
Found this on reddit... He has some crazy ideas and a very interesting view of life.

So if you are bored and have 10 minutes time to listen to this stuff then feel free to do so :)

image: kwme2lh7
Cliché stoner.
How do magnets work? Seriously? How do they work?
But really, too bad I've read too many books and this is just a dumb american flappering his dumb mouth....OCCUPY WALLSTREET!! XD ROTFLMAO
not worth a comment.
apparently it is
you sure that there is a comment? Maybe its just a dream?
freaky but true
reality hits you hard bro

I expected to be blown away but I realized most of the stuff he said my self.
you expect too much from my journals :D

AND if he's already taking it all to "such a thought to be uberdeeply thought" level he'd at least not use the term "good energy" or what not... there is nothing such as good or bad, it's all in the eye of the beholder really... so this is over before it even started :/
chick already used, im dissapointed
dont wanna use the new ones in a random journal yet ;)
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