be a serious player in the world markets.

Ignorance mode on ;)
Cheaper maybe, more productive? No.
im sorry what?
It's all related though!
well yeah you are correct ;)
People who Eat and Torture Animals.

gotta get my furs somehow
yes but did you feel bad watching it?
If you're trolling, it's not even funny.
If you're not, something is terribly wrong with your EQ and IQ. I'd say below average. Compassion and empathy are the marks of a healthy and wise individual, and you say you can't feel either of those for other living things?

Even if you need animals for food and furs, there is absolutely no reason to make them suffer when they can obviously feel pain and fear. Most people would agree, you might want to think about why you don't. And if you are saying this because "cool men from the north need their fur HARRRRRR", 90% off all hunters would agree. Heck even most ancient tribes who hunted non-stop had more honor than these guys.
not to break your bubble, but congo
Not sure what you are referring to, I wasn't trying to generalize too much.Some might argue these are post-materialistic values, I'm just saying that respecting life has been surprisingly important throughout human history.

I like to believe that generally people and civilizations with a better than basic understanding of life feel the same way. Especially when educated or civilized, human beings do (and should) respect life more than what is show in this video.

(Even in times of slavery the good heavily outweighed the bad, don't believe Spartacus ;P)
nice conclusions you made of one 4 letter word :D
haha fair enough
Wont watch anything like that
cannibal fox, what will they think of next
LOL i saw the commercial on tv, im gonna watch it this sunday just for the laugh.
thats so nasty -_-
no wonder she has cancer
thats just sick, poor animals :(
well, there's nothing more that I hate than animal cruelty, but somehow I find it worse if the animals are pets like dogs or cats :S
Cause we like cats and dogs as pets :D.
I also like niggers as pets, oh wait :SSSSS
Yeah, because that's what humans have evolved and chosen to become sensible to
fuck that, can watch some very sick things but not when animal/children gets hurt.. pisses me off
Thats horrible, there must be a more efficient way to kill the animals they shouldnt suffer like that, and im not sure the farmers rly need to keep them locked in such small cages. They should atleast feel how it is to walk around outside before they get killed.

But its been like that for a very long time now and i doubt it will change.
why even kill them at all? FUCK fur rly, looks shit anyways.
Just horrible to the animals, so sad
Saw PETA and closed, old news

e: watch THIS and tell me how that compares to your expressionless traffic videos you watch
thats too disturbing,even for me. Stopped after 1 minute. How does it end?
The guy dies, I couldn't watch it all so read the Hold on, hold on. Be neater, fuck!” likely saying that to watch out for the blood.
“Hold on, hold on, hold on, don’t hit him, don’t hit him. Watch him…” the rest of the sentence is indistinct, but he’s likely telling the guy to watch for the blood as he’s zooming in to capture the close up
The following audio is unclear.
[After the screwdriver stabbing]
“What? With what?” as the cameraman responds to the boy who stabs the victim
“What, he’s still alive?” says the guy stabbing the victim
“He’s still moving his arms after I ripped up his intestines” the cameraman muffles indistinctly
“He’s having a fucked up day” says the stabbing guy after he’d stepped on his stomach.
[More muffled talk as he proceeds to stab him in the eyes with the screwdriver]
“Get over here fast. Kill him already.”
“What?” says the stabber
“Kill him already.”
“I already put the hammer back. He’s already dead.”
“I poked out his eyes and he’s still not dead” says the cameraman
“Get the knife” cameraman continues
*Proceeds to bludgeon him then interrupts by saying something indistinct*
“More, more” cameraman telling the other guy to keep bludgeoning him to make sure he’s dead
“Hold on, hold on”
*They start walking back to the car*
More muffled talk from the blond killer
“Wash your hands” cameraman says and tells him to spray cleaning chemical on the hammer
“I’ll hold it”
*Muffled talk from the guy washing the hammer*
*More muffled talk from the guy washing his face and walking back from his car*
“I stuck the screwdriver in his brain” says the camera man
*Muffled talk from the guy washing his hands*
“I got him in the nose from his eye” or something along those lines
“I don’t understand how he was alive? I felt his brain” says the camera man
“I was holding the screw driver like this *muffled/don’t understand*”
Before the video ends the blond guy says “Alright, let’s get a picture”
that's pretty weak panda, i found the video pretty interesting
saw this long time ago, Dnipropetrovk maniacs is what they we're called.. All 5 (?) guys got found dead a few days later, their heads were cut off and all had a screwdriver in their mouth, that pic is even more disturbing than this video, believe me :S
Animal cruelty is worse than human cruelty.
ive seen lots of really surreal (for normal people) acts, not even slightly disturbed, also im quite sure they colourize some of the facts. I dont get the whole hype animal protection etc. if there's a reason to do so (testing new technologies etc.) i really dont see why it shouldnt be done. Hurting animal without any reason is something i dont agree with but then again thats not the case most of the time. Actually i wouldnt even be against testing on humans as long as they agree on beeing guinee pigs (or people with a death sentence or lifetime which is just a waste of money).
so if your mother said she wanted scientists to test drugs on her you wouldnt mind? ;)
it would be her decison not mine. And from what I know companies already have people who they pay to take drugs so what you just wrote is not a new idea.

My opinion on the matter wouldnt have any real power and thats the way it should be.
The way it should be?? even if you would knew that her decision is 100% wrong?

Some people are desperate and depressed, and will sell there own life to help the family. Exploiting the situation is a crime in itself, even if the victims agree.
you are very wise :D
ultimately everyone is responsible for his actions him/herself. Doesnt matter if decision is right or wrong. All you should do i explain your point of view but you cant force another person (at least legally) to pick what YOU think is right.
I guess that's just a different way of looking at things. You value freedom more, others value life more. Problem is that some people aren't really fit to take these decisions. It would be a different story if we were solitary animals, but the fact of the matter is that we aren't and that civilization only works if there isn't a complete emphasis on the individual. Your actions affect others or set precedents for others, even if you don't realize it. You have to draw the line somewhere in a community.

Somehow I feel like I've been in this discussion before on this forum.
thats so fucking ubelievable-.-

would love to see these owners getting killed on the way thel kill these animals.. so fucking sons of bitches -.-

im so sry for these animals...
skip to the end
she is pretty fit
Was disturbing to watch, but i don't get how animal cruelty could be worse than human cruelty. I could watch this, but just can't watch human torture.
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