Cooking by

Good afternoon Crossies,

as promissed, I’ll start with my cooking series here on Crossfire.
After all that stuff, I thought I would call it, if you want to discuss cooking, ask something or request a meal, join the channel on Quakenet.

As for today, I though I would start of with something rather cheap, easy and freaking tasty.
I have no clue how to call this meal but it simply is sliced chicken in thaicurry-coconut souce

(I got some things needed at home so they are not in the pic)
image: 1_einkaufypa20

Sliced Chicken (I bought 2x 400gramm since I’ll have it for lunch again tomorow)
Rice (~1 teacup/Person)
Mushrooms (I bought the small ones)
Suggarbeans (200g)
Coconutmilk (1 can)
Green Curry Paste (1/2 glass)
Ginger (small piece)
Thai-Veggetables (1 glass)

1. Step Rice

image: 2_reis_206b8g

2. Step Beans and Mushrooms

image: 3_beansb9yhs

image: 4_shroomspazmh
image: 5_shroom_rootsbqxpo

image: 6_shroom_rubdpavz

3. Step Ginger boats

image: 7_ingwer_skinppxv8
image: 8_ingwer_slice6clea
image: 9_ingwer_boatucyxg

4. Step Roast the chicken

image: 10_panrez96
image: 11_chicken_pastechxzt

5. Step cook the chicken, add the coconut milk

image: 12_chicken_friedw3b0z
image: 13_chicken_water4wz9u
image: 14_soysoucer3a0z
image: 15_coconutmilknylvt

6. Step Add the beans and the mushrooms

image: 16_vegsl8bl8

7. Step Seasoning round 1

image: 17_pasteslcyid
image: 18_cook94ajo

8. Step Seasoning round 2

image: 19_seasondrlgg

9. Step Add the thai-veggs

image: 20_thaivegsc5kzk

10. Step Finish off

image: 21_rice_donevijfn

image: 22_done8fkug

I hope you enjoyed reading this, if you did, leave a comment and I’ll do some more.

You can also simply request a meal, I’ll try my best to cook it.
For questions, simply write a comment, pm me or leave me a message in

Thanks for reading, join and idle


Nico “Rayzed” Schneider

I just found the bill:
Chicken: 2.49 each pack
Beans: 1.99
Soysauce: 1.69
Curry paste: 1.29
Mushrooms: 1.47
Thai-Veggs: 1.00
Coconut milk: 1.59
Ginger: 0.16
looks good :)
checked only photos :D looks tasty
same would like to go to an asia right now
<3 coconut milk with chicken,that must be good :)
one of my favorite dishes, and so easy to make! even though something is wrong if your chicken starts to boil...
If you roast chicken in a really hot pan, it will always lose "Fleischsaft", therefor it starts to boil
never happens to me with chicken... but I have the pan really really hot and the chicken is done within 2 minutes, I take it out, roast the vegetables, add the other stuff and put the chicken in 1 minute before the dish is done. otherwise it might become dry.
hmmn, dunno. Happens to me every time.
The chicken doesnt get dry my way since the pan is really "small" and high, therefor the chicken is not totally done when it stops roasting and starts boiling, that way it gets done by cooking and I dont have to roast->remove->add the chicken.
Your pan is not hot enough/you got too much meat in your pan for your stove. That's the only reason why it's losing its water, it's simply not cooking away fast enough so you end up with a sea on the bottom of the pan. You can either turn up your stove (which is probably not possible) or you could roast the meat in smaller portions. The Asian woks are like 10 times hotter than anything you can achieve on a standard European stove, so it's pretty hard to make the dishes exactly like them.

Other than that really nice dish and pictures! I'd also follow wsk's routine by frying the meat and vegetables seperatly and mix it together afterwards. Keep it up!

Having a little bbq at my mother's place in some minutes :-D
thats what I thought, too.
but I like that effect, the chicken is not done when you add the coconutmilk, so I dont have to remove it.
Its not a single bit dry.
Not talking about chicken drying out, it's just that it gives you the possibility to get a proper frying on the vegetables and other stuff
As mentioned above, I used that pan because of said effect.

It looks rather large but the bottom is made to fit on a small field on the stove.
sauce not souce :)
Hmm, somehow I get a feeling that it tastes kinda plain. But could be wrong, though I normally like my food quite spicy or/and hot.
if u use green curry it wont be plain :D
Thats kind of mild, still tasty tho due to the curry paste (and the other pastes).
To spice it up, you can either use red thaicurry paste instead of the green one or take a hot chilli, slice it in halfs, remove the seeds and just add it after adding the coconut milk.
That will heat up the meal, belive me
Crossfire 3.2 - A Cooking Community image: rss_smaller
Was about to post the exact same thing so +1
Crossfire 4.0 - Cooking community!

new awesome updates of 4.0 :D!
i dont think you are impressing anyone dude :P
Thats not what I want to achieve.
As mentioned in my prev. journal, I want to show the people who live alone or never really tried any cooking, how to make cheap, easy, healty and fast food.
Looking good
Dont like coconut though
Too much fat
9% yeah, in a week or smth like that, I might make a journal with soysouce only or maybe oystersouce if I can find a decent one here in Germany.
Stopped reading after seeing it has mushrooms :D
It's not like they are a must, you can leave them out you know..
nice one!
Doing myself some tidy stirfry tonight! If it was at my house I'd document the shit out of it for you G5 PLAYA STYLE




looks nice
Home alone on Saturday... Thought about making pizza but I think I've changed my mind :DD
Looks too delicious :>
anything else without chicken pls?
- mushrooms
+ mango
- green curry
+ red curry and chil
+ a bit cream

mjam mjam.
you are a female.... and females belong in the kitchen

So: ....

not bored of the kitchen jokes yet? ^^
i am... but it's so addictive
boy is guilty only when he hit the woman by a car, because he shouldn’t be driving in the kitchen :/

but apart from that i have to agree, jokes about girls are not amusing nor charming. wouldn't like to make a laugh in that way ever, especially towards the ones i love. a complete stranger doesn't deserve any less than a cheerful smile (even when she's not looking as good as i'd like to). unfortunately most of males fall in love with total sluts - no wonder why those jokes has appeared and are popular :U
Just a tip for next time you make this awesome threads; photgraphing food is an art you can master, it will inprove the tastyness of the photo.

Imo read an article about it online, one thing i already know is that you should use a light source opposite of you, facing the food so you get a nice glare in the food.

nice tho :)
If you are doing a one-man show, its hard to find the time for decent pictures, I tried my best tho.
gonna try this next week!!
maaaaaan that looks better than Germany nicon
Nice journal but I can tell you GermanyChief of Cooking at as follow dot et) nicon usually prepares those meal for the whole gaming crew while cooking.
Tbh nice to see something new at crossfire although im to much of a fussy eater to try much foods, sure it will be useful to some

Keep it up !
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