Back from the shops

Hey Crossfire,

Just back from the shops!! Quite a busy day here in Jesenice, Slovenia. The sun really does bring out the hotties.

Well, here's what happened guys. I was browsing through the hair conditioners in my local shop (lidl) and to my surprise there was my friend Ervin "SeaReAl" Žerjav.

"Ervin mate?" I shouted across the shop. Startled, he shyly turned around, "Oh.. hi...". I walked up to him, flexing my 42" girth muscles. "What the fuck are you doing here?". Ervin, his face getting ever redder, "J-just getting some s-stuff..".

It was about this time I realized he was holding a tub of vaseline, so I enquired. "What the fuck is that for? You getting some action tonight?? Penis in Vagina?".

Shame struck Ervins face, he lowered his head. "I-i'm buying this b-because J-jari are going to have their way with me.. anally."


image: vass

TL;DR version: Jari 4 - 0 Chickens with gunz. Ervin bought vaseline to help ease the penetration and perhaps prevent ring sting.

Finland is best :D:D and sauna :DDD
posting in epic journal
haha made me laugh :D
better than cereal's journals
Good journal 4/5
haha, what i'd call a succesfull journal
journal of the year
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