scripts needed

supski crossies

as i have recently seen them in movies,videos from lan and some configs which are lost now i found them very very useful.

so now, i am asking you if anybody can give me the following scripts:

-fov changer on scroll
-bullet tracers on when not shooting and off when shooting
-pmove_fixed 1 and 0 (like a toggle)

thanks in advance :')
bind p quit

^^ yw
bind Mwheelup "cg_fov 90"
bind Mwheeldpown "cg_Fov 100"

bind x "vstr pmove"

set pmove "vstr pmoveon"
set pmoveon "pmove_Fixed 1;echo pmove_fixed 1;set pmove vstr pmoveoff"
set pmoveoff "pmove_fixed 0;echo pmove_fixed 0;set pmove vstr pmoveon"

give me the command for bullet tracers and Ill do that as well
Or just: bind x "toggle pmove_fixed"
scripts are for noobs
What BelgiumLeFrancis said
bind MOUSE1 +vstr tracers_no tracers_yes
seta tracers_no "+attack; r_dynamiclight 0;b_tracers 0"
seta tracers_yes "-attack; r_dynamiclight 1;b_tracers 2"
wtf does people use this :D?
why change dynamic light
my script??? fucker!
bind MOUSE3 "weapalt"
bind MWHEELUP "cg_fov 136; cg_drawgun 1; seta m_pitch 0.022; cg_crosshairsize 39 ; seta sensitivity 1.98;echo ^d& ^7Fov ^1136^d!"
bind MWHEELDOWN "cg_fov 120; cg_drawgun 1; seta m_pitch 0.022; cg_crosshairsize 39 ; seta sensitivity 1.98; echo ^d& ^7Fov ^1120^d!"

bind MOUSE1 "+vstr valo1 valo2"
set valo1 "+attack; r_dynamiclight 0; b_tracers 0"
set valo2 "-attack; r_dynamiclight 1; b_tracers 2"
bind MOUSE2 "+sprint"
wtf at that fov man :D

using 120fov since i started playing et... Got a full hd widescreen monitor 1+ years ago, so i had to correct my fov, thats why i use 136
.... to hear that... simply just wrong
:o? how dare you!
more than 120 isnt allowed on most servers i think :o
I only play at bio / etpro war servers mostly, which is allowed. np :>
ah ok then :P respect, i wouldnt be able to play with that fov, 120 is way 2 much for me :D
bind mouse1 kill
// generated by ET, do not modify xDD

set 1 "cg_fov 105; bind mwheelup vstr 2; cg_drawgun 1; echo ^7FAR"
set 2 "cg_fov 90 ; bind mwheelup vstr 1; cg_drawgun 1;echo ^7CLOSE "
bind mwheelup "vstr 2"
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