recruiting a media group

This post is for getting a media group or a presenter for our youtube channel to be presenting

* reviews
* news on games
* gameplay ( showing gameplay and talking about plan of ections etc )
* lan events ( presenter will go to lan events with teams )
* talking about whats happening currently with the community company and gaming
* talking about hardware and having a general knoledge of hardware

the presenter needs to be fluent and clear on communication presenting graphics on a user level without editing too much. We are looking for someone who is long term based commited to presenting and developing our channel. This person must have a natural flare for presenting and a passion for the latest and greatest things available and yet to come

simply apply by emailing us to {support at}

ps: any offers will be discussed by EMAIL!
why would someone want to work togheter with a cheaterloving twat like you?
Why would anyone wanna play with cheater twat like you ?
gameplayserver = cwg's raper??? are you used to steal money from ppl "working" with you???
Who are you working for ?
Danje. you get to go to lan events for free reprisenting sponsored and community teams and writting reviews and how they did.

a majority of the games will come for free yes, however this doesnt guarentee that you will.

i hope this answered your questions :)
Danje on 21/03/12, 21:01:39 PM | Report | Reply

Money involved?
Will the reviewer get the games for free?

Click on that one
It worries me that you're apparently English yet can't spell 'Representing'.
I'm interested. I'll email tomorow.
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