Cheap cooking with x3NJa!


Today I paid a visit to my local market and bought some shits to cook.

After I already started, I thought of how cheap everything was and I thought I'm gonna go Waki on you guys and share my progress! Shit I do is easy, not time consuming and incredibly tasty!

So, here we go!

Step 1 - (since I came up with the idea after I had already done some shit, few first steps are without pictures)

Go buy the products!

I bought 6 pieces of chicken (1.90€), 3 kg potatoes (1.5€), a cucumber (0.50€), white beetroot (0.25€), three tomatoes (0.60€), sour cream (0.50€], 2 litres of milk (1€). All together cost 6.25€.

Step 2

Peel the potatoes and chop them to smaller pieces, but not too small. Then start boiling them!
image: kartul1

Step 3

Heat up the frying pan, season the chicken, place it on the pan on a bit higher than "middle" temperature (depends on your stove) for like, 30-35 minutes.

image: kartul2

Step 4

After the potatoes have boiled enough (15-20 minutes) and they fall off your knife when you "check" them, pour out the water. After that, heat up like 0.8 litres of milk.

image: kartul3

Step 5

After the milk has heated up (don't let it boil, just heat it up), pour it to the pot with the potatoes. Add like 100 grams of butter and some seasoning, take out your mixer and start mixing shit hardcore until it's all smooth and creamy.

image: kartul4

Step 6

While you mix up your mashed potatoes, it's time for the sauce to cook! Add a few bigger spoons of flour, then 1.2 litres of milk that's left to a bowl and stir it. Make sure the flour does not stick together, important! Then add some seasoning (def add dry basil) and let it boil, stir it every 1-2 minutes so the flour does not stick to the bottom of the pot!

image: kartul5

Step 7

Now your mashed potatoes should look like a really creamy and nice mass. Chicken should be cooked, so remove it. Time to chop up some green. Some regular cucumber and tomato. I also added grated white beetroot with sour cream and salt, fucking amazing taste, cheap and good for you! (not that I care about the last part, though I guess I should) So now, grab a plate and eat up! Fucking tasty, takes around 40 minutes, at least 5-6 portions and is really cheap.

image: kartul_6
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2 litres of milk (1€)

nigga please, 1l costs ~1,5€ here
Well maybe, the prices are from my local MARKET of course, not even supermarket so...

It's still relatively cheap.
thats actually a good thing, in my vicinity there are only supermarkets and it really sucks when I want to buy only bread or something like that (small shopping) and it sucks!
How is the price of booze etc in Estonia after euro?
Has risen a lot. For example, my favourite beer used to cost like 0.5€, not it's 0.89€ :p
Walter doesn't cost 0,89 €. It costs like 0,4...Sorry bro.
milche krichste für 69cent
auf lli für lau!
nicht für hoes, für die gibts nur sahne
wo kaufst du denn ein?
1L kostet irgendwas um die 60 cent
Landliebe Milch im Marktkauf :D
Sounds good!
Looks* nerd!
Bugger off, nerd.

Just one note, u have mixed potatoes not really mashed.

I usually cook something similar, without the sauce, mash the potatoes (add way less milk also - well it depends, if u have sauce u don't need that much milk, if u don't have a sauce u add a bit more milk, but still not 8dl)

Yeah, that's true I guess, I mashed em first a bit! :p
seems tasty, but it's definitely not fast!
40 minutes for a really decent meal is fast for me, I usually cook for like 2 hours or more.
when I cook for 2h it's basically putting my potato gratin in the oven for 1h & more :d
:p well yeah, depends ofcourse, I like to try out all kinds of different and strange dishes sometimes :D
I suck at cooking.. I'm a terrific taster though :ddd I can tell which spices you used etc
:o 2 hours?
what are you cooking every day?
i would be too tired after work to cook for 2 hours
3€ pizza pleases my stomach as well
päris hea näeb välja aga kotletid > kana

Damn, food is so cheap there...
thats why you are fat and bald
that chicken, wtf i pay like 8€ for 500g =/
~4€ per 1000g here, so Norway :]
oh yeah, its 1kg for 59 NOK :P
1.6€ for that much chicken + 35min on "higher than middle".
wow i bet that meat wasnt dry at all
it wasn't. was quite tasty!
2/3 minutes each side on high for "crustyness" and then finish it in the oven.
you seem to know everything about everything
He is a sukin sin, bljad sajebis.
halts maul junge

wnb ru
has no access to an oven atm :<
image: riso_patate_e_cozze_3

that's something u will eat and eat and eat and eat again...
yeah italian kitchen at its best ^.^
that's from my city...u can find it only where i live and near...noone else can made it.
i just appreciated picture, because looks very delicious. no doubts that its from Italy, even though my whole experience with ur national kitchen ends on one piece of pizza @ padova XD

e: och and i was disappointed in fact it wasn't triangle, haha ;d
commercial pizza isnt good..full of oil and random tomato souce..i guess u will appreciate more a normal pizza from good Pizzerie. I'm sure that pizza was made by

image: forno-elettrico-per-pizza-a-3-camere-di-cottura-professionale-29852

the real pizza is made here:

image: pizzeriamaseghepensu45741

with particulars steps
but the girl who served it was so adorable ^.^
I just ate but now you made me hungry
oh god, that looks good
cheap food as heck lol, tho putting so much milk for pure, is fail lol :D, and chicken 35 min? dafuq u baking it into bricks?

other than that, would be tasty if made properly :D
nop, well maybe my stove is weird, but it cooks nicely with the top on, stays juicy and shit. and the amount of milk is exactly correct for my taste :)
well when i do, i put way less milk into it and for chicken, baking 10 min max on each side or 15 if u want crispy skin is more than enough, u should try lemon juice + some butter when chicken is done and make it in that pan together with chicken,to create good sauce out of it.
looks rly good!
looks tasty as fuck
For everyone short on money:
Thaifood for ~5€

Buy: 1 jar of red or yellow Thai-curry-paste(~0,8€), some sliced chicken (~2€), broccoli (0,5€), glas with "mixed thai/chineese veggis" (~1€), cocosmilk (0.5€)

Take a pan, heat it up, put in a tablespoon of the thai-curry, after that the chicken. Roast it for a few mins, after that add the cocos milk, put in a few tablespoons of the thaicurry, (if you have, add some "Thom-Ka-Gai"-paste), throw in the broccoli and let it boil for a min, after that add the thai veggis, season it with peppers (cayene, asia, whatever you have), soy souce and some chilli.

Penang-Gai ?? :)
just googled that.

Sort of, yeah.
only that I dont like any sweet tastes in it, only thing I might put in are "mungobeans" which sometimes have a little sweet taste.

I'm pretty much going kamikaze in the kitchen, throwing everything I can find in a pan/wok and see what happens, the only thing I've ever used a cooking book for was Spiagetti Carbonara :)
And I bet the cooking book told you to use cream on your Carbonara! :-))
Nope, it was just eggs and a little milk, perfect for that [ger]"grießige"[/ger] souce.
Well, the 'real' carbonara sauce usually consists of: eggs, parmesan cheese (!), bacon and some onions. Atleast they didn't use cream in your receipe. It's horrible how many Italian restaurants don't even follow their original receipes :-(

If you like the Asian cuisine you should try oyster sauce, if you haven't yet. Can add it to your receipe instead of the thai curry. Also Asian shops sell a variety of herbs and spices like fennel seeds, dried chillies, coriander etc. Kicking your dishes to a whole new level (-:
I've already tried a few meals with oyster souce, the first two times I messed up horribly xD
But now I really like the taste of it, even tho I'm still a big fan of thai-curry paste, few weeks ago I got some self-made one from a friends mother (asians).

Even tho my spice storage is at 140% already, I'm still adding different spices each week.

My biggest problem with the thai vegges is that when I go to the Asia shop, I cant go there and simply buy the things I need for what I want to cook but I've to decide what I want to cook when I'm there since their offer is different each day.
Looks nice!
These pics killed me. Let me get something from the fridge...
Looks nice, but the pure looks like some vanille yoghurt :P
pretty expensive for one meal
its like 6 portions out of that meal. so around 1€ for a good meal.
urtier had somewhere a journal about food too
yummy stuff and not expensive too
i can do that too !

my mother taught me :D
The chicken doesn't look dry at all and also i like the 'mixed potatoes', gotta try that myself someday. That sauce/beetroot stuff looks like coleslaw salad tbh:d
x3NJa u fat fat bastard :{D
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