Feels so good.

Just finnished my 26hours fasting. 26 hours without any food, only water !

Just got my Amino Acids, and waiting a few minuts to eat my first meal :)

Doing this 1-2 days a week, and its fucking good for your body !

love, no hate
hate, no love
love and love
Big achievement right there! : ))
Didn't you end up in the hospital or something a while back thanks to your fasting?
Nah not for fasting.

But i got some high blood presure or smht, so i got nose bleed as hell and even had problems to walk, but dunno what the problem was hahaha
I agree, its more safe to sit on your ass for all day and stuff McFeasts instead.
You're trying too hard. Did you even read his reply?
Yes I did but I had no need to. My reply was towards your shitpants-attitude which shows in your posts in about every alexL-journal. It's just annoying, that's all.
You are right that I don't give a shit about his workouts and health ethics. I do however still feel a pang of guilt and express my concern if someone is possibly putting their body in harm's way (and I don't think you should disregard blood pressure issues, especially at that age).
Human body isn't that fragile.
QuoteFrop on 18/03/12, 20:47:13 Edited

You are right that I don't give a shit about his workouts and health ethics.
Good to know I'm not alone then :)
African kids do the same
kudos to them
do you still have the strength to workout then?
Can you post your training schedule?
Monday: Chest, Tricep

Tuesday: Back, Biceps and weighted pull ups

whendays: Shoulders and weighted dips

Thursday: Legs

Friday: Pullups and dips with my own bodyweight,( might add a musclegroup that i need to work on )

Saturday: Explosive and strengt training, like Deadlifts, clean and jerk, kettlebels.

Sunday: Rest

Abs every 3rd day
Why abs every third day only?
only every 3rd day ?

Dunno how you train, but when i train i really kill my stomach really really hard. So every 3rd day is good for my abs gain.
Well, correct me if I am wrong, but arent abs a type of muscle you can train very often. But I guess if you work the abs really hard, every third day should be enough =)
Abs are musceln like every other muscel on your body so dont train them 24/7
you couldnt be more wrong:P
there are different types of muscles. And therefore also different intensity and ways you work them out.
type 1
type 2

your abs have type 1,2
your biceps have 1,2
calves have 1,2

so whats your point?
and the rest of the body?
each muscel in your body (except heart, skeletal muscles and masseter) have type 1 and type 2(a,b) fibres
do you know how much of your body is categorized as skeletal muscles?

for instance
i can tell you that these muscels arent skeletal muscels http://www.coopersguns.com/videos/exercise-encyclopedia/
anyhow, the point is. There are muscles you can work out more frequently than others. Abs being one of them.
pls link as proof
You can believe me or not, I dont really care :P
i dont belive you, because im right. no offence and this shouldnt sound arrogant but im right on this point
You are telling me that every type of muscles in your body uses the same time to regenerate and gets equally exhausted?
ofc you have big and small muscels but you shouldnt train your abs every day. muscels need time to regenerate!

and your abs have an other build of type 1 and 2 fiibres than your leg muscels ofc
thats not what I am saying, but one can work out the abs more often than lets say your chest for instance.
some guys can train their chest 3 times a week (me max 2 times) but i just can train my abs 1-2 times a week. 3 times is not possible for me

but i can train my legs like 3-4 times without problem.
then you sir, have a very very abnormal body.
I can easily work out my abs whenever I work out other groups. And it also depends on what you want with your work out, and what your goals are. And also in what direction you want to point to.
i squat 2 times a week and dl 1 time, so i cant work out my abs every day :D

i agree on what you said (your last comment ;))
I am quite sure about what I said earlier as well, I have talked with several personal coaches and other educated in this. I am not too familiar with the different names and types of muscles, but I believe that abs and also calves are muscles you can work out more frequently than for instance chest and back.
i heard this about calves, yes.

but i disagree on abs. anyway good night
Intermittent fasting works perfect.
Don't believe in bullshit that your body starts to eat muscle after 4-6 hours without protein, you can even go 48 hours before any catabolism starts to take place.
ye its a myth alot of people believe and comes in handy for supplement industry. "you need to eat every other 3 hours, you need some shake dawg"

Even better if you time your workout to be after having the first meal.
hm not sure about this. after not eating for few hours i feel like i lost some gains and feel really small and weak ;(
thats becuz u are small and weak
depends on bodytype
bitch please, eating image: cevapi every day and still have a body of a greek god
that looks completely disgusting
keep telling yourself that
looks fucking nice!

cevapi 4 lyph
cevapiiii :)
need recipe for this, looks good;d
looks like a McDogTurd
cevapi = food of the gods
can u add me to ur buddylist now?
haven't touched myself for a week
kids in sudan will probably think image: tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400
finished my cevapcici, drinking bear, like real mans!
food must taste fucking good after 26 hours of not eating.
Conditioning my body to higher work capacity, had 7th training session today for this week. (Consisting of 196 minutes of cardio, rest training squat, deadlift and bench)
u must eat a fucking lot right?
Actually, Im on a cut and I have lost 10kg so far. I dont count any exact numbers but I estimate I eat 2500kcal a day.
196 minutes of cardio, isnt that too much then?
I dont know, you tell me. :D My field of knowledge is strength training.
dont really know either, gonna start cutting first time soon.
hou de nifi straks vast bitch
its too much. better 30 mins rest 15 mins and then 30 mins again

read some studys about it. ofc you need to higher your intesnsity in the 30 mins

or do sprints
What? Thats my whole week's cardio, not just one session. =D
nvm then :D :D
vittu sun lihakses katoo silti ellet syö vitun puhtaasti :D
Niin katoaa, entä sitten?
sen siitä saa ku ikibulkkaa ja sit koittaa vetää vitun nopeen dieetin :D
Nopea? Mun mielestä tää on aika hidas tahti ja hyvä niin, voimat ei katoo ja lihaskin säilyy paremmin.
jos oot 10kg laihtunu jossain 2 kuukaudessa niin se tarkottaa, että vedät päälle tonnin vajeella päivittäin eikä se mun korvaan kovin hitaalle kuulosta
Tammikuun alussa alotin dieetin. En tiedä paljon vaje on mutta arvioisin että syön päivässä 2500 kaloria. Voimat ovat vaan kasvaneet koko tän ajan ja se on ainoo asia mikä merkkaa. =D Paskoja treenejä on kyl tullu enemmän nyt.
muttajoo propsit sulle tosiaa jos koko dieetin oot 2500kcal tunkenu kurkusta alas päivässä ja silti paino tippuu tota tahtia, kuulostaa vaa vähä mahottomalle =D
Meinaaks että se on liikaa vai liian vähän?
kuulostaa vaa vähä mahottomalle vetää 2500kcal päivässä ja silti laihtuu ku itellä meinaa olla ongelmii samanverran syömisee treenatessaki jos syö puhtaasti, mutta parempiha se on vaa mitä enemmä pystyt syömää jos silti laihut tota tahtia?

jatka tosiaa vaa jos sulla toimii, en mä jaksa kritisoida tosiaa =D hyvä vaa et syöt tarpeeks vaikka cuttailetki
No en tosiaan oo laskenu mitään tarkasti. Tässä mun ruokavaliorunko:

2 purkkia pirkka-rahkaa
400g jauhelihaa
5dl plussamaitoo
työpaikan/koulun lounas
fast minttusuklaa prodepatukka
200-250g raejuustoa

Viikonloppusin syön vapaammin mutten sillonkaa mitään paskaa kuin yhtenä päivänä

Ja onhan mun kulutus iso kun ottaa nämä huomioon:
- kehonpaino 100kg
- 6 treeniä raskaita perusliikkeitä + aerobiset viikkoon
- päiväkodissa töissä (siellä saa liikkuu...)
- ois viel lisääki mutta ostin bussikortin nii liikutan sillä läskipersettäni joka paikkaan
iha hyvällehä toi näyttää, itseasias yllätyin vähä =D

tarkotatko kehonpainol siis iha rasvatonta massaa vai?
Jos mun kehonpaino ois rasvattomana 100kg niin vaihtaisin lajia... Ei vaan laskisin että tuo mun keskiarvo-paino viimeisen 2,5kk ajalta. Ton maidon jätän jossain vaiheessa pois ja se on taas 200kcal lisää miinusta. :
mietinki, että on jätkällä siinä tapaukses lihastaki muille jakaa =D oon vielki vaa vähä yllättyny tosta 2500kcal cuttailessa ja silti lähtee jollain 1000kcal vajeen tasolla, mut onnee jatkoo vaa =D
Oon aika isokokonen luonnostani. Thyroid condition jne.
rasvat alas vaa ni mirraan ;)
tyttelit mirraa jo miun hyppyripersettä mutta sun mirraus on vain kaukainen haave
tee haaveista totta XD
hf with headache
no headache at all, done this for longtime :)
Bra kämpa på aleeex!
if you have enough bodyfat, that's not too bad
I just ate 4 "Taste The Difference" triple chocolate chip cookies.

I feel dirty!
Just get some white shit though your nose to get ripped
I just ate a Pizza Hot & Spicy and now I'm off to sleep!
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