bf3 shizzzzle

since i dont know shit about games nowadays, i was wondergin what the fuck is Origin?????

its coming along with bf3, is it like Steam? also 14,9gigas(?) of updates?????+

the fuck it gets me 24hours to download them

speedybozar loves that song
origin is the worst shit ever :)
sup with that then? its downloading 14,9gigas worth of updates along with Origin

but i assume these 14,9gigas are bf3 own updates (really milu really? what a sherlock u are)
well when bf3 was published there were many bugs, they just wanted to publish bf3 earlier than cod.
but now they are trying to fix all bugs and they had incredible problem with pb what is fixed now, atleast for me and thats why u have to download so many updates

PS origin sucks!
tell me why origin sucks!!!!!
because it scan ur pc and i dont trust it
e: nobody know what they r doing with ur personal information
is sometimes down etc
Herp derp.

Although you are right on the fact that Origin is pretty bad, you're completely wrong on the reasons why. It does not "scan ur pc" any more than any other program does (checking registry for already installed games available on Origin etc.).

Now as for what actually is wrong with Origin, one of the major problems come from the fact that it can't withhold load (see ME3 release, BF3:B2K release, BF3 release) and tends to go unavailable when something new and popular is released.

Another point is the Origin-Battlelog-game client connection, which tends to break every now and then causing your connection to the servers to drop. It does occasionally also hog quite a lot of resources and thus make your game lag.

As for its good sides, EA seems to have quite good connections for Origin. Whenever I need to download something through Origin, it downloads at full bandwidth, unlike Steam nowadays.
so basically if i download all the patches through Origin, after downloading them can i delete Origin and play normally bf3?
No, you need to run bf3 through Origin
thank you my fellow friend
You're welcome dear mister
why is that
origin worse than facebook!
why it is? the eula is overworked so what is worse with it?
thats what i heard
It steals ur information and sells it to advertising companies
since they lost 35k pre-orders in 1 day ? =)
they changed the eula. they lost a lot of pre-orders but there are enough who bought it after the eula change.
milu laitetaa pelit käyntii joku päivä

oon POLIISIMARKO nickil liikentees
O ja K

oon kyl läppärillä ja tässä on win7 paska enkä saa tasasta 76fps ees valhallassa varmaan
EA doesnt wonna share their revenue with valve for putting their games on steam.
people expect steam a-like service these days.
nothing wrong with it since the EULA has been changed.

also you having to download that much prolly means that you bought the game in a localized version and tried to install it in english.
dont know what u mean by localized version but i bought this game from a store and installed it normally, then Origin gave me some updates
Thought it's about Belgium Sh1zzle . Since it isn't. TL;DR
lol faggot
come and play with me faggot
add buddieZ
You need origin to install bf3 anyways so just install it and get used to it
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