quakelive lg

this lg, srsly rapes the whole game for me. every round i try to play i get 2v1 lightning guns up my face constantly, just jumping at me buzzing those things in my face. how the hell do you counter these, it drives me mad and makes the game unplayable. it's like people dont give a shit if theire left with only a few hp, as long as they get me at spawn with that shit ass goddamn cunt of a weapon. did notice though that at t4 it seems to happen a lot less than on t3.

need tips or will unleash apocalypse of rage on universe
cg_simpleshaft 1or smth
It's actually the hardest gun to master as you need perfect tracking skills. Position yourself better and spam rockets. Also you might have noticed the weapon has a limited range so avoid close proximity!

Just spam +moveright +moveleft as well. 99.9% of QL players can only track at the easy situations (jumppad n stuff) the other 0.01% is strenx so you should be just fine.
wow, so many strenxs out there!
also.. what about the rest? those 0.09% you forgot to mention? :D
me butchji mind n night
easy gun but thats just me I'm a LG whore
me lg rocket rail only :(
rockets are by far the hardest to master
get better strafes AND RUN !
lower sens or stay away with rl/rail. :P


i only play with railgun XD maybie LG, rest is shit, rockets pls GTFO WITH THAT CANT HIT SHIT XD
As an ETPLAYER should have better tracking with LG at side to side than most of the random CA your playing if you don't your just letting ET down
agreed, so easy to own these CA nabs with LG, thats the only weapon i can use to actually own people :<
ET players have killer rail, not so killer lg
I'm shit with both weapons :(
dont worry me too :)
Guess we ain't real ETplayers :<
that must be it!
low senser? who cant aim?
Id say more like high sens, better for mouvements and reflex rockets hehe
then just dont rush into opponents, pick ur battles
there are two type of ql players, LG-fags and rail-fags, i hate rail-fags more
as an ET player I found an LG/rail easiest to master, unfortunatelly it just lead to lg-abuse and getting rolled by RL fags :P
rockets is the key, lg movement is usually pretty predictable, since theyre all focusing on aiming. just rj to gain some distance and keeping spamming them
rj against LG is never a smart idea
Easy solution: Don't play CA
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