Your Wish is your Command

just found this interesting audio seminar. the author, kevin trudeau, is a dropout from secret societies. he didnt want to live on the parasitic life of the "elitists" and now made their secrets public, which you can listen to at the audio tracks.

That's bullshit and you know it.
That's what they want us to think.
Guess they also want us to think ferrets cant fly.. I swear i saw one yesterday.
guess you didnt tune in to that audios, so what does your opinion matter?
I did, and that's why I think as I do.
i dont think its bullshit, but i respect your opinion. great that you gave it a try :)
The main reason for me thinking this is having to order the CDs to your home. If he truly wanted to share the infromation, he'd have put all the tracks on the internet for free, instead of just giving a "free sample" (= sales pitch).
you get them download links per mail, each day one CD. there is no ordering. and of course they are free.
It's still a rather complicated method and kind of contradicts his implied ideology of spreading the word as much as possible..
true. though i dont think its him personally being in charge for that site. his page is
Just another internet marketer with his niche? "Register for FREE"(Subcribe facebook / via e-mail). You might get the audio book serie as a free 'gift', but later on you will get more emails offering something how it has been helping him and her and blabla and it costs a little bit. Then there will be web-seminars and so on...

Anyway the point is to make money with his niche.
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