Feels so good.
18 Mar 2012, 16:23
Just finnished my 26hours fasting. 26 hours without any food, only water !
Just got my Amino Acids, and waiting a few minuts to eat my first meal :)
Doing this 1-2 days a week, and its fucking good for your body !
love, no hate
Just got my Amino Acids, and waiting a few minuts to eat my first meal :)
Doing this 1-2 days a week, and its fucking good for your body !
love, no hate
But i got some high blood presure or smht, so i got nose bleed as hell and even had problems to walk, but dunno what the problem was hahaha
look at www.leangains.com and http://www.eatstopeat.com/999.html
Tuesday: Back, Biceps and weighted pull ups
whendays: Shoulders and weighted dips
Thursday: Legs
Friday: Pullups and dips with my own bodyweight,( might add a musclegroup that i need to work on )
Saturday: Explosive and strengt training, like Deadlifts, clean and jerk, kettlebels.
Sunday: Rest
Abs every 3rd day
Dunno how you train, but when i train i really kill my stomach really really hard. So every 3rd day is good for my abs gain.
type 2
your abs have type 1,2
your biceps have 1,2
calves have 1,2
so whats your point?
for instance
and your abs have an other build of type 1 and 2 fiibres than your leg muscels ofc
but i can train my legs like 3-4 times without problem.
i agree on what you said (your last comment ;))
but i disagree on abs. anyway good night
Don't believe in bullshit that your body starts to eat muscle after 4-6 hours without protein, you can even go 48 hours before any catabolism starts to take place.
Even better if you time your workout to be after having the first meal.
cevapi 4 lyph
read some studys about it. ofc you need to higher your intesnsity in the 30 mins
or do sprints
jatka tosiaa vaa jos sulla toimii, en mä jaksa kritisoida tosiaa =D hyvä vaa et syöt tarpeeks vaikka cuttailetki
2 purkkia pirkka-rahkaa
400g jauhelihaa
5dl plussamaitoo
työpaikan/koulun lounas
fast minttusuklaa prodepatukka
200-250g raejuustoa
Viikonloppusin syön vapaammin mutten sillonkaa mitään paskaa kuin yhtenä päivänä
Ja onhan mun kulutus iso kun ottaa nämä huomioon:
- kehonpaino 100kg
- 6 treeniä raskaita perusliikkeitä + aerobiset viikkoon
- päiväkodissa töissä (siellä saa liikkuu...)
- ois viel lisääki mutta ostin bussikortin nii liikutan sillä läskipersettäni joka paikkaan
tarkotatko kehonpainol siis iha rasvatonta massaa vai?
I feel dirty!