IP adress conflict (.nl)


Me and my roommate live in a house where the internet account is joined to an own ip adress. But somehow my roommate and I can't connect to the internet on the same time. It gives an ip adress conflict, windows says. When we unplug our cable and one of the two connects apart, there is no problem. But as I said, on the same time, connecting to the internet isn't possible.

Any idea how we can fix this ? Is there a possiblity to change one of the two ip adresses or something?

"Internet account is joined to an own ip address." Dunno what u mean with that, but sounds like u need more IP's or use NAT.

1. Enable NAT. Network addres translation (ur PC's have own IP's in Local area network, but to the internet they are shown under same IP)

2. Get two network cards to one of PC's and connect the other PC to internet throught the other PC. (Basically the same thing)
@1 this
at two - well the difference is the 2nd pc only works as long as the first is switched on - so, meh
@2. But then u can just crap the other's PC's inet caple -> profit :D And since he is browsing CF, -> he must be ûbernerd and have his PCs on 24/7 so np.
Set one of the IPs to something else within your subnet? You seem to have both set static IPs (or your router sucks balls).

Let's say you're both on - set one of them to and you're good to go. Use Google if you don't know how to set a static IP on Windows.
We wonen in een studentencomplex en hebben geen toegang tot de router.

Maar los daarvan kan dus 1 van de 2 zijn ip veranderen ?
Yep, als je admin bent op je eigen PC zou dit geen probleem moeten zijn.
I am on the internet now and when I type ipconfig it shows my ipadress etc. But when my roommate does that, his fields with ipadress and all are clear so he has nothing to type in his "use following ip adress field"
ah well, yea in that case you prolly just have static IPs on your PCs indeed, sure you can change it :P
but when i write down my ipconfig etc, and i enter it in the use following ip adress field together with the data as subnet en def gateway. It stays the same right ?
since you have to stay in the same subnet the gateway remains the same, also dns (optional). you just have to change the IP-Adress of your client. everything else stays exactly the same. just make sure it's not already taken by someone else(if you can) ;)
ah indeed. I changed the last number of the ipadress in the LAN properties. Although it doesn't recognize the name of the LAN as it should be, i can both enter internet and the network where all the movies are on etc.

Thanks frop and SsAP!
DHCP must be enabled in your router. That's all :) otherwise u have to give to each computer a stable IP that u will put aswell in ur TCP/IP settings.
Remeber that router finish to 0.0 or 0.1 or 0.2
You're not FraggleRock are you?
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