mystic back in...rtcw?

lol he is playing the whole time rtcw...
whats wrong?
its the truth :P
no. yes. no.

nerds gonna get rolled
playing rtcw all the time. Delete this shit :x
really guys ... its no secret that a lot of good players like to play RTCW more than ET... its the real one....
its obviously fake, guy speaks with australian accent on vent like fro.
Idd man haha, clearly just fro nick laming :D
all coming together, how we didnt piece this together before I dont know
Idd, he's one sneaky crack addict that's all I can say
hahahaa :DD
not like he stopped playing before.........
mystic never stoped playing lol
when has he been gone
Who invited sherlock
hes always there
Desculpa ai se nao sabia
mas ya

ele o darkie owzo as vezes urtier, bull, lettu, kris.......
If the ET mystic aims like a robot and runs around with a knife for several spawns, than yes, it's him.
are you serious.. mystic is playing ET some things.. just using some random tzac account :DDDD.. you got to be kidding me about this journal..
aapje, words fail to describe the awesomeness that is you.
One must be careful with such a gift, with great power comes great responsibility.
But I couldn't think of a person more suited to handle such epic proportionated awesomeness, thank you for gracing us with your presence, thank you very much indeed.
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