weird journal

as i was looking @ 9gag i found this
and i remembered when i had a sleep paralysis a couple months ago.
I was sleeping at my gf's house on an inflatable bed, we were laying together.
As i was sleeping i felt something heavy sitting on me and i couldnt move and I heard an angry womans voice whispering in my ear and it kept getting louder and faster. She was speaking very clear she was telling me to break up with my gf because shes not worth me and she will hurt me, ironically she did :D now we arent together anymore :DD

E: btw as the womans voice kept getting louder and faster i started waking up a bit, the inflatable bed blew up and got disformed or w/e there was a huge bump separating me and my gf, my gf told me that she felt like someone was laying in middle of us. Weird shit isnt it? :D

anyone else ever had sleep paralises? that shit is fucking scary
room got cold im sure i had lights on cuz i was just lying on my bed sudenly lights went off my pc was on & connected to ts3, i heard the speakers go "user has joined ur channel" the room was completly dark, then i felt like smthn is there then i saw silhouette of 4 smaller guys standing in my room, werry close to me i was frozen solid of the "fear" didntk now what the fuck is happening, dunno how long i stared at the fuck do i know what wtf, then i felt like some1 stabed me with something in my stomack, felt scared as shit dont remember what happend after :D

that inspired me to watch a

still dont know what the fuck was going on, just remember be4 i fell asleep is, well the light bolt just "crashed/died" but in the morning i treid turning the lights on, and the lights turned on.....
bullshit imo :p also sound hallucinations (if i remember correctly) are one of the signs of paranoid schizophrenia. About the bump, really? Thats just random pretty much. Its like believing in aliens or Jesus (yes i clasify both pretty much the same). Stick to facts.
beliving in jesus is one thing

but claiming that we are the only intelligent life form in the whole universe is just dumb.

also lets go back in time, ppl from america and afrika in the time or before the time of the "Egyptians" knew about a planet in the orion belt, wich couldnt be discoverd without any super advanced telescopes. they even had a "map" of it. gl explaning it.
there's a lot of proof about jesus though, unlike from life outside earth
yeah, proof that there was a man called jesus, not that he was a prophet/son of god/pick a random religion bullshit
nope, proof that he was god's son
and those proofs are?
scientific, historical and arceological evidence, probabilities, eye-witnesses and other testimonies, 25k pieces of original documents and so on

show me the evidence you have to proof that god doesnt exist
thers also proof of alien spaceships being on earth ages ago... google it
yeah just like i find 23094 aliens on youtube
thats diff, u can find proof by going outside. or by paying attention at school
My Biology teacher was explaining to us how our body completely stops moving once we are in deep sleep. He said monkeys have the same thing because they usually sleep up in high trees and their body stops moving completely when they sleep so they don't fall off the tree. Humans have evolved with the same thing.
But yeah my dad was telling me about how his body was completely still when he woke up in the middle of
the night. He didn't mention anything about seeing things but he said it's the worst feeling ever because you can't move, talk or really do anything.
thats why women dont move when u fuck em, cuz they fall asleep.

What the fuck?
its like body still sleeps but the brain is already awake :D
Quoteas i was looking @ 9gag

Quotelooking @ 9gag

Quote@ 9gag


image: mvzZZ
I'm gonna warn you once. Don't you ever fucking make your simile bigger than mine.
dunno, i'm so mad
never happened to me,im glad,im not really into scary shit
looks fun :) will try tonight
I used to have them more often when I was a child. Now, maybe once a year? I think everyone has experienced sleep paralysis but they count it as normal nightmare.

E: On a sleep-related note, what time is this to be up and awake...
After drinking too much thai red bull + vodka yes. Hearing people talk pretty vivid in my room and briefly seeing a ghost like figure two times.
When I had Nephropathia epidemica (wiki gave it, in finnis "myyräkuume"), I had fever around 39-40, maybe little bit over. At the hospital I had these great out-of-my-body experiences, was just looking down while people were having a conversation with my body and doing stuff.

Was great. Kinda like salvia. I don't think it was because of the medication, not sure what I was on though.
i had it twice, the last time was with my gf and once more when i was very young.. i probably did the steps like in that picture by accident :D i was in bed with my mom and dad i was laying in the middle on my back. I was trying to fall asleep was laying on my back but just couldnt, then i opened my eyes and i couldnt move, i looked to my left and some sort of a shadow figure with eyes open was beside the bed on the left on my moms side, i was trying to scream as hard as i could, was trying to move but couldnt, but after like a million tries i was able to move and i put the blanket over my head and then fell asleep immediately :D

blanket 1
monsters 0

i had this several times with really scary shit...
1st one i had i did all the things unconsciousness for having lucid dreaming laying dead still nothing moved after 20 mins i was in a scary castle walking down the hall way, suddenly i see a light walked to it and then a fucking freaky shadow came out the lamp and entered my body couldnt scream couldnt move and not open my eyes.. then suddenly my body reacted with a sort of epilectic attack and i could feel my whole body shaking and trembling then i woke up... this was the most scary one and i remember it very clearly.. i have had like +/- 10 sorts of lucid dreams in 2 years but this one is still fresh in my mind...

fucking horror :x
imma try to do it again tonight, i never done it on purpose :D hope i wont get paralized for ever, dont want to end up like stephen hawkings :D
Fuck 9gag,bunch of newfags thinking they are trolling the world.
I'ev heard allot about lucid dreaming and how to do it,and I do believe in that,but I think it's a huge waste of time just fkn sleep and that's it -.-
image: 1329232311637
sleep paralysis isnt lucid dreaming, thats 2 totally different things
I should have note that I did not read the whole journal,but fuck that,it's 9gag..
Anyway,lucid dreaming wont get you a sleep paralysis that's bullshit.
thats what i basically wrote
When I was a child,Jesus was in my room.Told him to go away.Nver saw him again
was once in such a sleep paralysis too. So i was "waking up" in the morning and couldnt move but i was able to open my eyes and look around my room. Then I felt like something was in my room and then "it" (?) started screaming in my ear, i was scared to hell because i watched paranormal activity the evening before ("oh no, this cant be happening!!"). After 3 minutes i finally gained control over my body and ran out of my room.
Never happened again but I agree that its not an experience you would like to have twice...
had them alot! had it like 3-4 times a week and it was creepy as fuck!
also tried that lucid dreaming a few times, didnt work :(
i didnt try, but i knew i was dreaming kinda boring rly :D
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