Things to do on MDMA?

So I was wondering fellow crossie addicts,

I just got myself some quality stuff. Already used a couple of times at a rave, now I'm just gonna sit down with some friends and enjoy it. Looking for some nice stuff to do while on that stuff!

Hit me up with your badman stories


keep it for your next party
Keeping it for Dourrrrrrrrrrr
not that it's hard to find ANYTHING there =)
Prefer to bring my own, trusted stuff though
:) badman stories enough

Telling at BBQ's only
talk, listen to good music on background, turn it on when you feel the vibe

chew bubble gum! :D

i've used xtc in college with my mate (was weird but fun), randomly walking, on partys and so on

but kinda grew out from it
i so crazy!!!

awesome :D whereu always find new stuff
adding every single artist on facebook, forums, good yt chans

oh and ofc soundcloud
fucking nice, always good stuff from YOUJIZZZZZZZZZ
lol thanks again imma go sleep now ill check this expectedly awesome stuff later

cherrz youjiz
Optiv & BTK

Vicious Circle & Need For Mirrors

where the ones i reallly really liked, other ones were dirty good tunes but pure dnb

our tastes go a little bit different ways because i like more liquid/neurofunk/intelligent drum and base with like smooth bassline(hope you understand)


Optiv & BTK – Inception

they know how to deliver

[e] big thanks btw

noisia is sick. and this tune happened to be on the latest mixtape :)
Bubble gum is a must haha, devouring that stuff at raves
ye but you can't feel ur jaw on the next day anyway haha
Had to come up with an excuse for touching my jaw and looking painfull the day after, mom would kill me if she found out :(
Which college did you go to? We have practically none in Estonia ? :D
tallinna transpordikool

still a college :-D
:D:D You dont get kõrgharidus from there, so it isnt :P
you get kõrgharidus from an university

college ain't a university :P

lasnam2e mehanikakool, tallinna toostus haridus keskus, transpordikool are all colleges
They are kutsekool, where you get keskharidus.

That's a college where you get kõrgharidus :
hmm funny thing because every document i recieved when finished it said in english that it's a college and i have rights to work abroad so yeah D: Fuark shit is mysterious
I guess for US and other western cultures college is considered high education :D
go for a walk ;)
lol last time on real mdma we were painting all over the building we were partying in, some really weird stuff when we watched it next day :P after painting we all sit on one couch hugging eachother and watching movie hahah, that was the love part. generally shitload of speaking and crazy ideas, too much to mention. its nice @ chilling with friends but mainly i did it @ parties

e: we also climbed the building to the roof, sitting there @ like 20th floor and watching the city, it was so beautiful :P
watch flames or read a book :_D
whatever the fuck comes to mind?
only tough guys use MDMA and post it on CF! 8D
look in the mirror smashed and have a word with yourself
lachgas, als je pas voor sligro of andere groothandel heb kan je 50 patronen
voor 12 eu halen.

Moet je alleen nog iets maken om ze in in de balon te laten poppen. of zo kk dure slagroomspuit kopen:p
hey bob heb je whatsapp
party hard!

smoke a joint when the happy feeling is slowing down
doe wat leukers? smoke een jointje ofzo het is fucking lekker weer, GA LEKKER BUITENSPELEN OFZO of probeer eens een keer salvia :)

zelfs heb ik niet echt de behoefte om mdma te proberen
if that's quality.......
you should go for methylon and fuck some chickas :bbbb
Waste of time if you don'r go out or if you're not with girls. It's awesome for dancing and fucking but not a lot e;se.
get a massage from an hot chicks!
kill yourself!
Keep a notebloc near you =D
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