best teamplay oriented teams

title tells everything, but you can also name the worst ones that still managed to do well.

my choice: parodia

worst ones: i must say that sweden has always amazed me by not winning anything worth mention.
Nevo @ SAGE amazed me

Only lows and managed to win OC 2nd division which is serious business.

I'd go for the old Latvia NC team!
agree with latvia =d atm watching their old nc matches where they became 3rd
delinQ has always been a teamplay oriented team,no sick aimers (besides karii ofc) but lots of teamplayers,i would pick as the best period this lineup:

Spain magico
Spain ZwEi
Finland Swani
Finland Karii
Finland Miluu

rolling much better teams (at least bigger names) in OC premier only with pure teamplay,here a few examples worthy to watch (especially match vs RAAB):
Good old days :P When Anexis actually had a decent team! ;)
encrypt first lineup np
Belgian Fraternity at its glory days. Amazing.


only low+ skillers managed to place 3rd at EC
nice teamplay = uQ.gaming (old LU). On the other side is SlepardiGaming
Slepardigaming +1
dunno i only watched ting ting ting
Anonymous S. N. Battalion
Benelux FiF

From more recent times.
image: 1zmngaq
you, rahul, Viax, Sight, meez and Reikkeri - best SNB lineup imo
Well, uQ/Parodia and have always been a reference for me. Everything seemed to be in sync ^^
bF at AEF
bf at cc6/7?
as well but different. cc7 was with P&P & at AEF we were on our best.
+1. What many don't realise is while still succeeding in ET, the vast amount of players who joined the team have all pretty much had the same reviving-mentality-thought. So no matter who you played with the team work usually always work.
destination skyline without a doubt
SlepardiGaming +2!
any team lead by eujen!
United Kingdom adzz
Sweden feruS
Estonia Holz
Estonia Night
Estonia r3vers
Estonia RELOAd
Germany senji
Netherlands teKoa
Germany urtier

Anonymous one4one[/b]]
Germany con
Israel CrozZ
Hungary future
United Kingdom Mztik
Netherlands ovrboost
United Kingdom rAzZ
United Kingdom sqZz
United Kingdom syK
Italy XyLoS

Anonymous S. N. Battalion[/b]]
United Kingdom hentai
Netherlands joop
United Kingdom Meez
Netherlands perfo
Finland Reikkeri
Germany Sight
Netherlands Viax

Finland mASCULINE[/b]]
Finland chmpp
Finland ENSAM
Finland Fel
Finland kapaa
Finland Sample
Finland Squall

edit: + Finland broken with feuer, atlas, sic, xes, jay, eutha. had some old demos of them and put a strong fight against most of those topteams in 2004 :d
Do you still got those demos? :)
SNB, FiF (the one with Jere, VanQ, Worm etc...) and inteRaction :P
usually when the word teamplay is mentioned i think of teams who played good because of teamplay and not because they had great players. cant really think of parodia as one as they had maybe the best aimer in ET history, best rifle in ET history, best spammer/multiclass player in ET history. Then such great supportive players to go with side i think its a bit far fetched to call them as "best teamplay oriented" team. Can hardly go wrong with that kind of lineup. Just sick players who knew what they're doing.

From the recent memory Overload.SNB was one sick teamplay oriented team. I mean lineup of players like perfo, sight, rk, meez, joop, wiaderko/hentai would you think them as a really good team? well they were. just ridiculous playing sometimes <3

also skit-evil were pretty nice :) sometimes it was just perfect gaming, needed no effort to play, just shoot random rifles and let the rest of them take care of everyone else, especially defensive side was really strong and crossfires were pretty damn dominant at times plenty of teams connected to server, laughed at our tags and were soon leaving as they just got totally raped.

from other my teams pre-euro img was awesome, active gaming, good tax + strong lead, 5 teamplayers + night carry

MM obviously aswell but also had holy trinity at the front. sometimes outgaming > teamplay

other which popped in my mind 141/, FiF,, old sD/dozen (fi), wArning and lets add all idle/d lineups just to be sure?
Pre-euro img may be the best team for this 'teamplay award' I think. Night was just too good. :D
I never knew you were chmpp :(
really?! Worst diciple ever!
Agree on swe.. Mainly because we never took the time to make serious tacs and give every player different tasks etc, this NC we did tho and had quite nice teamplay in some games tbh.
It's sad to see that no one has stayed completely neutral in terms of Swedish ET leadership during the past few years of ET. Until this years NC I guess it's slightly okay considering the range of skill differences that were accepted and so new players were introduced. Even though it's clear that Sweden has had and still has huge potential, no one has really cared to make that "bad teamwork" to something that works better. So as I stated earlier, the "leadership" should see it in a neutral point of view and really consider on what has been offered and improve from there, creating a diversity. Drop the old-school-loyal-pact and thinking (punkt slut)
Quote you can also name the worst ones

Anything with Swanidius in it
tMoe around CIC7, best teamplay ive been a part of :) worst tp ever
Europe iNmotion, all lineups team play machines no pracc win everything!
indeed! Probably best docrun in the history of ET! (even the part where i intentionally run into the wall etc!)
You still going on about that? It was terrible!
I didn't bring that up :< You fuck head!
I don't see anywhere else in this thread where your doc run is specifically mentioned.
that other guy said it to me you fairy fuckkkk! :D
He definitely didn't mention your doc 'run'.
The best teamplaying team ive played against must be idle / dignitas, they always seemed to have the crossfire that made u fly back and it was like impossible to push through.

And if you talk about teamplay u cant forget mentioning finland back in the days at radar!
aww yeah mr.oldschool
Finland has been pretty strong lately
bf/FiF/Team o/digntas/velerion ofc.
bf/p&p/nevo had the greatest teamplay ever especially at aef and sage

at aef it was extreme as they still were rather unknown
What was the lan they were kicked out? They gave incredible performance throughout the tournament.
iR/zeroE has quite nice teamplay :)
141 of course! and also eSrael

oh and etcfg
Nice one dedz, acting like you played in those teams.
You're a faggot!
That doesn't make sense. 0/10

image: 2a6IX
Doesn't have to faggot, I'm American.
and I don't have 99 problems.
hahahaha nice i didnt think you would get it :D
ooh.. nice trolling ^^
your videos always make me laugh
its not my video
& it is sufficiently serious for our skill (low+)
aMenti/TLR.. Dignitas.
surely idle back in the days where they didnt lost a single offi for like a year or sth and then got finally beaten by zP/mpg or whoever it was
idle.e fucking e
which other clan could be mentioned here?
For solid teamplay id suggest:

Estonia / / dignitas
Benelux FiF / 8b1ts Green
Netherlands Team Coolermaster
Germany h2k hasnt been mentioned yet.
So easy.

Estonia -u96d- , because they invented the defense style everyone is using ever since. And best coordination and positioning of players from them.
mita ajan obviously =,=
teamplay in ET is quite overrated, seemingly - as currently and in most 'eras' I guess there has only been one stand out team in terms of TP.
I shouldn't say that since I can't back this up except with my own experience, BUT I'm going to generalize anyway: (:D)
I highly doubt that any team really does proper tactics and that includes tactics for certain situations (e.g. multiple attack formations, doc run situations, alternate defenses depending on where the opponent is attacking or if someone gets full, etc).
Sure, with time people will get standard solutions for those kind of situations but that isn't what I'm addressing here.
Being so random public oriented is also the reason we are playing 6on6 again instead of 5on5. No one gave 5on5 a fair chance since everyone was stuck with his there-is-one-guy-missing mindset instead of adapting to it and just not fucking up all the time (or having a tactical solution for that fuck up). Going back to 6on6 to have a more spam related (public) game and thinking that this kind of format is superior to a more tactical, aim based and punishing (competition) format as 5on5 is is just laughable.
The RTCW/ET concept has so much potential and it doesn't get used. Partly because no one fixes the game bugs and partly because the community prevents it from evolving in what it could be.

tl;dr: no one is going to invest time to get proper team play and only people who know each other in and out or just click will work well together so it's no surprise that most teams lack that (especially with all those stable teams nowadays).
what was quite common with old sleeperz in a very shot time back in 2006 was that we literally studied the opponents before the offi. Seeing which maps they were most favoured on, positioning and specing players through GTV replay. Prac times were from sunday to thursday at 7pm, school policies, so strictly no late arrivals or cheating :P. In general everything was just so organized and prepared back in the old days. As your mentioning, ET today in general is much less tactical oriented than it was before.
speccing replays of oppos is not that big a deal for a committed team
In today's ET I would agree with you but at that time many teams were sticking to the same tactics on one specific map. Besides with GTV you can compare if there are any differences during the previous matches that were played for instance if how many were to attack from side on grush etc. This just gave us a slight better awareness and guessing of how each team played.
idd, just saying that its not unusual
tp is overated? tp is the one thing that can make your teams skill go from a low to ~med level, or med to med+/high. Played in a lot of teams, only one of them had perfect teamplay (Sweden ORDER BANANA boooom) and you should see how easy it is to bash mixteams with players of a much higher skill level simply through tactics. They are so so so important.

I meant they are regarded as being overrated, I don't think TP is overrated by a long way - quite the opposite. It is something that cant even be replicated with cheats and such so takes more ability then anything else in team based gaming.
Finland Immortalstorm and our 3on3-games. Can go through maps & matches without talking anything about the game, everyone just knows what to do and what happens around.

We would be good but we have bad luck & opponent cheats.
Gotta say FiF was the team which suprised me the most. They started playing together at about the same time as us (Lost Soldiers Alpha). Had many good pracc's against them in the beginning, but after about 2 - 3 months, they raped us easily. So yeah props to BelgiumWorm, BelgiumJere & co.
Nice digging old comments, but yeah was a good time! :)
Not high lighting anything because I've played for this team but old Sleeperz was without a doubt an amazing team. Having the odds against us most of the time and still winning, and also not having those rambo/dmg demanding players as most teams would prefer.
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