Illuminati & Austria

Hello dear Crossfierians....haaaaaaaugh!!!

As you know I'm a metropolitan guy hahaugh!! .X-D
So last weekend I have made a travel to Austria. Why Austria you might ask....?
I have read alot of books about the illuminati....specifically books from DAVID ICKE. He is a renowned English writer and spokesman.
While I was staying in Austria I must admit I enjoyed alot of the food there, for example, the WIENER SCHNITZEL - it's basically like a hot dog (here in america) but made like a schnitzerl = ROTFL, funny I know...haaaaaaugh xD

image: arnoldoll

I've read that the Nazi's had connections to the occult, and I have visited the house of Arnold Schwarzenegger (illuminati governor of CALIFORNIA), but I have learned there from local people that it's actually the house of ADOLF HITLER (Schwarzeneggers family was in the NAZI ILLUMINATI). I have also tried to look for Wolfmarine Amadey Mozartes I have been told he was burried right next to French Fardinend ( Austrian President before WW1), I was unable to find it..but then I learned that Mozartes was actually a ANNUNAKI LIZZARD from the 4th dimension and that he never DEAD...he is actually now the president of England (queen Elizebeth...) if you don't trust me here is picture of comparison (undenianble simileriaty in MAKE UP MASCARA and HAIRSTYLE LOOK): image: mozart-01

image: hmqe2

Makes you think, right, haaaaaaaaugh???
So you guys have any experience or knowledge about the illuminati, reptiles or 4th dimension.....haaaaaaugh????
wow congratz, I havent read something so much retarded in a while here on cf..
Open Your Eyes....Illuminati Simbyanlism Is Everywher :-S
i have to ask u though.. How on earth did u find cimilarity between hot dogs and wiener schnitzel? xDD

and as u have been to austria now i have to say +1 with the food thingy.
Austria has the best food of the country's i've been to and thats pretty much all europe.
rofl xDDDDd thought the same :D
We are not living in real planet anymore, the original earth is actually 100x bigger than this planet we are living now.
Reptilian aliens around 3000bc created a fake planet with fake archeological evidence and put humans to live on it: Nasa flights have been faked and there is no space or "planets" around us, the sun is actually much closer to us than we think ( maybe 5000km above earth's hemisphere and is actually fueled by huge atomic alin-made reactor )

These reptilian aliens are masters of genetic engineering and people who have been captured by the ufos are just being "programmed" to forget all they have found out but this original earth

In 2012 the fake sun will collapse and spaceships from original earth will bring us back to Eden where there is no money and people live by eating fruits, there are also no animals on that planet because animals are just failed alien genetic experiments trying to create human-slaves with no mind but are shit because they dont have the needed intelligence
i always thought the exact same thing!
what the actual fuck, i was just reading about the illuminati ..

Beyonce's backwards message in her song
Illuminati card game -> real life happenings

cu @ london 2012 olympics ..bye bye big ben!
Btw: this is crossfire user Adi = he is TIME TRAVELLER: image: holocaustadi7
I recieve this picture from Austrian guy that live in Tyrol = then I recognize HIM
And BTW: MOZARts most famouse compesition: AVE MARIA = main title of 4th part of game HITMAN (is fill with ALOT of illuminati siymbialinism)
never gets old :DD
Seems 2 be a hell of alot of evidence 4 this jst to be speculation.ther are alot of paranoid juornals on crosfire,analysing music video's nd films etc making assumptions of illuminati hidden msgs but this journel shows factual evidence which is hard 2 discount even with a closed mind,which i expect alot of ppl who read this suffer frm.
Reality as we understand it is actually a complex computer simulation. Created by a malevolent artificial intelligence, the Illuminati hides the truth from humanity, allowing them to live a convincing, simulated life while machines grow and harvest people to use as an ongoing energy source.
Arnold is the reality
what now?
WIENER SCHNITZEL - it's basically like a hot dog (here in america)

.... wat?
WIENER SCHNITZEL - it's basically like a hot dog (here in america)

Trolling level: master
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